Chapter 261 
Jack couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
Flora wanted to race him? She’s just a young girl. Could she even drive? 
He shot a look at Connor, a plan already brewing. They’d only met a couple of times, but Jack could tell Connor had a thing for Flora. He couldn’t get to Dane directly, but if he could make Connor suffer, that would be just as satisfying. 
Racing had been his thing since he was a kid, so taking on a girl was no big deal. If she got hurt in the process, it would definitely hit Connor where it hurt. 
“Alright, I’ll race you. But let’s have a bet. If I lose, I’ll stop bothering Dane for good. I’ll avoid him whenever I see him. But if you lose…. you have to kneel and kiss my shoe!” Jack said with a sneer. 
Flora stared at him, her face unreadable. “You better keep your word. After the race, you stop going after Dane.” 
If Jack tried to back out, she wouldn’t hesitate to deal with his family. 
Jack quickly nodded. “I promise, after the race, we’re done with this.” 

“Flora! How could you agree to this?” Dane was almost in a panic. “Jack has been racing since he was a kid. You can’t beat him! And racing is dangerous, even the smallest mistake could…” 
Flora narrowed her eyes slightly, giving him a calm, reassuring look. “Trust me.” Her voice was steady and confident. 
Jack chuckled, eager to see if she could stay that composed later. He put on his helmet, hopped on his motorcycle, and took the lead. 
Connor and Flora followed slowly in their car, with Dane, Alex, and Kaylee quickly catching up. 
In the car, Flora sat in the passenger seat, leisurely munching on cookies as if she wasn’t about to race. Connor glanced at her, pursing his lips. “Let me race him,” he said. 
Flora blinked, turning to face him. “What? Don’t you trust me?” 
“It is dangerous, Connor replied seriously. His half–sibling from his mom’s second marriage loved racing and had once broken his leg. It took nearly a year with a specialist to recover fully. 
Flora smiled, offering a cookie to Connor’s lips. He hesitated, then took a bite. 
“Just trust me. I wouldn’t do anything I’m not confident about. With you here, I’ve got too much to live for.” 
“Flora, can you listen just this once?” There was a trace of helplessness in Connor’s voice. He knew Flora was capable, but racing wasn’t a joke. He couldn’t bear the thought of her being in any danger. 
“Connor…” Flora blinked. 
Normally, Connor would have given in, but not this time. 
“Alright,” Flora sighed. “You drive, but I’m coming with you, in the same car.” 
Connor knew this was Flora’s final concession. He didn’t refuse. He was confident he could protect his girl. 
The night grew deeper as they reached the outskirts, where the roads were even emptier: Jack wished he could speed up to 200 mph, but the car behind him stayed strictly under 40 mph. Even the traffic cops would have to tip their hats to them for being such law–abiding citizens