Chapter 50
In the past, even if Joan was late, no one would dare to say anything. All of them had to wait obediently for her. Joan did not know where this photographer came from, but he had such a bad temper.
“Who is he?” Joan asked.
“Wyatt Oslon, the magazine’s ace photographer.
“I’ve seen his work before. It’s pretty good. I heard that he even helped Fionna take a set of photos a while ago,” the assistant replied carefully. “I just heard that he has a bad temper.
The assistant had sorted out the relevant information about this filming before. Of course, there was also information about Wyatt, but it was obvious that Joan did not even read it.
Joan remembered. She had indeed seen the set of photos her assistant had mentioned on the Internet some time ago. The photos were not bad, but it was a pity that Fionna, that bitc h, was not worthy.
“If Wyatt could film a set for me, I would definitely be many times better than Fionna, Joan thought.
At the thought of this, Joan was not so angry anymore. She swayed her body and squeezed into the filming location. Everyone’s gazes gathered on her.
“I’m sorry, everyone. There’s a traffic jam on the way.” Joan smiled and said, “I’ll treat everyone to a meal after work. I’m really sorry.”
Everyone was shocked. Was this still the arrogant and despotic Joan?
Joan did not care about the surprised gazes and walked directly to Wyatt.
“I’ve long heard that Mr. Wyatt is a big shot in the photography industry. I didn’t expect that you are not only good at filming but also very handsome.” The smile on her face became brighter and brighter, and her gaze was full of seduction.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Joan said to Wyatt.
Wyatt’s eyes moved slightly as he sized up Joan. This woman seemed to be different from the rumors.
“It’s okay. I’ve always been tolerant of beautiful women,” Wyatt said.
A frivolous smile appeared on his lips, and his tone became gentle as if he wasn’t the one who had just flown into a rage just now.
“Ms. Taylor, you look prettier in person than online,” Wyatt said.
“Thank you for your praise,” Joan said.
Joan was about to accept the man’s praise, but she did not expect Wyatt to pick up his camera and walk straight into the studio.
“Since you’re here, let’s begin. You’ve already wasted too much time,” Wyatt said lightly. “If you’re any later, there’s no need to continue filming today.”
How can he change his attitude so quickly? Joan though
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Chapter 50
A trace of anger appeared in Joan’s eyes, but she still forced a smile and walked into the studio.
Wyatt Oslon, right? Good. I’ll remember that, Joan thought.
At the entrance of the kindergarten, Abby and Ballard were reluctantly saying goodbye to Summer.
Ballard and I will be good and not go anywhere.” Abby rubbed against Summer and said ‘t worry. softly, “Don’t worry about us.”
Ballard also said, “I’ll take good care of Abby.”
Although she had the promise of the two children, Summer was still a little worried. She repeatedly instructed their form teacher before leaving the kindergarten.
The two children were already liked by the teachers in kindergarten. With Summer’s instructions, they were taken care of even more meticulously. Even when they went to the toilet, there was a teacher following them.
Ballard was rather helpless about this.
At noon, all the children in the kindergarten needed to take an afternoon nap. Although Ballard was not sleepy, he obediently climbed onto the small wooden bed. Soon, the faint breathing of the children could be heard in the classroom.
Ballard felt that it was a little noisy and was about to take out his earphones to put them on when the classroom door suddenly opened from the outside.
Ballard immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
There was an additional sound of footsteps in the house. Perhaps the person was worried that she would wake the children up, so she seemed to be walking carefully with every step.
Although his eyes were closed, Ballard could still feel the person’s approach. A minute later, he felt that the person had stopped in front of his bed.
His body was stiff under the blanket. Ballard’s small hand quietly reached for his phone, but before he could do anything, he felt a slight pain in his head.
Was this person pulling out his hair?
Other than that, the other party did not do anything else. Ballard immediately heaved a sigh of relief.
After a while, Ballard quietly opened his eyes and realized that the person was the teacher he was most familiar with, Zora. Now, Zora walked to bed Abby and pulled out a strand of her hair.
Abby, who was in her sleep felt the pain and mumbled a few times, scaring Zora so much that she quickly shrunk her body under the bed. Only when she noticed that there was no movement did she carefully stick her body out.
Then, as if nothing had happened, Zora tiptoed out of the classroom.
“Why did Zora pull out our hair? Ballard thought
Other than Alick, Ballard couldn’t think of another person who had a reason to do this. Ballard hid under the
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Chapter 50
blanket and quickly edited this matter into a message.
On the other side, Summer was on the phone with Toby.
After all, Summer had always insisted in front of Alick that Toby was Abby and Ballard’s father. If Alick went to cause trouble again, Toby would be prepared in advance.
“I’m sorry to involve you in this matter, but I’m already working on a solution,” Summer said.
Summer’s voice was very soft as she said guiltily, “After this matter is resolved, I won’t have to let the children hide anymore.
On the other end of the line. Toby was silent for a long time. It seemed that he hadn’t expected this to be so complicated.
“Don’t worry. If Alick comes looking for me again, I know what to say.” His tone was calm, but Toby was very serious. “But I suggest you divorce him directly and fight for custody of the children.”
In cases where the children are very young, the court usually awards custody to the mother, so that Summer and the children can truly live a stable life, Toby thought.
In Toby’s opinion, this was the best solution at the moment.
However, Summer only sighed when she heard this. How could she not have thought of this?
With Alick’s methods, Summer would have no chance of winning the lawsuit.
“I can hire the best lawyer, and the only thing you should do is sign the indictment.” Toby knew her concerns, but he still insisted.
“You don’t have to worry so much,” Summer said.
As long as Summer agreed, Toby could help her settle everything immediately, so what if Alick was powerful?
If Summer didn’t take a gamble, how would she know that she had no chance of winning?
“Summer, trust me, Toby said.
Toby had always been good at arranging things. Even if the other party was Alick, he had never felt any fear.
However, Summer was different. She never did anything that she was not confident in.
“Thank you for your kindness, but it’s not that easy to fight a lawsuit.” Summer paused before continuing, “Give me a little more time to think about it.”
Then, Summer hung up the phone. If she really went against Alick, then this matter would become a bet that she had no chance of winning.
And she couldn’t bet on the children./
She couldn’t afford to bet and she couldn’t afford to lose.
“This is the version that they made with your previous design. D
improved?” the assistant asked.
you see anything else that needs to be