Chapter 70 Conviction 

“Luna, I think there’s been a mistake with my measurements. This is way too short.” I protest after I change into my outfit. 
The dress, now altered, barely covers my ass. I can’t help but worry that a simple turn will expose my panties to everyone. 
“No, it’s perfect for you,” Luna says with a cold smile. I want to make sure that you find a Mate and I don’t want any of our High–ranking members to pick you. 
When someone requested you be placed in this group. I convinced my Mate it was for the best. I never wanted your father or you to join our Pack.” She states and I see there are at least five Warriors present, something that is normally not allowed during rehearsal. 
I am staring at our Luna as she starts laughing, and I finally realize she actually hates me, for whatever reason that might be. 
Without thinking any further, I lunge at her, my fist connecting with her nose in a sharp, resounding crack. 
Two Warriors immediately seize me, pulling me away before I can do any more harm. One of the High–ranking females steps forward, her gaze icy. “You’ve assaulted your Luna, and for that, you will be convicted.” She looks at everyone in the room and they all agree with her. 
The Luna has a smirk on her face when the Warriors drag me down to the dungeons. 
An hour later, my father arrives at the dungeon. There is no worry in his eyes as he says, “Be patient. Everything will be alright.” 
Whenever Dad says that, I know something unexpected is about to happen. It’s something his father taught him, and so far, it always turns out well. 
I nod my head as I see my nightmare coming down the stairs. 
His eyes move up and down my body, and the look he gives me makes bad shivers run down my spine. 
When Dad notices my discomfort, he turns around. “Stay away from her,” he growls at the man. 
Dad pulls a chair in front of my cell and keeps his eyes on my nightmare. One of the warriors standing guard grabs a sheet from a shelf and hands it to me through the bars. 
I thank him as I wrap the sheet around myself. 
We talk about everything that won’t give away that something is going to happen — the latest book I read and the show he watched on TV the other night. We talk about Mom and how much I resemble her, I have her light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. 
About an hour after dinner, our Alpha walks in with two huge males behind him, and I can tell they are Lycans. 
12:51 Sun, Aug. 
Chapter 70 Conviction 
+5 Pearls 
Dad gives me a reassuring smile as I look at him. Apparently this is my ticket out of here and for some reason our Alpha is not pleased. 
Both Males are about 673 with blond hair and blue eyes, anyone can see that they are twins and if I had to bet on it, I would say they are High–ranking Lycans. 
“Open her cell.” One of the males says to a Warrior, and our Alpha just nods, though he looks like he wants to object. 
“You are charged with assaulting your Luna. The Council has ordered us to bring you to the Academy.” the saine male tells me. 
“You can leave the sheet in your cell,” the other male says and with some fright in my eyes, I look at Dad. 
“Gentlemen, my Daughter was in a fitting session at the time of the attack. I brought her a change of clothes as I know she won’t be comfortable in what she’s wearing under that sheet, Dad says, 
I see both males looking from me to Dad, so I decide to show them what I am wearing. 
Iturn in such a way that only they can see what is underneath the sheet and I see anger flashing through their eyes. 
They order everyone out and tell Dad to hand me the bag with clothes he brought for me. Then, they 
all wall of the dungeons. 
Ten minutes later one of the Lycans walks back in and tells me to follow him. 
Dad is waiting outside with the other Lycan. He hugs me as he whispers in my ear that we will meet soon. I kiss him on his cheek before I follow one of the Lycans to a black SUV. 
The young female, that has been covering my station these past few weeks, smiles at me, and I get a feeling that she called in my conviction to the Council Within seconds, the other Lycan gets behind the wheel. 
Just as he turns the ignition on, my nightmare jumps in front of the SUV. 
Our Alpha quickly pulls him away and they start arguing as the SUV passes them. I sigh in relief. I know both males heard it, but they don’t say a word as we leave the Pack grounds behind us. 
I close my eyes and lean back into the car seat, letting the events of the past day run through my mind. 
I have a sinking feeling my nightmare won’t give up easily, and I wonder if I should tell the men in the front seats about him. 
As my thoughts race, sleep takes over. 
Shouting startles me awake. I am very disoriented as I try to figure out what is going on. 
“Damn it, Evander! Keep your eyes on the road. I’ll see where they’re coming from!” the passenger yells. I glance to my left as I see him looking to the right. 
12:51 Sun, Aug 18 t 
Chapter 70 Conviction 
+5 Pearls 
I recognize the Wolf instantly, and a cold certainty settles over me–this won’t end until he’s dead. 
“I know this isn’t the time to tell you my life story, but that wolf won’t stop until he has me or he’s dead,” I say, my voice tight. 
For a moment, the wolf seems to vanish, leaving a strange knot in my stomach. I scan the area, head turning left and right, trying to spot him again. Up front, the men debate whether to take a detour to shake him off. 
“Conri, call Council–member Boaz and ask what we should do about this wolf. Also, tell him he’s after the convict we have in the SUV, Evander says, glancing at me through the rearview mirror. I keep scanning the surroundings, hoping the wolf doesn’t show up again 
‘Boaz wants us to head to one of the safe–houses. They’ll hold a conference call to hear her story.” 
sys after ending the call. “They don’t want to wait until she reaches the Academy. After that, they’ll decide what to do about the wolf.” 
Couri explains that the Council has safe–houses all over the country within the grounds of allied packs. They plan to take me to the nearest one, where I’ll get a chance to tell the Council what happened. 
I continue scanning the area, but so far, my nightmare hasn’t reappeared. I start to relax a little, though my father’s lessons keep me alert, even after we arrive at the pack where we’ll be staying for a few hours. 
Evander drives past the Pack–house, quickly leaving the Pack village behind. He stops in front of a small cottage hidden among tall trees. I realize I would never have found this place on my own if Evander didn’t know where to go. 
Conri opens the door and extends a hand to help me out. At 57, I feel pretty small standing next to him, and when Evander joins us, I get an irrational urge to run. But without my wolf, I know I wouldn’t stand a chance. 
It’ll take another year before I get my wolf and can shift–maybe then I’ll be able to outrun them. 
I glance up at both of them and suddenly burst into laughter, realizing I’d never outrun them, even with my wolf 
They both look at me, confused. 
“Sorry,” I chuckle. “I just realized that even with my wolf, there’s no way in hell I’d outrun the two of 
Thankfully, they have a sense of humor and laugh along with me. 
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