Chapter 294 
“Ms. Reed is Mr. Wellington’s wife? Everyone’s faces were filled with astonishment. “Ms. Isaac, is this true?” 
Hayley’s expression had already turned quite sour. If it weren’t for the slightly dim lighting in the corner, they might have clearly seen her gritting her teeth as she glared at the uninvited guest opposite her. 
“Ms. Carter, this is our private gathering. What are you doing here?” She emphasized the last few words with a particularly harsh tone, loud enough for the two women to hear. 
Tve been too idle lately and happen to be a club member. I was bored, so I came in to take a look, Jessica didn’t care about maintaining any decorum. She lit a cigarette, took a drag, and blew out a puff of smoke, then turned her head with a seductive smile, looking at the others. 
but “As soon as I came in, I heard your friends here were very interested in Ms. Reed. They were asking you, you pretending not to know. She shrugged, her tone casual and mature, as if joking, “I thought I’d do everyone a favor and let them know. We wouldn’t want anyone to accidentally offend Mr Wellington’s precious wife, right?” 
Everyone present heard her words loud and clear. They were all sharp people and didn’t press Hayley further. Their gazes fell on the unfamiliar guest, scrutinizing her more closely. 
Everyone there knew Jessica Carter. She had once been a famous actress, flaunting her status as Dominick’s girlfriend. However, she was rumored to have offended him, and no film company had dared hire her since. 

Seeing her now and looking at the woman at the shooting range, everyone started having their own thoughts. 
“So. Ms. Reed is Mr. Wellington’s wife. No wonder Mr. Hayes always takes such good care of her. 
“Right, I noticed long ago that Ms. Reed has a different temperament than the other models. 
A bunch of sycophants, their faces beaming, yet saying the most sincere words. 
They wouldn’t have pestered Hayley if they had known that Stephanie was Dominick’s wife. With her present, why bother with the audition? They’d be busy currying favor instead. 
“Ms. Isaac, maybe we should reconsider our vote about the advertisement” 
“Absolutely, I think Ms. Reed’s performance was impressive.” 
Businesspeople were driven by profit, and they could be shamelessly opportunistic. Whenever the tide turned, so did their 
“Let’s leave this to the director to decide. The company has its own procedures.” Hayley’s face grew increasingly unpleasant as she faced their persistent questioning. The advertisement had been decided, and Eloise was chosen, but now even Eloise might not dare to accept the job. 
Jessica said, “Ms. Isaac, it seems you don’t get along too well with Ms. Reed. That’s not very wise, is it?” 
Hayley saw that Jessica’s arrival tonight was clearly a personal attack on her, and anger surged within her. Jessica should have been living in hardship, but here she was, clad in designer brands and flaunting a diamond ring, practically parading her wealth. “Ms. Carter, have you found a new benefactor? It seems like you’re doing quite well.” 
Jessica replied, “Tin fine. I’ve got a man footing my bills. Those diamond pieces at auctions? I’ve got plenty. Unlike you, Ms. Isaac. You have to hustle and fake smiles” 
Jessica’s tone was leisurely, embodying the image of a wealthy lady. Hayley despised her attitude but was also curious. Jessica, I don’t recall us having any grudge. And weren’t you supposed to hate Stephanie?* 

“Hate her? Of course, I hate her.” They sat across from each other, separated by an intricately carved blackwood table. Jessica suddenly leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table, whispering in Hayley’s ear with a curse, “I wish Stephanie would die.” 
A woman’s jealousy could be terrifying. Hayley disliked Stephanie but didn’t go as far as hate. “Jessica, you’ve been gone for so long. Why have you shown up all of a sudden tonight? What do you want?” 
“I’ve always been around. Who said I disappeared? I’ve been quite busy. The bitterness from a moment ago receded. Jessica touched her red lips as she smiled, still exuding charm. 
“Look over there.” Jessica pointed towards the shooting range. 
Hayley’s expression turned complex as she followed her gaze, surprised by what she saw. 
At the shooting range, Stephanie was the only one practicing. Even those with prior reservations wouldn’t dare interrupt her. Now the head coach, known for his exceptional shooting skills, seemed unable to deal with her and had stepped back. At this moment, Dominick stood behind Stephanie, his hands covering hers, guiding her in handling the gun. 
Dominick said, “Keep your mind calm. Look ahead. Forget all distractions. Focus on the target.” 
Stephanie’s cheeks suddenly flushed. He leaned in close to her ear and spoke softly. It wasn’t particularly gentle, but it was definitely earnest. 
“I can do it myself. She felt a bit awkward, not wanting his help. 
“Behave!” Dominick’s reprimand came out instinctively. 
Her heart skipped a beat, and then, with a bang, she missed the target again. 
Stephanie had already wasted countless bullets. She began to wonder if she was simply too dull at this. Her long eyelashes drooped slightly, and her bright eyes reflected a hint of insecurity. 
At this moment, she wanted to break free from the man behind her and stride out of this place that only made her feel ashamed. 
Then suddenly, she wasn’t sure if it was a hallucination, but his deep, complex voice whispered in her ear, “Stephanie, I want you to learn to protect yourself.” 
She was confused and quickly turned to look at his stern face, but his eyebrows remained cold and indifferent, though there was a trace of emotion in his deep eyes. 
“Bang!” The next shot hit the bullseye. 
She said inwardly, ‘Keep calm. He is standing behind me. I have nothing to fear. 
The head coach cheered, showing some appreciation. “Ms. Reed you have a natural talent for shooting: 
The atmosphere of the gathering had shifted. Everyone was now focused on the shooting range, calculating whether this was the right moment to rush over and praise Stephanie, to make their presence known, 
After all, she was the wife of Dominick Wellington 
The murmurs around them grew, and no one paid attention to Hayley anymore. 
“Ms. Isaac, how about we make a bet?” Jessica suddenly spoke in an odd tone, as if she were chatting with a friend. She continued, “I bet Stephanie won’t get the Innovate Group ad, no matter what.” 
“Is that so? Are you planning to lose on purpose to earn a favor? Hayley’s words carried a hint of sarcasm, believing Stephanie was sure to win. 
Chapter 294 
“Hayley, you really don’t understand him.” Jessica flicked her cigarette, took one last puff, and impatiently stubbed it out in the glass ashtray, recalling past events. She lifted her face, revealing a bewitching smile. “Dominick, he has a habit. He hides what he cherishes the most, never sharing it with anyone.” 
So the more he tried to hide something, the more she wanted to expose it to the world, to bring Stephanie to utter ruin.