Chapter 164 
Justin bowed and reported, “Celestial Master, everything is ready. If he dares to come, we’ll make sure he’s obliterated.” 
“Very good!” The Celestial Master nodded in approval 
He then turned to an Elder beside him and said, “Elder, just to be cautious, please be prepared. If the explosion doesn’t kill him, lead your men and take him down, no matter what 
The Elder modded, “He will surely die today, but don’t forget what you promised me.” 
“Calm your tears, Elder. I’ve already sent people to capture that woman. The Seraphic Tear Pendant will be yours whether Sebastian dies by the explosion or your hand. As for that woman, if you fancy her, she’s yours as well,” the Celestial Master promised. 
“You can keep the woman. I only want the Seraphic Tear Pendant the Elder said, then led a group of men in black to lay an ambush. 
Acold smile graced the lips of the Celestial Master. He regarded the Elder with disdain, thinking him an old fool for daring to vie with him for the treasure. 
The Celestial Master had sinister thoughts; after all, the Elder was the first target he’d eliminate once Sebastian was taken care of. 

Sebastian spent about 15 minutes crossing the forest. Soon, he approached a hill. 
He didn’t pause. With a burst of energy, he rushed up and then quickly lay down on the ground to scout the valley below. The valley wasn’t large; it was only a few was only a few thousand square meters 
There were a few houses. Since it was still early, no one was outside, likely because they hadn’t woken up yet. 
The only people in sight were the two guard dozing off at the entrance of the valley, 

Sebastian immediately formulated a plan. He first reached the overlook at the valley’s entrance, then leaped down. 
Sensing someone, the guards instantly woke up. Just as they were about to shout, Sebastian quickly knocked one unconscious and then grabbed the other by the neck. 
Don’t make a sound, or I’ll break your neck,” Sebastian said coldly 
Sweating coldly, the guard nodded hurriedly. 
Sebastian took out a photo and asked, “Where is the woman in this photo? 
The quand pointed to the rightmost two–storey house in the valley. 
“Don’t blame me for not warning you. If you lie to me, I will make sure you die a miserable death,” Sebastian said coldly. 
“I’m telling the truth,” the guard said timidly. 
Sebastian then knocked him out and dashed toward the small house. 
The Celestial Master observed all this in the surveillance room and couldn’t help but reveal a cold smile. “It doesn’t matter if you are the Supreme One; after today, everything you have will be mine, including your power, status, and woman 
Justin suddenly remembered something “Celestial Master, according to the information I have, the Supreme One’s woman is said to be the most beautiful woman in Havenview City. 
“And his subordinate, Hydra, is also a rare beauty. After we take down the Supreme One, could you reward me with both?” 
The Celestial Master revealed a lascivious smile. “I didn’t expect you to be a connoisseur as well, Justin. Honestly, I’ve already captured those two women. I’m just waiting down the Supreme One and then enjoy my time with those beauties” 
“Could you let me enjoy them after you’ve had your fill?” Justin asked tentatively 
The Celestial Master laughed and nodded 
“Thank you, Celestial Master!” Justin quickly expressed his gratitude, his eyes filled with eager anticipation.