Chapter 553 
Let me take you back to rest…” 
Marian tried to support Bea, but Bea coldly said, “Did you and Sophie talk about the photograph?” 
Mrs. Burke isn’t that kind of woman. You must have misunderstood…” 
“Misunderstood? The photos are right here: how could it be a misunderstanding?” 
No, she could not allow James to be with such a woman! She must find a way to make James see this woman’s true colors! 
James had called Sophie to the bedroom upstairs. 
She looked at the room she once lived in. She used to wait here for James to come back. Time had flown by so quickly. 
James said. “The person in the photogmphis Colby.” 

It wasn’t a question but a statement. 
Sophie calmly said, “You’re asking even though you already know” 
Bea had not seen Colby many times, so naturally, she could not recognize his back and profile. But James had met Colby and dealt with him. He clearly knew who the person in the photograph was. 
James suddenly tumed around, grabbing Sophie’s shoulders. He restrained his emotions, asking, “How far have you two gone?” 
“Let go!” Sophie shook off James‘ hands, coldly saying, “James, don’t forget, we’re already divorced. My personal life is none of your business.” 
“But to the outside world, you’re still Mrs. Burke! If Grandma can get such photographs, so can others. Don’t you really care about your reputation?” 
Who wouldn’t care about their reputation? 
Sophie looked away, saying, “In less than half a year, well announce we’ve been divorced for a while, so a moment’s reputation doesn’t 
matter to me.” 
“What if Colby doesn’t want you by then? What will you 
“He is not you, he will never reject me.” Sophie’s tone was cold, but it struck James in the heart. 
James laughed, his laughter tinged with a hint of irony. “I don’t want you? Sophie, listen carefully, I can never not want you. I do anything for you. If you want it, even if you ask me to hand over this Devonport on a silver platter, I won’t even hesitate! But what about Colby? What has he done for you?” 
“He won’t deceive me, won’t demean me. He would give everything he has to me, his life, his heart. He wouldn’t care about any position or circumstance. He would always stand by my side, never leave me, and certainly wouldn’t try to kill me for the sake of another 
Sophie let all her thoughts pour out. In her eyes, Colby and James 
“Kill you? How could I ever want to kill you!” 
s were never comparable. 
James grabbed Sophie’s arm, trying overstepping” 
convey y his sincerity, but Sophie shook off his hand without hesitation, saying, “James, you’re 
Watching Sophie’s indifferent demeanor, James couldn’t understand, He’d thought about it for so long and still couldn’t grasp it. It’s just a month of coldness, but it led to Sophie’s resolute attitude. 
He saw disgust and alienation on Sophie’s face more than once. What had he done to make Sophie hate him so much? 
“The recording for the show is tomorrow. I won’t leave tonight. According to our agreement, we’ll keep to our own paths, that’s it. I’m really tired, goodnight” 
Sophie tumed and sat on the bed, the clock in the room ticking louder and clearer Seeing James still not leaving, Sophie frowned. “What? You’re not leaving? Want to sleep with me?” 
James adjusted his tie. He was always a gentleman in front of others, but now his mind was filled with images of Colby and Sophie laughing together, returning to the apartment, lying on the bed, and frolicking. 
James began unbuttoning his shirt. Sophie’s expression darkened. “James!” 
James advanced and pressed Sophie onto the bed, his eyes dark and unfathomable. “The divorce papers haven’t come through. You’re still my wife.” 
“Any sexual act against a woman’s will is considered rape. I advise you to think carefully. The CEO of Burker International jailed for raping his wife isn’t a good look.” 
James‘ grip slightly loosened. 
Sophle knew Burker Intemational was everything to James, and nothing was mom Important to James than II. 
Sophie calmly said, “Let go of me. Let’s get along properly. Mr. Burke, you also wouldn’t want me to have a cold face during the recording tomorrow, would you?” 
Hearing this, James regained a moment of sanity, releasing Sophie. 
The room fell silent. Sophie loosened her wrist, and James‘ voice was hoarse, Ill sleep on the couch.” 
Sophie calmly said, “Better go back to your mom. I think Bea wouldn’t really like the idea of us sharing a room.”