Chapter 39 – Uninvited Guests 
Isabel’s POV 
I stared at my phone. Lilith’s taunting voice replayed over and over in my mind. “We had a wonderful night together.” The way she said it left no doubt. I couldn’t believe her nerve 
My ex–husband, who once promised me forever, was with his new family while I struggled to pick up the pieces. Why would he toy me around like this, making me feel like I meant something to hin dive in bed with his new girlfriend? The humiliation was unbearable. 
nly to 

I tried to shake off the feelings. I had to. Emma and I had plans to go out tonight, and I needed this distraction. 
I dressed carefully, choosing a flowy mint green dress that made me feel a little more like myself. I styled the extensions I got to mask my thinning hair. A small act of defiance against the changes I didn’t want to accept. My golden hair looked full, lush and wavy when I was done. with it. 
Emma arrived in her car. Her familiar smile was a comforting sight.” You look great!” she said, her eyes warm with affection. “Ready for some fun?” 
I nodded, forcing a smile. “Definitely. Let’s escape reality for a while.” 

We headed to a cozy bar nestled in the heart of Rivermont. The dim. lighting and mellow music provided a lovely escape from the chaos of my life. We sank into plush seats, and Emma ordered our drinks. I opted for a mocktail, mindful of my headaches. 

As the evening unfolded, we lost ourselves in conversation. Laughter flowed freely. Our old camaraderie was like a safe haven, even if just for a night. We gossiped about old friends, shared silly anecdotes, and talked about anything but recent events. For a few hours, it was as if 
membhing was normal again. 
The not moming awoke feeling refreshed. The lack of alcohol had been a west choice as prepared lunch, the doorbell rang. I was sumbrser to fine Robert Standing there, a bag of groceries and 
medicins in hand. 
Robert greeted him, grateful for the unexpected gesture. “Come 

ss06er inside and led him to the kitchen. ” brought some genes and medione” he said, setting the bags on the counte 
INDLICH YOU Might neat them.” 
Thank you” said getting back to my food preparations. “It’s really SOTO OF NOU TO rett. Why don’t you join me for lunch? I’ve made plenty. 13e small gesture, but it’s a start. want to repay you for all your 
etsmiet. Thank you Sabel love to join you. It smells 
WE SE NISU in the small dairy garden. The sum cast a gentle 

embers. The cas prance around then antics providing a rare 
MOMSTE OF COL was enlowing this seere time, knowing that soon I’d 
be getting my DNDTE ESSES and MOVING MED TO OWN ADAMment 
THE INQUOTE of no longer being a burden to Robert was comforting. T work, be reading your of your sse scharty anymore Robert. Thank 
to everything you’ve come for me” said ma sincere tone. 

Just as we ret finster unch, the noonel ang aram. Robert went t 
sveer & He saver aval Townies, and heard raiser voices. I stood 
coneret and hurred to the nor 
To resor Soont mer ONTO DOIT reemer and ano 
Home S 

heart raced. How did he find me here? 
“What are you doing here?” I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady 
Emerson didn’t answer immediately. He reached for my hands, trying to pull me away. “Isabel, we need to talk. You can’t just run away from me 
I resisted, yanking my hands free. “No, Emerson, I don’t want to talk to you. Not now, not ever. Stop meddling in my life. I’m not your wife anymore. Shouldn’t you be with your new family?” 
“Isabel, you need to come with me, right now!” He shoute my question, but I could tell I’d hit a nerve.. 

e avoided 
Robert stepped forward, his face filled with irritation. “Emerson, you’re making a scene. You need to leave.” 
Emerson’s eyes flickered with anger. “I’m not going anywhere until I get answers. Why is Robert here, Isa? Are you two together? Did you move in with him already?!” I was embarrassed by his assumptions. 
Robert glanced at me with a little smirk. Emerson noticed and burst out in rage. “Oh, is this funny to you?! You piece of-” 
“I’m not discussing anything with you, Emerson,” I interrupted him. firmly. “Please, just go.” 

The drama and shouting had triggered another headache attack. The intensity was building. I gently rubbed my temples, trying to release 
some pressure. 
Robert noticed my discomfort. “Are you okay, Isabel?” 
I tried to nod and smile reassuringly. But moving my head increased my vertigo. I stumbled and had to lean against the wall. “I’m getting your your medicine. Don’t go anywhere,” Robert said firmly. 
“Medicine? What medicine?” Emerson asked. Robert ignored him and walked away. 

Chapter 29 – Uninvited Questo 
+25 BONUS 
Emerson threw me a concerned glance, then followed Robert through the hallway. 
“Emerson, don’t-” I tried to call after him, but my voice was too weak. I watched as the two men rushed away. When would Erson learn to just leave me be? 
I heard some stumbling. Then, Emerson’s angry voice. “What the hell is this?” 

“Hey!” I heard Robert shout and the sound of a medicine bottle falling.

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