Chapter 9 “You can’t possibly expect me to wear this to school!” I gasp and yell through the curtain to the dressing room, as I pull down the hem of the bodycon dress continuously. Xander has had me trying on so many ridiculous outfits, that I’ve lost count. Seeing the way he dresses his self, I would have thought that his taste in women’s clothing would be pretty decent. Yep, maybe if you were buying your mistress a new wardrobe! I stop pulling on the hem and think back to all the outfits he’s had me try on, and the type of outfit it was. Is that what he’s doing? Buying me all these skimpy clothes because he thinks… “That isn’t for school.” the curtain is ripped to the side and there stands. not only Xander, but Garrett is now here as well, “it’s for the party we are throwing at the house Friday night.” My stepbrother explains as his eyes rake over me. Garrett bites his bottom lip and grins salaciously. “That will definitely do.” I have to turn away before they notice the change in my breathing pattern or how my erect nipples are just a little noticeable through the dress. It’s a one–shoulder dress in an emerald, green color and hugs every one of my curves. I would love it if it wasn’t for the fact that it ends just below my ass cheeks. “I can’t wear this dress like this.” “Hm, I think you’re right.” Xander states and I breathe a sigh of relief, “Take your panties off. 1625 Chapter 9 288 Wouchers I whip around, “Excuse me?” “You heard me, take off your panties.” He says a little slower and with a bit of irritation.. “Y–You can’t be serious.” He raises a brow, “Does it look like I’m joking? You can see the fucking panty lines through the dress, now, take them off. If I have to ask again then I will do it myself. You’re already walking a fine line today, Bree.” He growls. I gawk at both Kings as they wait for me to obey, “Well, can you at least give me some privacy?” The shake of Xander’s head tells me everything I need to know and I’m not going to press my luck any more by arguing, so looking past them to make sure nobody else is around, I reach under and pull my panties. down. I pray they don’t look too closely because they are still damp with the arousal from earlier when Xander had me on his lap. Stepping completely out of them, I go to put them with the rest of my clothes, but they are ripped from my hand by Garrett. My face heats as soon as he realizes they are wet and grins. I want to find a rock and crawl underneath it, never to be seen again. I’ve never had a guy hold a pair of my panties, let alone ones that are wet from my arousal. “Well, well, well, what have you been thinking about Kammy girl? Your panties are oh so very wet!” He states amusingly. My eyes flicker over to my stepbrother and he’s wearing a knowing smirk. The fact that I’ve been with him all afternoon and the only thing that could have possibly gotten me wet was our moment in the Rover. He knows this and so do I, and now he knows the effect that he has on me. If it was anybody else it may be different, but I know that he is going to use this to his advantage. 18 70% 16.25 Chapter 9 1288 Vouchers Garrett brings the scrap of material up to his nose and inhales deeply, “Oh sweet Kammy, your scent smells just as I imagined it. Here,” he hands them to my stepbrother, “smell how sweet our Kammy girl smells.” To my horror, Xander does just that. He closes his eyes as though he’s savoring the scent and then to make things worse, he runs his tongue over the crotch, and I can no longer watch. Turning my head away, I close my eyes and pray that they will just leave and let me wallow in my embarrassment by myself. There is no reprieve for me, though, as fingers grip my chin and turn my head back. I open my eyes only to see stormy blue ones staring back at me. “You taste as good as you smell, Bree. Tell me,” he pockets my panties, “What was it that made you so wet?” I can’t answer him, there is no way I can even get the words out of my mouth. Garrett crowds in to listen as well, and I whimper. If I thought that one of them smelled good, having two of them this close to me has my senses on overdrive and I’m wishing I still had my panties on as I can feel a small amount of wetness now on my thighs as I squeeze them together. For once, luck is on my side as the saleswoman comes by, “You cannot be doing this sort of thing in here! This is a place of business!” Unfortunately, my luck runs out at Xander’s next words, “Well, if you want to keep the Whitmore’s business then I suggest you shut the curtain and leave us to ours!” The woman’s eyes grow as big as saucers, “My apologies, Sir. I didn’t realize that it was you carry on.” She gives me a once over before snapping the curtain closed, leaving me alone with two of the worst guys in town. 41 10% 1625 Chapter 9 288 Vouchers “Now, where were we? Ah yes,” Xander muses, “You were about to tell us why you were so wet.” “Xander, please…” It’s all I can choke out. “Hm, fine, keep it to yourself. I suggest not writing it down in your diary, though, or else it may be up on your media page like tomorrow’s entry.” He turns and goes to leave. “You!” The last thing I wanted to do is give in, but I can’t let my private affairs be laid out like yesterday’s laundry. It’s bound to get back to my grandfather, and then what? I know he loves me, unconditionally, but when it comes to running the town, he won’t be lenient with me if I become a disgrace
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. So, I can’t let Xander win this round or any other for that matter. Although he may think he’s winning, it will only be because I’m allowing it. Straightening myself, I stare at his back until he turns back around with the fucking smirk on his face. “What about me?” He leans against the wall with his arms crossed. “It was you. You made me wet, okay, are you happy now?” I clench my fists so they can’t see how bad I’m shaking, not only from embarrassment, but from anger as well. “Explain to me how I made you wet?” He wants to play this game, let’s fucking play, “Had you not pulled me onto your lap in the car and then gotten yourself all hard as I sat on you, I might not have gotten aroused. You know, being a virgin and everything, little things like,” I glance down at his crotch, “that, tend to get me wet.” “Oh, no she didn’t!” Garrett chokes on laughter. 63.27% 1625 Chapter 9 288 Vouchers I place my finger over my lips like I’m thinking, “Or was it when your placed your hand between my breasts as you stared at my lips, wanting so bad to be able to kiss them but knowing that you never will?” Fuck, I think I might have gone too far. The way he’s glaring at me, like he wants to snap my neck, yep, I’d say I’ve gone too far, “I’m sorry, Xander, I…” he’s on me in a split second. Pressing me into the mirror, his hand on my throat only to keep me in place, he leans into me, “You actually think that I wouldn’t be able to get a taste of those lips if I really wanted to? Oh Bree, you’re so fucking naïve. I could get so much more than that if I really wanted to. Don’t believe me?” He leans in just a little more. “Xander…” Garret speaks his name in warning, and he stops. A smirk comes to play on his lips as he bites down on the lower one. He pushes himself away from me and then does a sweep of my body. “I’ll tell you what, Bree, promise me that you will wear that dress to the party Friday night, no matter what, and you will be safe from any entries being posted from now, and all the way through the weekend.” I jump on the deal; I mean, it’s just a short dress and if I stay sitting all night then I will be fine, right?