In the end, someone raised the bidding price to a whopping 130 million dollars.It was none other than the same man who wanted Yasmine to reveal her face.Bonnie had guessed that he’d be the one who’d purchase Yasmine.As expected, the other organization leaders swapped glances after this man shouted a 130 million dollars. Then, nobody dared raise the bid anymore.All of them had wanted a sexy night with Yasmine, but they’d rather keep living instead. After all, that guy was one of the most fearsome figures in District Nine. Why wouldn’t they be wary of him? Collin saw the moment and couldn’t resist smacking his thighs.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.”Dang! Your analysis is on point, chief. Ever since he shouted his price, these organization leaders didn’t have the guts to raise the bid anymore. It looks like he rules over them.”She nodded. “That’s why it’s important to observe everything if you want to acquire every bit of information.””Alright. I promise I’m going to train my eyeballs on him and never let him out of my sight.” He responded swiftly.In fact, it seemed the host had also guessed the same outcome because he, too, didn’t look surprised at all.”Here we go. Going once on 130 million dollars. Going twice. No one’s going to bid, huh? Sold! Mr. Billy has won the bid for a pleasurable night with the Best Actress, Yasmine!”Everyone started applauding and cheering, “You go, Mr. Billy. You’re the man!”The ceaseless hollering was so booming that it made Bonnie’s ears ring. She had to cover them quickly so she could prevent her eardrums from being damaged. Ads by PubFuture

Meanwhile, Billy straightened up his clothes while the cheers went on.Standing up, he addressed everyone, “You’re all too kind. I’m only able to grasp such a wonderful opportunity because you were willing to give way to me. With that said, there’s no need to feel downtrodden if you missed her tonight.”I’ll have a wonderful time with Yasmine for a while before turning her over to all of you.”He was merely putting it nicely. Everyone knew what he really meant.Bonnie might’ve reminded Collin a lot of times now, but he still couldn’t control himself after he heard Billy’s little speech. He barked, “How sickening!”Instead of responding to him, sheraised her head and stared ahead. Itjust so happened that she metYasmine’s gaze. The caged lady’s delicate eyes were hazy and had lost focus. Obviously, they drugged her so much that she no longer had her wits about her.’They must’ve used some ominous means to abduct her and bring her here! After all, she’s the Best Actress that everyone knows and loves, She has a bright future ahead of herbody Ads by PubFuture

Why would she sell hetkethis? IMS’More to the point, she’s an Arvandorian and I know for a fact that we Arvandorians have our pride. It’s simply impossible for us to be doing something like this.’At the thought of it, she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She intended to stand up and do something.Sensing that there was something unusual about her, Collin asked hastily, “What’s the matter, chief?””I want you to go to the backstage with me later.””Why?” He didn’t quite grasp what she was trying to do.”I can tell that they drugged the poor lady. She doesn’t have her wits about her right now. I have to save her.” She voiced her intentions out loud.His eyes widened in shock. “B-But,the place is teeming with the people from the District Nine organizations. The backstage is reserved for the powerful, elite group of authority figures. Surely, they have tightersecurity over there.” He then said, “What are we going to do if you run into danger? No way. I won’t let you go!””I can’t stand here and watch while they ruin a perfectly fine lady.” She said. Then, she saw a bodyguard pushing Yasmine’s cage backstage.Instead of waiting for his response, she stood up and darted toward the backstage.”This is an emergency. Stop dilly-dallying and keep up with me!”
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