Chapter 320 
Several of the leaders were leaning towards having Yara perform the surgery. 
“Like I mentioned,” Yara said, “I’ve operated on Adler before and have the experience. Despite my recent misjudgment, my medical skills have always been top–notch here at the base.” 
They didn’t know much about Flora’s abilities and were hesitant to take the risk. 
Connor didn’t even glance at Yara. His eyes were locked on Flora, who met his gaze with a confident smile. 
“Flora will handle the surgery,” Connor declared, firm and resolute. “Flora, whatever you need, just let me know, and I’ll make sure it’s ready:” 
He knew Flora never took on tasks she wasn’t sure she could handle. He trusted her completely. 
Connor’s unwavering decision nearly drove Yara to the brink of rage. 
“Boss, since you’ve chosen Ms. Flora, I won’t object. But I insist on being present during the procedure, just in case something unexpected happens,” 

Yara said. 
Connor looked to Flora for her thoughts. She shrugged nonchalantly. 
“If she wants to watch, let her. It doesn’t bother me,” Flora replied. 
In no time, everything required for the surgery was prepped, and Adler was moved to the operating room, 
Even with Flora in charge, the leaders were still uneasy. After seeking Flora’s consent, they, along with Connor, donned sterile suits and stayed to observe. 
“Hand me the tweezers,” Flora instructed Yara. 
Despite her years of experience, this was the first time Yara was acting as an assistant and being ordered around by Flora. It stung her pride. 
Grinding her teeth, she handed the tweezers to Flora. 
The leaders watched tensely, hardly daring to breathe as they observed Flora, 
Chapter 320 
It was also Connor’s first time seeing Flora operate. His dark eyes were fixed on her, unwavering. 
On the operating table, Flora was a different person altogether. The usual playful and carefree demeanor she showed around him was replaced by a serious, focused professional. 
“That incision point is wrong!” Yara exclaimed as Flora adjusted the equipment and prepared to make an incision. “That area is packed with nerves. Cutting there could damage Adler’s optic nerves and cause blindness!” 
The leaders gasped. 
“I’m the lead surgeon here,” Flora snapped, her patience wearing thin. “Neurosurgery is critical. If you want to stay, then keep quiet.” 
Yara felt humiliated and angry, reprimanded publicly. 
Flora’s chosen incision point was indeed risky, and she wasn’t even allowed to voice her concerns! 
Fine, Yara thought. She kept silent, waiting to see how Flora would handle any complications. 
Flora focused on the equipment, making a swift and precise incision. Her hand, holding the scalpel, moved with confidence, navigating through the dense network of nerves to reach the hematoma 
To an outsider, the process might have seemed simple, but only professionals knew the true difficulty. Less than two centimeters from the hematoma was a -vital nerve. The slightest tremble could cause brain death. 
Yet, Flora’s hand remained remarkably steady, with not even a hint of a tremor. Yara was filled with disbelief. She had attempted to clear this blood clot before but had been too nervous, failing to remove it completely. But Flora, with her quick and steady hands, had cleared it in an instant. 
Flora’s medical skills far surpassed Yara’s. A deep sense of crisis enveloped Yara. She couldn’t let Flora succeed. If the surgery was a success, there would be no place for her in the base anymore. 
Suddenly, a terrible idea occurred to her. She slowly shifted her position. Everyone’s attention was on Flora, and with the operating table between them, no one noticed her movement. Flora, focused solely on the surgery, paid her no mind. 
Yara slowly lifted her foot, aiming a kick at Flora’s knee. The motion was light, as if she had accidentally bumped into Flora’s leg, but the kick was aimed at a pressure point that could bring an ordinary person to their knees. 
Flora grunted, her knee bending involuntarily. Yara’s lips curled under her mask, thrilled at the thought of Flora losing grip of the scalpel and cutting Adler’s brain nerve, killing him. 
But to her shock, despite the pain, Flora’s hands remained as steady as ever, maintaining their exact position. 
Impossible! Yara thought, panicking. She prepared to strike again, but Connor approached swiftly. 
“What’s wrong?” he demanded, noticing Flora’s distress immediately. 
Yara was forced to retract her movement, feeling a deep resentment. Flora, her legs weak, bit down on her teeth, barely managing to keep herself from falling. Her hands, though sweating profusely, remained stable. 
“Ms. Flora, you’re sweating. Is something wrong?” Yara asked, feigning concern while looking for an opportunity to target Flora’s arm pressure points. But before she could act, Connor, sensing something amiss, stepped between them and pushed her back. Seizing the moment, Flora quickly finished the suturing. 
Once done, Flora could no longer hold on, leaning against the operating table and half–squatting. Connor rushed to support her. Flora pressed on a pressure point near her knee, easing the pain and weakness. 
“What happened?” Connor asked, his jaw tense. 
Flora didn’t answer. She stood up, walked over to Yara, and slapped her hard across the face. 
“How dare you!”