Blood red love 

Charlie was curled up in her favourite spot on the couch with her laptop. She was looking into when she could get back to school, discovering that she needed to wait until the next semester. She sighed. It gave her about two months of doing nothing. Maybe she could. convince Vidar she could start her internship sooner. She put her laptop on the coffee table and headed for his office. She was still in her fluffy white robe; it felt warm and cosy. Charlie knocked on Vidar’s office door and she heard him calling for her to enter. He was sitting behind his desk wearing sleep pants and a light grey tank top. His brows were furrowed as he was looking at his screen. 
“Am I disturbing you?” she asked as she stood in the door opening. 
“Never,” he said, glancing up at her and held out a hand towards her. She hesitated, feeling he needed to work. But then relented and walked over to him and placed her hand in his. He made her step in front of him and then he took her around the waist and sat her on top of his desk. He let his eyes leave the screen and focused them on her. “What’s up?” She smiled. 
at him. 
“I was going to ask if I could start my internship on Monday.” 
“I don’t know, Charlie. With everything that is happening, I’m not sure it will be safe,” he told 
“I can’t sit around doing nothing. And where else would I be as safe as in that gigantic building I’m sure is largely filled with vampires and other magical beings? All of them working for you,” she pointed out. Vidar grunted again. Charlie knew he did it when he knew she was right but didn’t want to admit it. “Good, then it’s decided. Please don’t forget to let 
Lucas know.” 
“Fine,” he agreed. She k*ssed his cheek. 
“So what has got you all grumpy and worried?” she asked. He was about to say ‘nothing‘ and she gave him a look saying she wouldn’t buy it. 
“The demons have reached out and asked to talk to you. I was about to say no. But I think 
you might have given me an idea,” he told her. 
“I’m happy I could be of help. I know after what happened when you took me to meet the werewolves, you will be hesitant to do it again. But isn’t that part of being a maiden?” she asked. 
“It is. But your safety comes first. No one will object if we decline due to a real threat. The demons will be there after we capture Millard. They can wait,” he told her. 
“Thank you for keeping me safe. I’ll let you work in peace,” she said, sliding down from his 
You could always agree to stay 
“It’s not a heavy burden. But if you want to ease my troubles, home until it’s safe,” he suggested. Charlie laughed as she walked to the door. 
“Good try, but no. I believe in you.” Charlie walked up the stairs and got comfortable on the large sofa in the entertaining room. She took her phone out of her pocket and dialled her best 
“Hi, Charlie,” Lilly answered. 
“Hi, I needed some girl talk. Do you have half an hour?” Charlie asked. 
“I always have time for you. What’s up? Is this about you quitting your job?” Charlie told her 
about her agreement with Vidar. She had to leave some parts out not to give away 
the magic part of everything. “So you will get to study and get to work with your hot boyfriend?” Lilly 
“Yes, that would sum it up.” 
“That sounds amazing. Who knew a mafia boss would have a side gig as your fairy godmother?” Lilly said and chuckled. Charlie got a mental image of Vidar in a pink dress, cone hat and butterfly wings and joined in Lilly’s chuckling. Then she realised that there probably was such a thing, well, at least fairies. 
“How about you? Dating anyone, serious or not?” Charlie asked her friend. 
“No. I’m thinking about what I want to do with my life. Turns out freedom gives you a taste 
for more.” 
“You’re not happy working at “The red lady“?” Charlie asked. Lilly had never told her that. 
“I’m not unhappy working there. It’s a good gig, good money and a good boss. But I think I 
Scarry to 
want to work for myself. It’s go out on your own, but I think I want to try it. A couple of years ago I got this idea into my head. I kind of have been setting money aside for it. But every time I would bring it up with Nea, she would tell me it was a pipe dream.” 
“Lilly, you shouldn’t listen to that. What ever it is, I think you will be a success,” Charlie said. 
“You don’t even know what I want to do.” 
“I don’t need to. I know your food is amazing, I know you are smart, organised and overall brilliant and ambitious. If you are thinking about taking the leap, I know you will have done your research, calculated what you need to spend and what you need to earn to survive. I believe in you.” 
“You are f**king going to make me cry,” Lilly said, her voice thick with emotions. 
“So. Are you going to tell me what you are planning?” 
“I want to open a small restaurant with Scandinavian food. You know my mother’s family comes from Sweden. I grew up with all that amazing food and I would love to share it with 
others,” Lilly said. 
“Oh, that’s an amazing idea. I love when you cook the traditional food. So, what is the next step for you?” Lilly laughed on the other end. 
“You know, I’m talking to you for ten minutes and it feels like I can really do this.” 
“You can!” 
“I think I need to find someone that has started their own restaurant that I can talk to about 

