Chapter 13 – Emerson’s Anguish 
Emerson’s POV 
I felt a surge of anger when I saw Isabel smile at a strange man. How dare she flirt with someone else at my family banquet? How could she smile at another man so easily, but always show me a ‘cold face? 
My anger intensified when I recognized him. He was the man who had carried Isabel to the car. He introduced himself as Robert Evans, the son of a prominent medical enterprise. How dare he try to steal my wife? 
When I confronted them, I never expected Robert to provoke me. He acted protective over her, as if he were Isabel’s husband. 

Turning away from Robert, I took Isabel by the arm and led her to a storage room. I pressed her shoulders against the wall, glaring at her. “What were you thinking, smiling at him like that?” 
“We were just talking, Emerson,” Isabel replied, her voice shaking. Why are you so upset?” 
“Upset?” I spat. “You’re still my wife, Isabel. You shouldn’t be talking to other men.” 
“We’re about to finalize the divorce,” she shot back. “And besides, you’re with Lilith. Why should it matter to you who I talk to?” 

Our faces were inches apart. Despite my anger, I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. She was wearing a stunning sapphire blue dress. It brought out the deep blue in her eyes. Her golden hair was elegantly twisted into an updo, accentuating her long neck. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. 

Her eyes, filled with tears, seemed to pierce right through me. Despite my fury, I felt an inexplicable attraction to her. My heart 
ached seeing her in pain. I must be insane. I reminded myself that I loved Lilith, not Isabel. 
“I don’t want you embarrassing me,” I said, my voice harsh to hide my confusion. “You’re still my wife, and you’ll act like it until the divorce is finalized.” 
“Embarrassing you?” she whispered, tears streaming down her face. “You’ve done nothing but humiliate me since the day we got married. 
I couldn’t help myself. I retorted, “If it wasn’t for your father’s tricks, I would never even have married you!” 

The words left my mouth without thinking. As soon as I said it, I realized how hurtful it must be. Isabel looked confused and asked. what I meant. Didn’t she know? 
Before I could respond, our quarrel was interrupted by a knock on the door. A maid’s voice called out urgently, “Mr. Williams, are you there?” 
“What is it?” I barked, annoyed at the interruption. 
“Your son has a fever, sir. Ms. Lilith is looking for you.” 
I let go of Isabel’s shoulders and hurried downstairs. When I reached the lounge, the baby was surrounded by concerned guests. Lilith looked distraught and helpless. Liam was crying uncontrollably. I panicked and started barking orders at the housekeepers. 

When Isabel offered to help, Iwas surprised. Why would she help my new family, after all the things I’ve done to her? 
Lilith shot Isabel a look of disdain, but Andrew Williams, my father, nodded. “Let her try. The baby’s health is the priority.” 
Isabel gently placed a wet towel on Liam’s forehead and hummed a lullaby, soothing him. Within minutes, Liam’s cries subsided. He 
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even stared at Isabel with his beautiful eyes. He clutched her finger with his tiny hand. 

I couldn’t help but think about the baby we were expecting together. The loss Isabel must’ve gone through. Perhaps she would’ve been at better mother than Lilith? 
Lilith looked very displeased. I wondered why? Shouldn’t Liam’s “health matter more to her than anything else? She quickly took Liam 
away. “He needs a quiet environment now,” she said curtly. 
I watched as Lilith and Liam left the room. A strange mix of emotions was swirling within me. Seeing Isabel with Liam had stirred something deep inside me. 
I excused myself. I needed a moment to collect my thoughts. I headed to the restroom, splashing cold water on my face. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, lost in thought. 

Maybe Isabel wasn’t as bad as I thought. If it hadn’t been for that incident, things could have been different. We might have had a chance at happiness. I wiped my face and took a deep breath, the weight of regret settling heavily on my shoulders. 
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