Chapter 177 
“Who doesn’t know how smart is Helly? You’re lucky to have such an intelligent and caring daughter. I’m not as lucky.” Matthew’s mother took over the conversation and engaged in small talk with the upper–class women. 

I wondered if it was really that impressive to study at Jesselton College. Their children were just among tens of thousands of students in that college. There was nothing to boast about. 
I was uncertain if they were doing it intentionally. They left me out and only talked about topics that interested them. They pretended I didn’t exist. 
Being ignored like this, I felt like this was the same as being humiliated. 
Although I wasn’t a daughter from a prestigious family, I was still cherished by my parents. I didn’t depend on anyone and relied on my efforts to study and earn money. Thus, I wouldn’t tolerate any disrespect from anyone. 
Plus, I only came here because Matthew had begged me to. 
I didn’t envy these people’s social standing or money. Thus, I didn’t want to butter anyone up to obtain anything. Nobody had the right to shame me, including Matthew’s mother. 
All of them were arrogant and thought they were better than others. They wanted to trample over me. However, I didn’t want to get involved in their lives no matter how grand they were. That was not something I desired, after all. 
Therefore, their talk sounded downright ridiculous to me. 
I felt annoyed sitting there. Thus, I sent a message to Matthew, “I’m going to leave now.” 
Since he brought me here, I needed to inform him if I wanted him to leave. I couldn’t forget my manners, after all. 
Matthew quickly ran back in less than five minutes. Without caring about what others. thought, he sat on the armrest of the couch where I was seated. 
As I was already seated near the edge, it seemed that I was nestled in his arms when he sat 
on the couch’s armrest. 
The young woman seated near the woman in the dress glared at me. The jealousy in her eyes caused me to feel dizzy. 
As Matthew was rich and handsome, he attracted a lot of women’s attention. I would 
+15 BONUS 
naturally become the target of their envy since I was under his protection. 
Most of the young women were there for Matthew today. It was no wonder why I was targeted since I stepped into the room. 
“Why are you leaving? The banquet will start soon, and there’ll be fireworks in the evening. along with the surprise 1 prepared for you. Why don’t you stay for a little longer? Or do you want to go on a stroll with me?” 
Sitting beside me, Matthew tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear affectionately. This caused the young lady from earlier to stare daggers at me. 
“Is Helen okay?” I asked him. 
“She’s fine. The family doctor said it’s only a strained muscle in her left hand. She’ll be fine in two days. It was inappropriate of me to leave you here, Lulu. I’m sorry for not considering your feelings. I won’t do it next time.” 
Matthew smiled, looking handsome in his suit. This caused my uneasiness to fade away. 
Although he always said such things wouldn’t happen again, I wondered whether it was impossible. It would just hurt our relationship more when he failed to fulfill his promise repeatedly. Plus, there was no way a normal woman like me could join such a prestigious family as his. 
“Oh.” Brenda elongated her reply and tilted her chin up like a queen. Then, she giggled in a 
fake manner. 
“So that’s what you were bothered about. No wonder you didn’t talk at all. I didn’t really think about that. Ms. Lawson, Matthew and Helly grew up together, so they’re considered childhood friends. They’ve always had a good relationship. 
“When they were young, they often played house. Matthew would be the father, and Helly would be the mother. What fun it was.”