Chapter 14 – Lilith’s Story 
Emerson’s POV 
Several years ago, I met Lilith during a volunteering activity at a local community center. I was drawn to her unique, exotic beauty. She was tall and slender, sticking out above the people around her. Her *raven hair and green eyes stood out amongst the crowd. She had an 
elegance and grace about her that I hadn’t seen before. 
We got talking. She told me about her life. She didn’t have it easy. She was juggling multiple part–time jobs to make ends meet. But her real passion was music – she was a pianist. Despite her tough life, she never complained. 

Her strong will and optimistic attitude were what initially drew me to her. We exchanged numbers. From then on, I often invited her to lunches and dinners. I couldn’t stay away from her. As we spent more time together, our bond deepened. I found myself increasingly captivated by her. 
During one of our conversations, Lilith mentioned receiving 
assistance from a businessman because of her outstanding grades. and musical talent. She told me she only knew him as Mr. White. 
“Oh! Mr. White! I know him well,” I replied. 

Allen White was a rich business man who worked closely with my father. He sponsored promising citizens of Rivermont, like Lilith. She told me he treated her well and supported her music studies. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I was glad my family friend was supporting the woman I cared about most. 

One day, out of the blue, Lilith asked me, “Does Mr. White have a daughter?” 
I was puzzled. “Yes, her name is Isabel. I know her well. As kids we used to play together while our parents were discussing work. Why 
do you ask?” 
“Nothing,” she replied, looking away. “I’m just curious why he wouldn’t understand my feelings if he has a daughter.” 
I tried to probe further. But Lilith shut down, unwilling to elaborate. It was clear that something was troubling her. But she wasn’t ready to share. Despite the mystery surrounding her question, our shared ‘love for classical music kept us close. Lilith was an exceptionally talented pianist. We often discussed our favorite composers and pieces. 

One evening, I secured two tickets to a prestigious concert. I eagerly planned to invite Lilith. I knew she would be delighted. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face, sitting next to me in the audience. However, when I tried to contact her, she was unreachable. I called her multiple times, but her phone was off. My concern grew with each passing day. 
A few nights later, I decided to walk around Rivermont and look for her. When I passed by a shady area, something told me to turn into a dark alley. I walked around in a maze of narrow, dirty streets. The smell of urine and trash was disgusting. After spending half an hour walking through the dark alleyways, I finally found her. She was sitting on the ground, all alone. Her clothes were filthy and her hair in disarray. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. 
“Lilith!” I called out, rushing to her side. “I finally found you! What happened? Who did this to you?!” 
She looked up at me with tear–filled eyes but shook her head silently. She refused to speak. I didn’t press her for answers. Instead, I wrapped my arms around her, offering comfort. “It’s okay,” I whispered. “I’m here for you. Whenever you’re in trouble, I’ll help you.” 
For a month after that night, Lilith avoided me. Why? What was 

going on? Was someone blackmailing her? Why wouldn’t she want 
my help? 
My worry for her grew with each day of silence. Although we’d never confessed our love to one another, I couldn’t deny my feelings for her. She was so beautiful, so special. I knew she needed my help, but I couldn’t be there for her. I didn’t know what to do. 
One day, out of the blue, I received a letter from Lilith. My hands “trembled as I opened it. I feared the worst. 
The letter, written in her elegant handwriting, read: 

Emerson, I have already left the country when you receive this letter. Don’t come looking for me. I wanted to confess my feelings to you, but I couldn’t escape the shadow of a man. I know you care about me. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Please, forgive me. 
Her words were like a punch to the gut. She was gone, leaving me with more questions than answers. Who was this man she referred to? Why did she feel the need to leave so abruptly? 
I sank into my chair, re–reading the letter over and over. The Lilith I knew was always strong and independent. For her to flee like this meant something deeply traumatic had occurred. And she didn’t trust me enough to confide in me about it. 
I could only think of one man powerful enough to hurt her and blackmail her like this. It was the only man she had ever mentioned. to me. His name was… Allen White.

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