“Felix, will you date me?” Hannah held her chin with both her hands and probed gingerly like a pet waiting for its master’s treat.
Felix gritted his teeth, and the veins on his temples throbbed furiously. Yet a suspicious hue of scarlet appeared on his earlobes. “It’s just a game. Don’t take it seriously.”
“But I’m being 100% serious, Felix. Are you turning me down?” Hannah’s big, round orbs turned glossy. She pouted in a cutesy way. “If you agree to go out with me in front of everyone, we won’t have to tell everyone that we’re dating.
“Felix, I’m smart and obedient. I’ll listen to you. And I promise I’ll only love you even more in the future. Please say yes. You’re missing out if you say no.”
The host jumped in to give the couple-to-be a final push. “I hereby declare that Hannah’s confession is a great success! From now on, Felix will be Hannah’s boyfriend. Please treat Hannah kindly, Felix. Come, a round of applause to these two lovebirds!”
A thunderous applause erupted, and it lasted for a very long time. I was surprised by the turn of events. No wonder Hannah told me confidently just now that Felix would become hers. It seemed like she had planned everything.
At last, someone took Felix away from the dating pool. I hoped Hannah could change him for the better!
I clapped too. From the corners of my eyes, I saw how stunned Colin was, so I nudged him with my shoulder. His brother just found a girlfriend. As Felix’s older brother, he should congratulate him. Colin realized his mistake and applauded, ignoring Felix’s long face. At that moment, I saw relief and joy in his eyes.
One birthday party was all it took to find Felix a girlfriend. And Hannah was way better than Lilac. Felix sure was very lucky. In the final round of the game, the flower bouquet was in Colin’s hand. He picked truth.
“Mr. White, please tell us how many exes you have and what are their names.”
What a great question! I was curious too. Colin smiled, the beauty mark next to his eyes dancing coyly. “I’ve only dated one person in my life. And her name is Luna.”
Huh? An uproar erupted. Everyone complimented on Colin’s fidelity and remarked how lucky I was.
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I looked at him, abashed. His
affectionate eyes were looking back
at me too. In his starry eyes, I saw
the reflec
of my blushing self. He
stared at me as if I were the only
one in the world. My heart skipped a
Oh, Colin was such a sweetheart. The days I spent with him were sweet like honey.
We all had fun for four to five hours. Some even felt sad when the party ended. I thought that something was missing yet I couldn’t quite put my fingers on it. At 4:00 pm, the
gathering concluded. It was time for the feast, and we had to head to the next
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The organizer divided us into several groups and arranged the
transportation for us. The restaurant was quite far from us. It was called
Fiesta. It was a place where one
could party and eat at the same time. The content is on Novelxo.org!
Read the latest chapter there!
Visit Novelxo.org to read full content.
It wasn’t until I arrived at the restaurant that I noticed the time and effort the students had put in to hold this grand event. No wonder they had to create a separate chat group. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
Visit Novelxo.org to read full content.
The food we were about to have was nonetheless something that I hadh been craving-barbecue! The venue was big enough to accommodate a hundred guests. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
While an all-you-can-eat barbecue
buffet was not the ideal choice for a formal party, and everyone risked going back
with their clothes
smelling like smoke, the youths net
loved the conviviality that came with it. Barbecue was also one of my favorite foods to have when I was studying at Lincoln University.

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