Chapter 170 
Chapter 170 
“Level one alert!” 
Hicks quickly pulled out the dagger from his waist while keeping an eye on the entrance warily. The others also drew their weapons while trembling with fear. 
Two of their comrades had just gone our and gotten killed, which clearly indicated that a mighty enemy was outside 
Suddenly, the scene quieted down to a pin–drop silence. 
Everyone could only hear each other’s heavy breathing while their eyes were filled with boundless fear. It felt like an unknown beast was before them, ready to charge in and devour them at any moment. 
men in b 
black masks. Their hearts skipped a beat. 

A figure abruptly appeared at the warehouse entrance, startling all the men. 
The man who appeared was tall. He had a determined face and deep, piercing eyes. 
When the men in black saw the man’s face, their pupils contracted sharply, and their hearts went cold. Their legs began to tremble uncontrollably 
Although he was terrified, Hicks managed to maintain some composure. 
He quickly placed his dagger at Lillian’s neck. “Don’t come any closer, or I’ll kill her.” 
The other men hastily placed their swords at Hydra’s neck, but their hands shook uncontrollably and dripped with cold sweat. The man before them instilled a deep fear in them “If you dare to so much as touch her, I’ll make sure your death will be more horrible than you could ever imagine. Sebastian’s voice was deep and resonant. It was utterly devoid 
of emotion. 
her down with me! 
Hicks turned pale with fear but still tried to remain calm. He said coldly, “If you let me go, I’ll release her, Otherwise, I’ll take her 

“You have no right to bargain with me. Release her, and I’ll give you a quick death. I’m giving you three counts to decide. If you don’t release her, you’ll regret ever being born.” 
At the count of two, the other men in black collapsed and fell to their knees. “Supreme One, have mercy! Please spare us this once!” 
Sebastian ignored their pleas. The word sent shivers down their spines. 
Hicks could no longer suppress his fear. His legs gave out, and he fell to his knees with a thud. 
Sebastian moved instantly, covering a distance of several feet in a blink. He appeared beside Lillian like a ghost and waved his hand to cut Hydra’s ropes 
After Hydra regained her freedom, she quickly removed her blindfold and the duct tape on her mouth. 
Seeing Sebastian, her eyes immediately shone with a mix of guilt and relief. She started to kneel to apologize, but Sebastian stopped her with a gesture. Hydra understood that Sebastian didn’t want to reveal his identity before Lillian, so she quickly left the warehouse 
Sebastian didn’t immediately free Lian Instead, he looked at Hicks and the others. “Take your own lives as atonement. 
The group of men in black had anticipated this. They didn’t hesitate as they each lifted their swords and cut their own throats. 
They knew Sebastian’s methods well enough to understand that there were fates worse than death. Suicide was a quicker end. Sebastian then removed the duct tape from Lillian’s mouth and cut the ropes binding her. 
Lan removed her blindfold immediately. She wanted to see what the famed Supreme One looked like and thank him.