New beginning: Billionaire love story (Claire and Alex) – Chapter 131
Chapter 131 London High Socialite Alocken the dos interrupted her yet again Claire heaved a sighed and place het pen down. “Yes, come in Sandra step inside berellice and handed…
Chapter 131 London High Socialite Alocken the dos interrupted her yet again Claire heaved a sighed and place het pen down. “Yes, come in Sandra step inside berellice and handed…
Chapter 130 Asking question Alexcontemplated for a while after his shoat berak with Christian The question vill lingers in his mind. #should call her oc text her?he counted to himself…
Chapter 129 Christian help “Wait, that Cindy woman called you earlier?” Alex nodded as die sipped his coffee. “What did she say? Alex placed down the coffee mug as he…
Chapter 138 I will never like him “Claire, who’s cusly?” Matthew questioned herautiously, Clane placed the document aside not really paying attention to it but still answering Matthew question. “Hm?…
Chapter 127 Caught off guard “Now that’s what I want to hear.”Clare utter with a satisfied on her lips. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findηovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels…
chapter 126 Your answer? The clock strike five am and Clare sill haven’t heard from Robert. He only had one hour left to decide, that’s why she didn’t bother him…
Chapter 1251 can, and I will Claire muld hear their conversationsiner Mr. Moor gomery voice is loud enough in this quiet room. “How could I? How could should be the…
Chapter 124 You’re lying sum, who wants to go fist? Meor you?” Claire said, challenging him as she took a seat at the armchair. “You know what? I will let…
Chapter 123 I havE THE WAYS Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Alock of confusion etched outhendes Tylkow, hainbest…
Chapter 122 Switch ba Mr. Montgomery was about to respond but was cut of by Sandra as she stood up from her chair with a look of panie crossed her…