it. I think I need to prepare for what I have to do.” 

“That sounds like a good plan. I’m sure you will find someone,” Charlie told her friend. She was already thinking of how she could help. 
“I don’t know if I should tell you this,” Lilly started. 
“You can tell me anything.” 
“I know, okay, okay. James called yesterday.” 
“Oh, Mia said it looked like they will go to trial,” Charlie said. 
“As they should,” Lilly said with a snort. “He’s just lucky you didn’t press charges on his ass when he tried to force himself at you.” 
“Why did he call you?” 
“He wanted me to persuade you to tell Vidar to drop everything. I think it has finally hit him. how big of a mess he has got himself into. I told him he had created the mess, and he had to get himself out of it. Then I told him to stop being a stubborn fool and call your brother and ask for help,” Lilly said. 
“Do you think I should talk to Vidar?” Charlie asked. She hadn’t thought she should earlier in the day. But now, she wasn’t as sure. 
“No. He needs to learn. He placed that thing into the system, knowing it was illegal. He used. you to cover it up, he hurt you, and then he refused to see the error of his ways. f**k him. He can rot in jail.” They talked for another half an hour and when they hung up, Charlie remained as she was, looking out over the city. The room was dark, as she hadn’t lit any of the lamps when she walked up. It made the view even clearer. 
“Why are you sitting in the dark? Is something wrong?” Vidar asked. Charlie jumped. She had. been deep in thought and wasn’t used to how quietly he moved yet. Vidar sat down next to her and pulled her back to his front and put his arms around her. 
“Nothing is wrong. I have talked to Lilly.” 
“Is something wrong with Lilly?” he asked. 
“No, she is thinking about opening a restaurant of her own. Do you think Henry would talk to 
her about what it takes if I asked him?” 
“Baby, he would teach a masterclass to fifty aspiring restaurateurs if you asked,” he told her and k*ssed her ear. Charlie smiled. “There is more.” 
“James had called her,” she said. 
“Asking her to do what Mia asked you?” Vidar asked. 
“Do you want me to drop the charges? I don’t care. He is insignificant to me.” 
“No. He tried to hurt your company and you. He needs to take responsibility for that. I’m just contemplating if I should call my brother or not. If I don’t, I think he will turn James down if James asks for help.” 
“Do you want your brother to help him?” 
“I think so. Is that bad? I know he is an ass, and he did things to you.‘ 
“And more importantly to you,” Vidar added. 
“And to me, that shouldn’t be forgiven. But then I think of the teenager that came to all my school events with my brother, so I wouldn’t feel alone. The cadet who pooled his money with my brother to make sure I got a birthday party. And I don’t want that part of him to die. If he gets left all alone, I think it will,” she told Vidar. She felt his hug become tighter, and he k*ssed her hair. 
“Then I think you should call 
your brother.” 
“You won’t be upset if I do?” 
“No. You don’t do it because you have feelings for James. You do it because you are a compassionate person. I love that about you and I will never be upset by it,” he promised her. 
“I love you, Vidar. Thank you for understanding.” 
“I love you too, lilla lo. Do you want me to leave so you can make the call?” 
“No, please stay,” she asked and leaned into him.