Chapter 12 – Desperate Measures 
Isabel’s POV 
Robert overheard the phone call and noticed my despair. He gently placed a hand on my shoulder. 
,“Are you okay, Isabel?” He asked, concern evident in his eyes. 
“I uh… My father is in trouble. He’s being summoned to court. But he’s unable to take their calls, since he’s in the hospital,” I explained. 

Robert overheard the phone call and noticed my despair. He immediately offered to drive me to the courthouse. 
“Let me help, Isabel. You shouldn’t go through this alone,” he insisted. We hurried to court, my heart pounding with anxiety. 
When we arrived, the staff informed me that if my father couldn’t pay off his debt, his house would be subject to foreclosure. The thought of losing my childhood home was unbearable. It was a large. old farmhouse in the woods, filled with beautiful memories. My father had renovated it himself. Pouring blood, sweat and tears into the project. 
“This can’t be happening,” I whispered, my voice cracking. “I grew up. in that house. It holds so many memories.” 

Robert placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “We’ll figure this out, Isabel. I promise.” 

I shook my head, tears welling up in my eyes. “I appreciate your help, Robert, but I don’t want to owe you more than I already do.” 
Robert gave me a determined look. “You won’t owe me anything. We still have some time before the payment deadline. Things could change.” 
He immediately contacted a friend who owned a detective agency, 

hoping to find some discrepancies in my father’s case. Within a short time, his friend got back to us “The case has many doubts,” he said. “I’ll contact you as soon as I have the latest investigation 
Feeling a glimmer of hope, I thanked Robert and got in my car. As I drove through the winding roads leading to my father’s home, memories of my childhood flooded my mind. 
The closer I got, the more I felt a mix of emotions. My father and I had shared countless moments there. 
I always had the spare key on my key set, a small token of the bond. we shared, Unlocking the door, I stepped inside. The warmth and comfort of the home enveloped me like a long–lost friend. 

Each room held a story, a piece of my history. Being here again was like stepping into a living memory. As I walked through the house, my fingers brushed against familiar objects. Each touch brought at flood of emotions, reminding me of the love and stability that had once been my foundation. 
Reaching my father’s study, I paused. This room, more than any other, was filled with his presence. I could almost hear his voice, offering words of wisdom and comfort. 
Sitting down in the study, I allowed myself a moment of reflection. Despite everything that had happened, being here gave me a sense of peace and clarity. 
It was as if the house itself was reassuring me that I was not alone. That I had a place to come back to, a place where I could find strength and hope. 
I couldn’t let them take our home. Never. 

That evening, I returned to Emma’s apartment. Emma could see the exhaustion on my face. “Come on, Isa. Let’s go out for a drink. Your 
+15 BONUS 
need to unwind. 
Over drinks, I poured my heart out to Emma, telling her everything that had happened. She listened intently, her eyes full of concern. and empathy. “You’ve been through so much, Isabel. But you’re stronger than you think. You’ll get through this.” 

The next day, I mustered up the courage to call Emerson to file for divorce. His reaction was as cold and condescending as ever. “Why the sudden urgency to get divorced? Are you eager to marry Robert? 
he mocked. 
I took a deep breath, steadying myself. “I’m not interested in a marriage of three, Emerson. Once we’re divorced, we won’t have any right to interfere in each other’s lives. You can marry Lilith without any concerns. You should be happy about that, shouldn’t you?” 
Emerson sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. “You think I’ll let you go that easily? Think again.” 
His resistance only fueled my determination. “Fine,” I said, my voice steady. “If you refuse to divorce, I’ll go to the press with pictures of you cheating on me. I doubt you’d want Lilith to stay with you as a mistress, and for your son to be labeled a bastard by the public.” 

I could almost hear the fury radiating from the other end of the line. Without waiting for his response, I hung up and blocked his contact for the day, knowing he would bombard me with calls. 
After taking that decisive step, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. The battle for my father’s house, the impending divorce and my own health crisis loomed large. 
I realized there were still so many things I needed to address. I sighed. It was time to take care of myself, so I could take better care of my father and all the other issues in my life. 
I contacted Robert. “Robert, about my condition… What are the 
survival rates if I have the surgery?”

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