Became His True Love after Rebirth 

+5 Pearls 
Chapter 26 Provoking Henry’s Ire 
Were Henry and Noah also patrons of the teahouse? A spark of curiosity ignited within me. 
However, I quickly realized that their presence here bore no relevance to me. Soon, we would all part ways, our paths diverging. 
As we dined, Elly abruptly shared some thrilling news. “Ladies, I have some news to share. Jack and I have decided to tie the knot!” 
I nearly choked on my food, coughing violently. 
Lilly and Sammy’s eyes widened in shock. “Goodness, are you planning to plunge into the abyss of matrimony?” 
“Marriage may be a tomb for some, but not for Jack and me. We are a fortress of love,” Elly declared confidently. They were a striking pair, and although the He family may not be as illustrious as the Fisher family, they wouldn’t dare mistreat her. 
“No man is trustworthy. Don’t let love blind you!” Lilly, the most anxious among us, gripped Elly’s shoulder tightly. “Wake up! Have you pondered over this for at least half a year?” 
Elly understood our concern for her, so she didn’t take offense. She simply smiled and brushed Lilly’s hand away. “You all are overthinking marriage. I’ll restore your faith in love!” 
Lilly attempted to continue persuading her, but a subtle signal from me made her desist. 
Although we were close friends, it wasn’t our place to interfere excessively. As long as Elly was content with her decision, that was all that mattered. 
“I need to use the restroom.” After finishing our meal, the others continued to sip their tea and chat while I felt a slight discomfort in my stomach. I excused myself and rose. 
As I exited the private room, I veered towards the right. As I passed a door, I overheard Duncan’s voice. “Henry, you’ve stumbled upon true love!” 
I halted in my tracks and continued eavesdropping. 
Shane chimed in, his voice laced with schadenfreude. “It’s a pity that the girl pays you no heed, and even Mr. Patterson’s charm sometimes falls short.” 
“She already has a boyfriend. You should concede defeat. The world is full of other possibilities.” dub 
“Not just college girls; they’re everywhere!” 
Such was the nature of insincere friends. When you stray, they not only fail to guide you back but also egg you on. 
I began to realize that in the eyes of Duncan and the others, I was not regarded as Herry’s wife. 
They all treated Henry as if he were unattached, despite our marriage. 
14:05 Mon, Aug 19 G C B 
Chapter 26 Provoking Henry’s Ire 
+5 Pearls 
Suddenly, Noah’s voice sliced through the silence, sounding stern and icy. “What about Ramona? Your marriage to her is legally binding.” 
Suddenly, I felt a pang of guilt for soaking his lipstick in his thermos the other day. 
There was a brief silence in the private room, and after a moment, I heard Henry’s languid voice. “What kind of nonsense is ‘true love“? It’s merely a game. Haven’t you heard the saying? The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.” 
I didn’t catch Henry’s subsequent words because the pain in my lower abdomen intensified. I needed to use the restroom urgently. 
But what I hadn’t anticipated was that my period, which was two months overdue, had chosen today of all days to arrive! 
Perhaps it was due to improved eating and sleeping habits recently, coupled with the traditional Chinese medicine treatment for my blood deficiency, that my cycle had regulated itself. 
I lifted the hem of my skirt and took a peek. It was stained with blood. 
After a moment of contemplation, I dialed Henry’s number. 
My call went unanswered! 
He couldn’t spare a minute to talk to me because he was engrossed in discussing his pursuit of Violet with his friends. My period made me feel irritable. I stormed towards the private room where Henry was, flinging the door open. 
Everyone was startled by my abrupt entrance, especially Duncan, who had been particularly animated during our earlier conversation and was now left speechless. 
Henry was seated directly across from the door, clad in a simple black polo shirt that accentuated his maturity. His once–smiling face instantly soured at the sight of me. 
“Why are you here?” he frowned. 
I disregarded Henry’s gaze and instead waved to Noah, feigning a hint of shyness. “Dr. Newman, could I ask a favor of you?” 
Noah and Henry exchanged glances, reluctant to assist me. However, after enduring my persistent gaze for a while, Noah finally rose. 
Henry stared at me with a peculiar expression. 
Once Noah stepped out of the room, he asked, “So, what’s the problem?” 
“Could you help me purchase something,” I said, mustering what I hoped was a sweet smile. Although I could have asked Lilly and the others for help, I deliberately chose not to. 
“What is it?” Noah looked puzzled. 
“Bend down,” I instructed, standing on tiptoe. When I saw that Noah had lowered his head to listen, I 
Chapter 26 Provoking Henry’s Ire 
+5 Pearls 
I noticed the change in Noah’s expression. He probably didn’t understand why I would ask him for help with such a matter. 
Noah immediately refused, “No way!” 
“You can discuss how to woo women with Henry, but you can’t help your wife buy a pack of sanitary pads? You’re a doctor, after all. Don’t you have a sense of professional ethics?” I reprimanded Noah sternly. 
Noah looked at me with a complex gaze once again. He was the only man in Henry’s circle who had a somewhat normal perspective. Although he had done some outrageous things in his pursuit of Violet, at least he was single! Chasing a woman was a normal thing to do! 
It was far better than Henry, the crazed critic who had no moral boundaries. 
True to form, Noah didn’t argue further. With his thin lips tightly pressed together, he turned around and headed towards the stairs. 
I waited at the door, sending a message to reassure Lilly and the others so they wouldn’t think I had fallen into the bathroom. 
While waiting, the door of the private room opened once again, and Henry emerged. Seeing that I was the only one standing at the door, he asked, “Where’s Noah?” 
I pointed my finger toward the stairs. “Over there, he went that way.” 
Noah appeared, carrying a black bag in his hand. His fair and handsome face still bore a slight blush. Standing over 6 feet tall, he exuded a sense of bashfulness. 
Noah handed me the bag, his tone sounding somewhat unnatural. “Here,” he said. 
Happily accepting the bag, I completely ignored Henry, who was standing beside me, and shyly thanked Noah. “Thank you, Dr. Newman. I’ll treat you to dinner next time!” 
But before I could walk away, Henry grabbed my wrist after we left the teahouse, preventing me from moving any further. 
He glanced at the black bag in my hand, his eyes filled with a dangerous intensity. 
I felt a sense of satisfaction. Wasn’t Henry being hypocritical? Wasn’t he afraid of others discovering that I had betrayed him? And here I was, shamelessly flirting with his best friend. I might as well provoke him further. 
I allowed him to snatch the bag away, and as he opened it, I watched his expression darken. “You… Henry’s temper flared, his manners forgotten. You asked Noah to buy these for you?!” Huh? What’s the problem? Is it wrong for him to buy me sanitary pads?” I feigned confusion 
“And this!” Henry nearly yanked the pink underwear from the bag and flung it in my face. His face turned livid with rage. 
14:05 Mon, Aug 19 G GB. 
Chapter 26 Provoking Henry’s Ire 
+ 51% 
+5 Pearls 
In truth, I hadn’t expected Noah to be so attentive and considerate. I had only asked him to buy me sanitary pads and a skirt, but he had also taken into account the fact that my underwear was ruined. What happened to this wealthy, handsome, principled, and caring man in my past life? How had he lost to Henry? 
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