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記事を読む Ads by PubFuture Chapter 5Avan’s POV
“You have to attend the event tonight. Even if there was not a stable formation we couldn’t miss this
opportunity either” dad said with his serious tone.
“I don’t know what ungrateful things we have done that we are facing in such a situation” I heard mom
say. She couldn’t hide the lament in her tone “my son has lost his actual mate after the rejection and
now even if he already taken the throne, the position is not stable ”
Dad shook his head “there’s nothing that could be done. The only thing that we arrange to avoid
misfortune is to get along with other packs and build a solid relationship. We have been facing
numerous attacks over the past years and it has weakened our power and now it’s affecting our
position in the list. We can’t keep up with the position then it will only mean that our clan will be facing
demise soon”
Mom gasped “alpha, how could you say like that. There’s also many packs who never got positions,
are there? But they are still living. Then how come our clan will face such calamity?”
“Mom, what dad said is right,” I said to her. “We have been holding our position in a powerful list of
packs and in this way we have gotten many enemies who want to eliminate us and take our position.
So if unfortunately we lose the position then they won’t leave a chance to attack us”
“But….but…” Mom couldn’t utter words as she looked so shocked. In these two years the pack matter
has become more difficult to handle. After having the Alpha title I did everything I could to make it
stable but my own power is not complete to take the full charge of everything.
This kind of tragic thing has never happened before. And all of this has started after Shyla left the pack.
Thinking about her I couldn’t help but feel my heart sour. She used to be the sweet and kind girl, who
would do anything I ask without any hesitation. She is my mate though our bond is broken after therejection. But only if I can find her, there’s still a chance to make everything good between us and to
rebuild our bond. But the matter is even after two years we still couldn’t find a little trace of her.
I can still remember the way she looked at me two years ago. Those teary eyes with so much
accusation. It always hunted me every night I went to bed. I simply couldn’t forget it no matter how
much I tried. I thought I could tell her about Reese slowly and make her understand the situation. And I
believe she would have agreed if she didn’t find us having sex that evening.
I really wanted to find her and bring her back in the pack and explain to her about the situation but
before I could step forward she ran away. Two years have already passed two years.
“I will go and make arrangements” I informed before leaving my parents and walking towards my room.
There will be many packs tonight that will be joining the event. Because of the pack work it’s not likely
possible to meet the Alphas of other packs frequently. But tonight I have all the chances to mingle with
them. Even the Dark Forest Pack and Snow Moon Pack will be there. These two packs are the most
mysterious one among the werewolf world. Hopefully I can get a chance to have some conversations
with them.
I stood before the mirror and got myself ready for the event. I was wearing my blazer when my room
door opened. I looked through the mirror and saw Reese standing there with her glittered black dress.
“You are ready?” I asked.
She gave a sweet smile before walking forward seductively “Luna said it’s a great event and I should
take much time to get ready and make you wait. So I chose my simple dress. How do I look?”
“Good,” I nodded.She pouted “you are not romantic anymore” she placed her hand on my chest and smiled sweetly
“Avan why are you distancing from me so much? We were so good before then what happened to us
I removed her hand “Reese it’s not time for that. We need to attend the event and represent our pack in
the event and it won’t be good to be late there”
“Fine, for the reputation of our pack I will listen to you”
I nodded and grabbed my car keys before heading out. As the event is major, few members of the pack
attend to show the power and union. It didn’t take longer to reach the venue. The Luxurious mansion
looks extraordinary and it is also decorated only for tonight.
“Wow, this place is so beautiful. This is my first time attending such an exclusive event” Tina exclaimed
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looking around.
“Let’s head inside” I said before walking in with Reese. And the rest of the members followed behind
In these two years of being The Alpha, I have met a few other leaders and got along with them. So in
the crowd there are few familiar faces I can spot. After getting along with my other friends the
announcer announced the arrival of the Snow Moon Pack.
“Is not it the second best Pack” Reese said looking towards the entrance. My gaze followed her. I was
also looking forward to the meet. But all my excitement dropped down when a very familiar face came
into view. A face that was hunting me all these years.
When she suddenly looked up and our gaze collided, my breathing stopped for a moment. Her eyes,
those purple orbs looking straight into my soul and I could feel my heartbeat stopped instantly. Herfacial, her skin, her dressing and even her aura has changed. It felt like I was looking at a stranger and
a kind of new person.
“Isn’t it Shyla?” Reese gasped “how…..she entered the Snow Moon Pack?”
The members of Snow Moon Pack went forward and mingled with others. Shyla averted her gaze then
didn’t glanced back. Like she didn’t know us at all.
“How come her eye colour changed? I never knew any trick like that?” Tina said.
“Tina, don’t talk too much,” Ben hissed at her.
“I never thought Shyla would run away and get involved with the Snow Moon Pack. If she does
anything wrong won’t the other pack blame us?” Reese said with a worried expression.
That’s what is hunting me now. A sweet nerdy girl, how come she got involved with the Snow Moon
“I think I should talk to her. After all, mom and dad are worried about her” Reese said again.
I nodded. She and Tina walk towards Shyla who was standing with another woman. I didn’t go forward
but I still can hear them. When Reese was near her she called out.
“Shyla? Is that really you? Oh my god, I am so happy to see you sister” Reese exclaimed.
Shyla’s eyes snapped towards her. Her beautiful purple orbs look damn seductive.
“Who’s your sister?” Her voice is harsh and there’s no trace of her sweet voice.
