Chapter 34–Familiar Eyes 
Isabel’s POV 
I had been so close to escaping. The sterile scent of disinfectant Ingered in my nostrils, reminding me of the urgency to leave. To distance myself from Emerson’s suffocating presence. This wa chance to break free. Emerson wouldn’t expect me to be gone when he returned. 
But then, as if fate had other plans, a doctor entered the room. I froze in place on the edge of the bed as I watched him take my stuff. What was going on? 
The doctor was covered head to toe in surgical attire. His cap, mask and glasses obscured his face. But his gray eyes were unsettlingly familiar. I squinted, trying to place where I had seen them before. 

“Follow me,” he said, his voice low and urgent. “I’ll get you out of here.” 
My instincts were screaming at me to be cautious. “W-why should I trust you?” My voice wavered, betraying the fear I tried so hard to suppress. I had been through too much to blindly trust anyone. Especially now. 
The doctor hesitated for a moment. He then reached up and removed his mask. The surgical material crumpled in his hand, revealing a face I should’ve recognized instantly. “Surprise!” he said with a wink. 
It was Robert. The warmth in his smile was unmistakable. A stark contrast to the cold dread that had filled me just moments before. 

“Robert!” I gasped. Relief flooded through me. “What are you doing. here?” My mind raced, struggling to connect the dots. Why was he here, at this unfamiliar hospital? 

“It’s good to see you too, Isabel. I was here to discuss a cooperation 
with the hospital director.” His smile widened slightly. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose 
“But then I saw your name on the patient list. I overheard Emerson trying to convince the doctors to examine you while you were still unconscious. I knew something was wrong. So I dressed up as a doctor to check up on you,” he explained. 
As usual, Emerson had been planning to control me without my permission. “Who does he think he is?” I muttered. My breath came faster, panic rising in my chest. He could walk in he any minute. But Robert’s calm demeanor grounded me. 
“Thank goodness you’re here.” I whispered. “You have no idea what I’ve been through, Robert Emerson he’s been acting so strangely lately He saved me from the fire at Emma’s. But since then, I’ve discovered he has been gathering evidence to frame my father. I can’t stay here any longer. I need to leave.” 

“I know,” he replied softly. His expression turned serious as he handed me a folded bundle of clothes–a nurse’s uniform ‘Put this on. It’s the only way we can get you out without drawing attention. We need to 
move fast” 
I took the uniform from him, my hands trembling slightly. Gratitude and fear mixed in my chest as I realized how much he was risking for me Thank you,” I said, looking into his eyes. “I don’t know how to repay you.” 
“There’s no need,” he said, his tone firm but kind. “Just trust me, Isabel We’ll get you out of here safely ” 
I nodded. He left the room to stand guard as I changed into the nurse’s uniform. The fabric was stiff and unfamiliar. Far from the classy and comfortable clothes I was used to. But those were all lost in the fire. Comfort was a luxury I could no longer afford 

With a final glance in the mirror, I pulled the nurse’s cap low over my 
+25 BONUS 
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forehead and followed Robert out of the room. 
The hallway was dimly lit. The hospital’s usual bustling noise was oddly. subdued at this hour. My heart pounded in my ears e walked quickly, side by side. Each step was bringing me closer to freedom. 

Robert led the way. His confident stride put me at ease, if only slightly. I could hear my own breathing, shallow and quick, as we approached the exit. 
We were almost there. Just a few more steps and I’d be free. But then, just as we neared the revolving doors in the entrance hall, a voice called out behind us. It sliced through the air like a knife. 
“Excuse me,” the voice said, harsh and chilling. “Could you please help me find my wife? Dear ‘doctor‘?” The sarcasm in his tone was unmistakable. 
I froze, my blood turning to ice. That voice was the last thing I wanted to hear. I felt my heart plummet as I turned around slowly.

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