Chapter 22 – Hair Loss & Chaos 
Isabel’s POV 
Emerson’s voice was cold and demanding over the phone. “Why is there hair all over the bathroom? Are you cutting your hair for some strange hobby?” His voice was thick with doubt. 
My heart raced as I tried to come up with an explanation. I couldn’t let him know the truth. “Maybe it’s from your new mistress,” I retorted sarcastically, hoping to deflect his suspicions.. 
The silence on the other end of the line was deafening. Then, with at frustrated huff, he hung up. I hoped he wouldn’t obsess over this issue any more. But knowing Emerson, I doubted he would let it go. easily. 

The after–effects of chemo were relentless. My body felt like it had been through a war. Nausea, fatigue, and aching joints were my constant companions. My hair thinned more each day, falling out in clumps. I dreaded the day I would have no hair left at all. 

I had to run some errands on my way home. At the supermarket, felt weak and insecure. Each step felt heavier than the last. I caught a glimpse of myself in the shop window. I hardly recognized the pale, fragile figure staring back at me. 
“I should really start wearing hats… Or a wig,” I mumbled to myself, trying to muster a semblance of humor to lighten the moment. 

People glanced at me with what seemed like pity. Their eyes lingered a bit too long. I could almost hear their silent questions. Or perhaps it was just my imagination, fueled by my own insecurities. Either way, I felt exposed and vulnerable. I wished I could just melt into the background. 

When I finally made it back home, every step up to Emma’s apartment felt like a monumental effort. I didn’t have the energy to 
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do anything. I sank onto my bed. My body was heavy with. exhaustion. 
Closing my eyes, I drifted into a restless sleep. I had no idea how long I was out for. I was plagued by strange dreams. I dreamt of Emerson holding me in the cold shower, pulling out the last strains of my hair. The dream shifted and blurred. I saw Emma smile at me. We were at… a barbecue? Suddenly, Emma started screaming. 

I was abruptly awakened by the shrill sound of the smoke alarm. My heart pounded as I smelled the overwhelming scent of smoke and burning plastic. Panic surged through me as I realized what was happening… The apartment was on fire! The screams outside fueled my terror. 
Coughing as the smoke hit my lungs, I struggled to get out of bed. My legs felt like jelly, barely able to support my weight. I stumbled toward the window. Every movement was like a battle against my own weakness. 
I managed to push the window open and leaned out, gasping for fresh air and shouting for help. “FIRE! Somebody, help me!” The heavy smoke billowed from my room. I hoped it was enough to draw someone’s attention. 
As the fire grew, I heard a loud crash. Something had fallen, sending a shower of sparks through the room. I let out a scream. 
The fire created a curtain of smoke around me. Despair pulled me into the dark recesses of my memories. The day I lost my baby was burnt into my soul. It was a wound that never healed. It was as if I had died with my baby that day. Tears blurred my vision, mixing with the smoke that choked me. No one was around to save me. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. 

I felt my consciousness slipping away. Visions of my lost baby danced before my eyes. His tiny hands reached out to me. The fire’s heat was unbearable, searing my skin. I tried to scream, but my 
voirs was let in the chaos westerng furth phymeally and 

dum? when i thought I couldn’t hold any longer the door was broken down with a tremendous groe Through the smoke, saw a tel: but vague figure standing in the doorway My son swafft, and i could barely make out his features as he walked over to me quedary, his voice booming through the hare 
Hold on We need to get out of here now!” the blustered, his tone muxture of anger and urgency 
The man’s strong arms wrapped around me, lifting me as if 
weighed nothing My head lolled against his chest as he carried me out of the apartment, leaving the smoke and flames behind, I closed my eyes, too weak to stay conscious any longer

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