“Shyla, why are you behaving like that?” Reese asked with a choked tone “we have been trying to find
you all these years. Don’t you remember us anymore””How could I forget such eventful memories you all have given to me Reese Clarke. You couldn’t wait
anymore to give me a reminder, can you?” Shyla said with her hard voice.
My hand curled into fist. Even her personality has changed now and there’s no sign of that sweet
charming girl anymore. How has she changed so much in these two years? What kind of thing did I
“Shyla, I know you are still angry at me. But please come back to us. We are looking for you
everywhere all these years. Mom and dad also worried about your safety. Don’t you think it’s time to go
back home?” Neesha asked.
Shyla let out a chuckle “home? Is that place my real home? Even after this year you and your graceful
acting has not changed a bit. I should congratulate you for that. You have already achieved your goal.
Now tell me, are you satisfied?”
“Shyla, what are you talking about?” Reese sobbed. Few people turned to look at them. This is getting
more serious than normal talk.
“Drop your act. I am not interested in entertaining myself with it” Shyla said seriously.
“Shyla, how could you be so heartless to humiliate your own sister like this? What was her fault that
she is worried about you? You are such a trash for not knowing it. It was you who cowardly ran away
from pack and shamed the whole-” before Tina could finish as sound of slap echoed inside the hall. It
happened so fast that I couldn’t even see it clearly other than the sound that was still buzzing in my ear.
Tina fell on the floor with a loud thud. Her cheeks are swollen with redness. My eyes fell on Shyla who’s
hand was still hanging in the air after slapping. I couldn’t help myself but feel shocked. Shyla never
shifted in her wolf form and her power is limited as an ordinary human being. But this kind of slapping is
not something an ordinary human could do to a werewolf? How come she became so strong?Savannah’s POV
I looked at the woman on the floor. She had a stunned expression as she held her cheeks. Not only her
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but Reese too locked shocked.
“You better learn first how to use your words and when to use it before opening your pretty mouth.
Otherwise I can’t guarantee if it will only end up with a slap” I hissed before looking at my so-called
“And you, stop forming any kind of relationship with me when we both know the truth. It will be more
better if you just refrain yourself from poking your nose in my matter”
Reese looked at me with a shocked face. Suddenly another person joined her side.
“Shyla what happened to you? Why have you become so wild? You are not like before”
I smiled looking at Avan “It’s quite funny to hear such thing from you Mr. Avan”
He opened his mouth to say more but suddenly another voice interrupted in the middle “what’s
happening here?”
I heard Devak’s heard voice from behind. He was instantly on my side and threw a glare at Avan.
“Mr Lowe I would like to know what kind of thing you have with my sister that your pack members are
insulting her?”
Avan was shocked but composed himself instantly “I didn’t know Shyla is your sister Mr..”
“You don’t need to know me Mr. Lowe. And it will be better if you just keep your distance from my sister.
And also don’t call her any fake names”
“But it’s not her fake name she is Shyla and she is the member of our pack” Avan insisted.”Since when Bright Shine is qualified enough to claim my sister as your pack member?” Devak
Avan’s expression changed instantly. His eyes colour changed but it didn’t affect Devak a bit.
“Don’t forget it’s a major event Mr. Lowe. If you want to have a good fight then invite me anytime. You
should know the right place before deciding” Devak said before grabbing my hand “let’s go, dad is
looking for you to introduce you some friends”
I nodded and glanced towards Avan who was still raging. I smirked before leaving with Devak and
Tanea. I never thought leaving mom’s side would bring me to meet those people. If I had known it then
I would have gone with her and listened to their lady gossip. At least it will be better than arguing with
Later dad made me meet many of his friends. I never knew he had such a huge circle of connection in
the werewolf society. Even the friends of mom were so huge in number and it almost gave me a
headache. After sometime I excused myself from the crowd and went towards the bar to have some
drinks. I wanted to invite Tanea but that possessiveness of a brother of mine didn’t let her leave his
side. I rolled my eyes at them then shook my head. Just when I took a few sips of my drink the
announcer announced again about the arrival of a new Pack.
I looked up only to find some people walking in wearing black clothes. They have fur coats and look
quite different from others. I didn’t hear clearly about the pack name but the members seem quite
mysterious. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to enjoy my drink.
I turned around to look at my family again. Dad and mom are busy talking to their friends. Devak was
also talking to his friends but I can see him holding Tanea close to him. In these two years I have
witnessed so many moments of them that somehow it made me feel so envious. I sighed and wasabout to order another glass when I suddenly felt a burning in my chest. I never felt it before in these
two years other than when I first shifted. Then….
Mom’s words come to mind. My birthmark. Didn’t she say it will happen during the eclipse. But is there
any eclipse today? The burning sensation increased as I started to gasp for breath. I wanted to call my
brother or mom or dad but I could not utter a sound. Controlling myself I slowly walked away from the
crowd. Once I was outside I felt my breath a little better but the burning was still there. I rubbed my
chest trying to calm it down but couldn’t. My body swayed as I walked and after a few seconds I felt my
body fall. I have no control over my actions. I almost thought my body would crush on the cold tiled
floor. But before it happened my body was hanging in the mid air.
An arm sneaked around my waist. And my front collided with a hard chest. A scent of hard masculine
hit my nostrils. I opened my eyes only to see a dark silhouette.
“Hmm….. Purple girl” the person uttered with his dark rough voice.
I wanted to say something but my voice seemed to be stuck in my throat. I saw with my blurred vision,
he leaned down and whispered.
“You can’t wait to fall in my arms….”
My vision blurred and my head fell back. Before I lost all my conscience I heard him whisper again.

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