Chapter 156 
It was rare for my former class monitor to be back in the city. He asked all former classmates in Southsville to gather at noon. 

Colin sent Felix and me to the restaurant. He reminded us to call him when 
the gathering ended. 
The gathering between former classmates should be pure and happy, with everyone giving life updates and recounting our friendship back then. 
But a few of them were arrogant. They constantly flaunted how outstanding they were and how much money they made, turning the friendship into a competition. 
I wouldn’t have come if I had known the gathering would become like this. During a toast, I found a moment to leave the private room and stay on the 
This restaurant was the same one as on the day Felix brought Lilac home for 
the first time. 
After a few years, the decoration style of the restaurant had changed. I wouldn’t have recognized this place if the restaurant’s name had also 
I was still Luna, and he was still Felix. But the changes of time had made us no longer the same we once were. If not for our memories, we wouldn’t be 
us anymore. 
The only thing I remembered about this restaurant was this small terrace. 
A long soft couch had been added, which could seat about five people. 
Although this place was small, it was as quiet as paradise. This place seemed to isolate the noise outside. I liked it very much. 
However, I couldn’t stay in this quiet environment forever. After sitting for 
less than ten minutes, someone found me and sat close beside me, 
He was tall and thin, with perfect facial features. There was the smell of alcohol on his body. His eyes were a little glazed over. I could see that he had drunk a lot. 
After almost six years, Felix was sitting so close to me for the first time. It was so close that I could smell his familiar scent. It was a pity that my excitement back then had turned into calmness. 
“It’s too noisy in there.” 
He gave me Sprite while smiling softly. 
I would never take the initiative to cause trouble. Since he showed a good attitude, I could get along with him peacefully. 
After taking the Sprite, I didn’t open it. Colin had banned me from drinking such carbonated drinks. I got used to not drinking them, so I just put the can of Sprite aside and asked. “What’s the matter?” 
Felix looked at me and then quickly looked away. There was a small part of the floor tiles that was damaged, and he stared at it for a while. Eventually, he said, “After so many years, I owe you a proper apology. 
“Lulu, don’t try to stop me from speaking or this discomfort will stay with me. I feel upset every time I think about it.” 
“Okay, go ahead.” 
“I was too impulsive then and didn’t consider your feelings. It was my fault. I wasn’t targeting you; I was simply disgusted with our parents who always tried playing matchmaker for us. I was simply annoyed with their 
“In the past few years, I’ve thought about why I was so cruel that year. The answer I came up with is vague. 
“After you left that day, my parents scolded me severely. I knew what I did. 
+15 BONUS 
was wrong, but I still couldn’t accept their lectures, so I said nothing. I just kept thinking about breaking free from their grasp regardless of the cost. 
“I don’t know why I acted abnormally. Now that I think about it, I hate myself for being so stupid. I really regret it. As for the two times you were injured, that could’ve been avoided if I had been more careful. I’m sorry I made you suffer.”