Charlie felt nervous getting on the small plane. Rationally she knew she had been on a plane before, it’s how she ended up in Finland. But it felt like the first time. Vidar squeezed her hand as he felt her unease. He helped her strap in and gave her a k*ss on her cheek. As he took his seat next to her, he took her hand in his. 

“It will be a quick and easy trip,” he told her. Charlie took a deep breath and nodded. She grabbed a firm hold of his hand as the plane started to tax. When the pilot let them know they could unbuckle their seatbelt, Vidar helped her again and then cupped her cheek and turned her to face him. “Are you okay?” he asked. Charlie smiled at him. 
“I’m fine. Just a little nervous, but it feels better already,” she told him. 
“That’s my brave lynx,” he said. A couple of seats further back Caine was sitting with Loyd. Charlie could hear him talking quietly to the giant about what working for Vidar entailed. Loyd hummed and asked questions when he didn’t understand, which was often. Some of them made Charlie smile. 
‘Eavesdropping?‘ Vidar’s voice sounded in her head. 
‘Can’t help it. How long do you think it takes Loyd to break Caine’s patience?” she asked. Vidar chuckled. 
‘I have never seen it happen. But this might be the time,‘ he told her. “why don’t you take a nap? We’ll be landing before you know it,” he said out loud. 
“I’m not five, Vidar. I don’t need a nap,” Charlie objected. 
“You are never too old for a nap,” Jun said. He was sitting in the seat opposite Charlie and was reading. 
“You have been through a lot the last week, baby. Some sleep can do you good,” Vidar pointed 
“I’m not the only one that has had a stressful week,” she said, 
“You’re right. I’ll take a nap as well,” Vidar told her. 
A castle, a freaking castle. Charlie didn’t know why she was surprised to find that Vidar’s Swiss property turned out to be a castle. Because why wouldn’t it be? It was nestled in a valley surrounded by the alps. There was a large mountain lake and protruding out into it the castle stood. It even had pinnacles and towers that rose above the bailey. It was something taken from a fairytale, and Charlie fully expected knights, horses, and castle folk as the car went over the drawbridge. She tried to take it all in as the car came to a stop. Vidar watched her. 
“Do you like it?” he asked. 
“Are you kidding me? Do I like the fairy–tale castle? I love it,” she told him. He laughed. together with Jun and Caine. 
“I’m happy you like it. We don’t know how long we will stay,” he told her as they got out of the car. They walked into the grand entrance and Charlie was introduced to the cook, the housekeeper, and the groundskeeper. Vidar then gave her a tour of the part of the castle that were the living quarters. Parts of the castle were corded off and were shown to the public during parts of the year. “Jun,and the others, when they arrive, have their rooms in the east 
wing. We have our rooms in the west wing, as does Caine. The men and the staff have their living areas in the main part,” Vidar explained. 
“It’s amazing. I need to explore this place more thoroughly,” Charlie told him as she stopped for the umpteenth time to look at a painting. 
“We’ll have time for that as well,” he promised. 
“How long will we be here?” Charlie asked. 
“I don’t know, lilla lo. It depends on how fast you adapt and what Millard tells us. We can be here for a couple of weeks or a couple of months. I’m sorry,” he said. 
“What about your company?” she asked. 
“I can work from here. There is no issue. I’m more worried about you. Have you thought about what to tell your brother and Lilly?” he told her. 
“I have been thinking about it. I think I will try to keep as close to the truth as possible. I’ll 
just say you took me on a surprise trip. Maybe I’ll add it’s because I was stressed over the 
trial and not having regular contact with Huxton and his family,” she said. 
“Sounds like a good excuse,” Vidar agreed and k*ssed her temple. They walked into a large sitting room. The style reminded Charlie of the castle in Finland. It was a mix of antiques and 
modern furniture. But the colours were different, more blue and brown. Charlie smiled. It 
seemed Vidar had a style. It felt cosy and Charlie couldn’t wait to snuggle up on one of the couches and read. “Our bedroom is through that door. There is an office through there, we will have to share. Through that door is Caine’s bedroom and the last door leads to a spare 
room,” Vidar told her. 
“You do realise I won’t be able to find my way around here?” she said. Vidar smiled. 
“It won’t take you long to memorise the most essential routes.” 
“Fine, but what do I do if I get lost?” 
“First, you won’t be going around exploring on your own, so no chance of that happening. Second, if by some strange reason you do find yourself alone and lost, you will call me or 
Caine,” he said, holding out her cellphone. 
