Chapter 194 
Katherine was stunned. 
“Ruth that crazy woman was actually dead” 
When she thought about how Ruth had caused Valerie to suffer in the e past, Katherine even felt a litle relieved. She felt that Ruth simply deserved 
to die. 
However, when she saw that Valerie did not look too good, Katherine could only shut up. As a bystander, she naturally did not have a good impression of Ruth. However, to Valerie, Ruth was the person she had called her mother for more than 20 years. 
That was indeed the case. 

The moment Valerie heard this news, it was as if she had been hit in the head. 
Everyone knew that she did not have a good relationship with Ruth, but even when she was about to be driven crazy by Ruth, she had never had any thoughts of hoping that an accident would happen to Ruth. 
“Valerie, don’t be anxious. You didn’t cause this. Don’t blame yourself” Katherine quickly comforted Valerie. 
However, Valerie seemed to have lost her soul. She could not hear what Katherine said at all. When she arrived at the hospital, she rushed in without a word. 
Her aunt’s family was guarding the door of the ward. Other than them, her other relatives came too 
On the way here, Valerie still had a trace of hope in her heart. She felt that Melinda might have exaggerated this matter. Seeing that everyone was gathered here with heavy expressions, Valerie knew that this was most likely the truth. Especially when she walked into the ward and save the long blanket covering Ruth’s entire body Valerie’s legs suddenly went weak. Fortunately, Katherine was standing behind her and quickly supported her to prevent her from filling. 
Valerie forced herself to stand up and looked at Melinda. “Why would there be a car accident?” 
Melinda hesitated for a moment before saying “Valerie, you don’t know. Your mother has been in a daze these past few days. I reckon that you hurt her heart at her birthday banquet that day. I didn’t expect that her daze would cause a car accident today.. 
It was really because of her? 
Valerie’s pupils constricted for a moment. She could no longer hear what Melinda said next. 
She looked at the bed and was indescribably shocked. 

She had called Ruth ‘mom for so many years, but in her memory, she had never received a single word of praise or love from Ruth. When she was young, whenever she was not up to Ruth’s standards, she would either hit or scold her. There was one incident that left a deep impression on her. She asked Ruth for five dollars to buy pencils and rulers for the exam, but she did not know that Ruth was in a fit of anger after losing money when gambling. She reprimanded her and finally threw the money on the ground and made her kneel down to pick up the money. 
There was another time when her uncle’s younger brother came to visit and accidentally tore Ruth’s new clothes. He felt guilty and pushed the blame on her. In the end, before she could even explain, Ruth was so angry that she slapped her and pushed her out of the door to stand in the cold wind for three hours in the middle of the night. If not for her eldest brother’s return, she might have died on that winter night… 
Similar things had been weighing down on her for so many years that she could not breathe 
It would be a lie to say that she didn’t hate Ruth. 
However, no matter how much she hated Ruth, she never thought that Ruth would die 
Expecially when she found out that Ruth was really in a car accident because of her. At this moment, Valerie’s heart tightened 
Valerie could not help but feel regretful. She should not have fallen out with Ruth that day. After all, they were mother and daughter, but she killed 
When a person died, no matter how much resentment she had, it seemed to have lost its meaning. Instead, what surrounded her heart was guilt and heartache. She really did not have a mother anymore! 
Valerie knelt in front of the hospital bed. She knelt for Ruth’s gratitude for raising her. Her kneeling was also her guilt towards Ruth. No matter Ruth treated her in the past, from now on, it would be written off. 
However, what Valerie dal not expect was that just as she was feeling sad, the blanket on ““dead”, was not only fine, but her face was also rosy and full of energy. 
the bed was sukdenly lifted, Ruth, who should have been