Chapter 220 
Upon Naomi’s reminder, Brendan took her to the bathroom. 
Afterward, Naomi lay exhausted on the bed. She did a quick calculation in her mind. It had been quite some time since they started sleeping together. She should have shown signs of pregnancy by now. 
Moreover, according to her usual cycle, her period should have been around this time. But it hadn’t started yet. 
Naomi’s heart raced as she considered the possibility. Was she… 
Naomi thought of the possibility of being pregnant. For a moment, her mind raced, and she began to contemplate her future. 
Brendan was beside her. He noticed that Naomi was unusually quiet today and wasn’t teasing him as 
much. He rubbed the back of her neck. “Tired?” 
Naomi turned to Brendan. “Not really.” 

Brendan patted the space beside him. “Sit with me.” 
Naomi reached for the clothes beside her, but Brendan huffed. “It’s not as if I’ve never seen you naked.” 
Naomi shot him a glare. “I’m cold.” 
Brendan smiled at Naomi’s glare and watched as she put on her clothes before sitting beside him. Naomi 
tied her hair up with a hairband. She felt it was time for her and Brendan to have a serious discussion 
about their future.1 
Brendan lit a cigarette, but Naomi immediately gave him a look. Brendan sighed and snubbed it out. 
Brendan began, “Naomi.” 
But he fell silent after that. 
Naomi yawned. “I’m going to sleep if you have nothing else to say.” 
Naomi was about to lie down when Brendan shot her a cold look. She immediately straightened up again. 
“Fine, I’ll sit with you.” 
Damn. Brendan was acting like he owned her. Why did she need to sit with him after doing the deed? It wasn’t as if she was getting paid for this. 
After Naomi settled down, Brendan suddenly took a very exquisite box from the bedside table and 
handed it to her. 
Naomi didn’t take it and turned to him instead. 
They had grown up together, and Naomi knew Brendan wasn’t a romantic. She needed an explanation of 
what was inside the box to ease her worries. 
Seeing that Naomi wasn’t taking the box, Brendan explained, “I’ve had the ring prepared for a long time. I 
Chapter 220 
just didn’t have the right opportunity to give it to you.” 
Naomi knew instantly what Brendan was talking about. He was finally giving her a wedding ring. 
Although they had been getting along well lately, it didn’t mean that they could sweep the past under the 
Naomi never once thought about receiving a ring in their two years together. She never expected a wedding or to have their wedding photography either. 
All of her fantasies disappeared the day Brendan canceled their wedding and left her all alone in 
Yellowind Bay right after getting their marriage certificate. 
Naomi stared at the exquisite box for a while before smiling sarcastically. “Why didn’t you give it to me before? Did you think I was unworthy of it?” 
Brendan’s face fell, and Naomi reached out and took the box from him. “Fine, I accept.” 
Naomi wasn’t one to argue or embarrass another. Unless she couldn’t resist the urge, of course. 
After taking the box, Naomi didn’t immediately open it. Instead, she turned around and prepared to put it 
on the bedside table next to her. 
Seeing this, Brendan asked, “Aren’t you going to look?” 
Only then did Naomi open the box. “Fine.” 
The diamond ring was very stunning. It wasn’t too extravagant, with a perfectly sized diamond in the 
middle of the wedding band. 
Although it didn’t have the most complicated craftsmanship, it was very beautiful and held great value. 
Naomi stared at the diamond ring for a long time. Suddenly, all