Chapter 403 
Cara hurried forward, urgency in her voice. “Conner! Why are you back so late?” Conner adjusted his the casually. “It’s nothing just had a few things to handle” 
“What sort of things kept you out this late?” 
Clara couldn’t bring herself to trust a man’s words. Men were always deceitful–either enjoying themselves at home or seeking pleasures elsewhere. Suspicion darkened her eyes, and Clara spotted a lipstick mark on Conner’s pristine white collar 
Noticing the mark, Clara felt as if she had caught onto something she reached out and grabbed Conner’s coller, demanding “What is this?” 
Conner glanced at the lipstick mark, recalling the moment Maeve had seemingly tallen into his arms in the car, their eyes meeting as she straightened up. 
In an instant, Conner understood Marve was manipulating him to feel Clara’s suspicions 
As Cara faced Conner’s silence, her suspicions solidified into anger. 
She barked, “Finel You say you love me, but you won’t even touch me. It’s all just an act. I knew it, you’re really cheating on me!” 

“Nachale, please, let me explain-” 
won’t listen! I’ll tell Dad right now that you never loved me, and it was all a lie.” 
Clara usually wielded her playful charm adeptly, but this time, as she tried to leave the manor, Conner abruptly pushed her to the ground. 
Startled, Clara stared up at Conner in disbelier. “How dare you push me!” 
Conner had always treated her with gendeness, shielding her from harm. He had never shown force toward her before. 

But now, Conner’s gaze was chillingly unfamiliar, as though he were looking upon someone he loathed. 
He crouched, gripping Clara’s chin tightly. “Heiress of the Ramos family? You’re not even close.” 
“Don’t think I’m oblivious. You’re not the Bamoz heiress. You’re just a gambler’s daughter, a murderer, a skilled liar. Allowing you to pose as Nathalie was my greatest act of mercy. You should be grateful,” 
Conner’s words left Clara stunned. “You.. You knew all along? 
“Do you think your tricks could fool me?” Conner pushed Clara away, leaving her trembling on the ground, consumed by fear. She had believed her actions had gone unnoticed, but Conner had been aware all along 
Observing her vulnerable state, Conner sneered, “I thought you could behave and play your part, but instead, you’ve only caused me trouble. You even went so far as to hurt Bryce Do you have a death wish?!! 
“I just wanted to teach Marve a lesson.” 
Clara clung desperately to Conner’s leg. “Conner, I was wrong. Please don’t tell Dad! if he finds out I’m a fraud, I’ll be back in prison!” 
Conner’s tone remained icy. “Tear suits you. You’ll meet Nathalie sooner than you think if you keep underestimating me.” 
Clara couldn’t shake the memory of the inmate who had begged her for help in finding Henry Ramoz with a ring 
“Could it be true? Had Conner killed the real Nathalie Ramos?” she wondered aloud. 
“You.. Are you saying. You killed her?” 
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