Chapter 274 
Chapter 274 
Keaton was getting frustrated. Torn, do you know the results am out today? You can check them now 
“Now I know, I check them in a bit, Flora replied, rubbing her aching head–she had only managed to sleep around five in the morning. Keaton was speechless. Why couldn’t she check them now? He had never seen anyone so laid back about their resultst 
“Well, just remember to check them later,” he said helplessly 
Alter hanging up, Flora collapsed back onto her bed 
Ten minutes later, she got up, picked up her phone, and entered the website. It showed no information. 
In the class group chat, messages were flashing non stop, everyone had already checked their results and were posting screenshots in the group 

Kaylee and Dane had sent her private messages. 
Kaylee: Flora, are you still not awake?] 
Dane: Flora, have your scores come out yet? W bad?) 
Why haven’t you said anything? Did you do so well you’re afraid to tell us and make us feel 
Flora replied to each one and then tried the webpage again. Still no information. She simply gave up on checking and, after getting ready went downstairs for breakfast. 
Raul and Henrik had already eaten and were each busy with their own things, neither having gone to work today. 
When he noticed Flora came down, Raul asked indifferently, “Flora, did you get your results?” 
“Not yet” she said, shaking her phone 
Henrik was surprised. Still no results? Could they have been intercepted? When Henrik had topped the city, his results had been intercepted tog 
By eleven o’clock, Flora still hadn’t found her scores. 
University of Maple Grove. 
Academic Affairs Office 
All the professors crowded together, eyes glued to the screen numbers, burning with intensity. 
“What kind of genius is this!” 
eyes, they would never believe someone could achieve such scores 
If they hadn’t seen it with their own ex 
Staring at the screen with Flora’s name, Mr. Garcia of the University of Maple Grove’s eyes were ablaze! 
Such a talent, they must keep her at the University of Maple Grovel They absolutely cannot let Oakville College snatch her away! “Quick! Intercept the scores tightly. They must not leak out! I’m heading to Cedarvale right now, to get to Flora before Oakville College does! 
That’s not good, Mr. Garcia.. the programmer was sweating profusely, “We can’t hold it back anymore!” 
Til take a helicopter!” 
Upon hearing this, Mr. Garcia didn’t hesitate and hurried off to Cedarvale. 
Westbrook High School. 
Keaton satin front of the computer, surrounded by a bunch of teachers. Everyone’s results had come out, except for Flord’s. If there were still no results by now it must have been intercepted 
“It seems Flora did quite well” 
“Mr. Holt, do you have any idea what Flora’s scores might be?” 
“Probably around 730,” 
Keaton estimated conservatively. Considering the difficulty of the test, there weren’t many who scored above 130 nationally 
All the teachers exchanged glances. If Keaton’s estimate was correct, then Flora was definitely Cedarvale’s humanities top acoged 
Chapter 274 
“Ah! It’s here, it’s here!” Just then, a technician suddenly shouted, “Flora’s scores are out!” 
Hearing this, the teachers rushed over. Then, row after row of numbers appeared before their eyes, they could hardly believe what they were seeing! 
“Holy smokes…” Keaton cursed in disbelief. These scores were not just the top of the city.