It didn’t matter if she was sent there, as long as she didn’t plead guilty. 
She reckoned that Clara would save her as soon as she became Sergio’s wife. 
Sergio was observant, and he noticed Belle’s unusual reaction. His gaze turned cold. 
Larry instructed, “Bring her to the police station. 
“Hold on.” 
Sergio reached out a hand and stopped Larry. “Don’t need to send her to the police station.” 
Just then, Belle, who thought she could escape, felt strange. She wondered what he meant by not sending her to the police station. 
Sergio scoffed, “I wonder how long it would take to interrogate her in the police station? It’d be better if I resort to my own means.” 
Belle had a foreboding feeling when she heard that 

Sergio said to Larry, who was next to him. “Lock her in the black box. Only let her out when she’s willing to spill the truth.” 
In their field, there tended to be something they couldn’t disclose. Hence, it was normal for them to resort to such means. 
Larry grasped the meaning behind Sergio’s words and replied, “Okay, Mr. Brooks.” 
Belle shivered and asked, “W–What’s the black box?” 

od. I’m not sure 

ar food 
“The black box is a small, completely dark room without windows. We lock someone in a cage without giving them water or what could be around, but there could be rats, spiders, or snakes…” 
“No! I refuse! This is against the law! You guys—” 
Before Belle could finish speaking, Sergio kicked her chest. “I’m giving you one last chance. If you don’t tell the truth, you’ll be locked inside till death. I swear this is worse than any way of dying.” 
Chapter 262 
“No. No! I’ll tell you!” 
Belle grew anxious when she heard Sergio’s words. She wasn’t ready to die yet. 
Shivering, Belle said, “I–II you promise to let The go after I tell you all this, I’ll tell you everything!! 
“I can’t guarantee you that, but I’ll be nicer to you il you tell me.” 
Belle’s lace paled when she heard that from Serglo. 
That only meant he wouldn’t let her go easily no matter what she said that day. 
Sergio looked down at Belle, who shmped to the ground, and said, “Whether you want to go to the police station or the black box, it’s up to you.” 

Belle raised her head and met Sergio’s icy gaze. She made up her mind and confessed, “E–Everything 
Before Belle could finish her words, the office phone rang 
Larry picked up the phone. The person from the other end spoke for a moment, and he replied, “Okay.” 
Then, he hung up the phone and looked at Sergio, “Mr. Brooks, Ms. Stewart is here.” 
“Why is she here? I’m not seeing her!” 
Sergio’s voice turned cold. 
Belle’s expression froze when she heard Clara was here 
Sergio’s gaze fell upon Belle again as he said, “You can say it now.” 
“Everything… Everything was my idea! I owe some debts because of gambling, and I was afraid. So I could only kidnap Mrs. Brooks! Please! I learn my mistake now. Don’t lock me in the black box. I’d rather be sent to jail! I mean it!” 
Belle kept bowing. 
Sergio narrowed his intimidating eyes and asked, “Did you kidnap Maeve only because of your gambling, debt?” 
“Yes! Lowe So million dollars! I can’t afford to pay for it! I have no choice, so I 
“You’re lying!” 
Sergio’s voice grew colder, making Belle’s face turn as white as a sheet in mere seconds, 
“How did you know my phone number and the location of Brooks Manor?” Sergio walked up to Belle and warned, “I’m giving you one last chance. If you don’t tell me the truth, I’ll have someone break your limbs, and you can never gamble again!” 
It would be such a pain for a gambler to lose their limbs, Belle instantly panicked. “This is against the law! You can’t 
“Didn’t you know it was against the law when you kidnapped Macve?” 
Sergio’s gaze was apathetic. 
Belle felt her legs give out. Sergio didn’t intend to let her go. 
nt to mee 
Outside the office, Clara had arrived at the door, but she was stopped by the security guard. She kept looking inside the rooms. “I want to meet Mr. Brooks. Let me in! Let me in!” 
Sergio used to be fond of Clara. Seeing that she was about to break in, they dared not stop her further, for they were afraid of hurting her. 
In the CFO’s office, Sergio’s icy voice sounded, “I want her out of here. Can’t you heat mo?” 
As soon as he finished saying that, Clara pushed open the door and entered the room. 
aplain dress. Her appearance was what Sergio used to like the most,