“My phone!” she exclaimed. 
“It was left in the car. I have been holding on to it for you. It’s updated with a SIM–card that works here, so you can call and text as usual.” Charlie jumped on him, wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Vidar and k*ssed him. 
“Do I have time to call Tyson and Lilly?” she asked. 
“Yes, dinner isn’t for another couple of hours. Unless you feel hungry, I’m sure the kitchen. can send up a snack,” he told her. 
“Naps and snacks? You really do see me as a five–year–old,” she said. 
“I most certainly do not,” he growled and k*ssed her. “But snacks are highly underestimated,” 
he added. She smiled and placed a quick k*ss on his lips. 
“Thank you for spoiling me,” she said. 
“It’s easy. Do you feel okay to make your calls alone? You can sit here or in the bedroom, or anywhere really. This building is more secure than our apartment. Caine and I will be in the 
“Go, work, be the S*xy mafia boss and CEO. I will be fine,” she told him. 
“Sexy?” he asked and raised his eyebrow. 
“Oh no. That eyebrow doesn’t work on me any longer. No hanky panky before dinner,” she told him with a laugh. Vidar laughed as well and Caine grinned as they walked into the library. Charlie took a seat in one of the couches that let her look out of one of the narrow windows. She had a view over the lake and the village that was on the other side of the lake. She dialled her brother–in–law. It would be early morning back home. 
“Charlie, you’re up with the rooster, Tyson answered. 
“Hi, Tyson. I hope I didn’t wake you,” she said. 
Are yo 

you kidding me? We have been up for almost two hours as the dubious duo thinks that dawn is a good time to start the day,” he chuckled. “What’s up? Everything okay with you and Vidar?” he asked. Charlie wished she could tell him everything. But if she decided to tell 
Tyson and her brother, it was a conversation to have in person. 
“Everything is fine. Ask me where I am.” 
“No, you need to ask me where, the why comes after,” she teased. 
“Okey, I’ll bite. Where are you, little sister?” Tyson asked. 
“Schweiz,” she said. There was a pause. 
“What are you doing in Schweiz?” 
“Vidar thought I needed a vacation and he has a place here in the Alps,” she said. 
“Oh honey, that is amazing. You and Vidar all snuggled up in an alp cottage.” 
“Well, maybe not a cottage. I’ll take someres and send them when we go 
yes, it’s amazing,” she agreed. 
“Is it because of everything that is happening here at home?” he asked. 
outside. But 
“Partly,” she said, happy that Tyson had brought it up. “Vidar felt I needed some time away and since I have never been more than a couple of miles from home, it was a good time to take care of both things.” 
“I wholeheartedly agree. It’s about time you get spoiled rotten by someone. Vidar is starting 
to grow on me even more,” he told her. 
“Is that Charlie? Why are you waving like a madman?” Charlie could hear Huxton ask in the background. 
“I’m putting you on speaker,” Tyson told her. 
“Charlie? Tyson is trying to say something using some sort of sign language and I’m guessing it’s about you,” her brother said. 
“Hi, big brother. I was just telling your amazing husband that I’m on a vacation,” she told 
“You don’t take vacations,” he pointed out.. 
“Hux, I think she does when her totally hot boyfriend sweeps her away to Schweiz,” Tyson 
told him. 
“You’re in Europe?” 
“I am, it’s everything I ever thought it would be,” she said. 
“How long are you staying over there?” Huxton asked. 
“We don’t know. It depends on a couple of things. Vidar can work from here. I can as well, 
and school doesn’t start for a couple of month. 
“Vidar wanted her to be able to relax with the thing happening,” Tyson told his husband, 
emphasising ‘the thing‘. 
“The thing? Oh, the thing,” her brother said. 
“I am starting to like this boyfriend of yours. I don’t know if I like the feeling,” Huxton said. 
“Oh boy,” Tyson said and Charlie could swear she heard him roll his eyes. She giggled. 
“I love you too, Huxton. And don’t be too upset about liking Vidar. He is a good man and he does love me and takes care of me. To the point of making me take naps and offer me snacks, like I’m one of the twins.” Both men laughed and they switched subjects to the twins. Half an hour later, Charlie hung up and sighed. It didn’t feel good to lie, or withhold the truth, from Huxton and Tyson. But she needed time to decide what to do. It was too early to call Lilly. Lilly would kill her if she called before nine AM. Instead, she walked to the window and watched a bird dive into the lake to catch his prey.