Chapter 408 
Soon after, Wendy’s team of makeup artists and stylists streamed in, tending to her exclusively in a whirlwind of make–up and style transformations 
Watching with envy and jealousy, others murmured, “Having a rich dad is such an advantage. I wish I had that kind of treatment” 
“Keep dreaming she’s got a wealthy father, what do you have? 
Seeing the scene, Dorothy hurried over to Wendy 
“Wendy, it’s impressie. With just a call, you summoned such professional makeup stylists. Could your team give me a makeover too? Dorothy’s eyes sparked with hope. She had been flattering Wendy for a while now, hoping for some favor in retum. 
However, Wendy merely glanced at Dorothy and retorted, “You?” 
Nodding quickly, Dorothy persisted, “Wendy, the company’s makeup artists aren’t as skilled. Your team is top–notch. We’re best friends, could you get them to help me out too?” 
Dorothy had anticipated Wendy not to refuse, but Wendy coldly scoffed, “We’re competitors, remember? Do you think I’d let you outshine me?” 

Dorothy was taken aback by Wendy’s response. Onlookers chuckled at her expense. 
“Look, the lapdog has nothing to show for it in the end.” 
“You better start planning for the photoshoot Theard what you said earlier, Dorothy, about our company’s makeup artists not being up to par.” 
“If they re not good enough, you’d better figure something out yourself.” 
Dorothy’s expression burned grim The two makeup artists didn’t bother to spare Dorothy a second look when she glanced over. 
Her makeup ended up being the worst among all the trainees. 
Upon seeing her reflection in the mirror, Dorothy’s expression darkened. “What have you done to me? This is unacceptable!” 
The makeup artist gave Dorothy a cold glance and replied, “Sorry, Ms. Reeves, our skills aren’t quite up to standard.” 

Gaby swing open the door to the makeup room and announced, “Time’s up. Let’s all head out now.” 
Maeve stood up, and when the makeup artists saw her makeup, they couldn’t help but be surprised. They had assumed Maeve’s makeup was professionally done by outside experts, unaware that Maeve had done it herself. 
The photographer casually took photos of each trainee, snapping one after another without pausing for feedback. 
When it was Wendy’s turn, she approached the setup and stood confidently. 
The photographer frowned through the lens and said, “Hey you. Could you please turn slightly to the side?” 
Wendy’s expression soured at the remark, but she reluctantly complied and turned slightly. Once the photographer finished shooting, he waved his hand casually in her direction. Wendy walked away. 
When it came to Marve’s turn, the photographer’s lips curled into a smile. “Ms. Scott, please try a few other poses. We’ll capture a few extra shots.” 
Maeve remained sent, adhering to the photographer’s request. 
The photoshoot soon wrapped up, and everyone headed to the staff cafeteria. 
Wendy stared at her plate but couldn’t bring herself to eat a single bite. Frustrated, she slammed the table, muttering, “What’s with that photographer? Thinks I’m too bulky, so he can only shoot me from the side? 
“And Dorothy, look at how they did your makeup. Who knows how it look on camera? The photographer only bothered to snap a few extra shots of Cathy and Maeve. The rest of us are just filler!” 
Wendy glared at her untouched food, her appetite vanishing in an instant. She stood up abruptly and turned to leave. 
Cathy intervened, “The meals are set for everyone. If you skip now, your stomach will be empty all night. You’ll end up gaining more weight it you can’t resist snacking later.”