+15 BONUS 
Chapter 9–In The Shadows 
Isabel’s POV 
Emerson stood over me. He claimed he saw me with another man. His cold face was contorted with rage. Why did he look jealous? He shouldn’t have cared who I was with. When he proposed divorce, he *even implied that he never loved me. Perhaps it was just about his 

My reaction obviously irritated him. I tried to avoid unnecessary trouble, keeping my face as neutral as possible. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. As you said yourself, what could I possibly hide from you?” I countered. I didn’t want him to know about my illness. All I wanted was to diffuse the tension. 
Emerson’s irritation flared. He mocked me with an ironic sneer, “We haven’t even finalized the divorce, and you’ve already found a new boyfriend.” Then he demanded, “No matter who he is, stop meeting him. It’ll be best for both of you.” 
I couldn’t believe his nerves. How dare he control who I do or do not see! “Emerson, you are being totally unreasonable! He is just a friend. And why should you even care? You’re the one who said our marriage was loveless in the first place!” My frustration was 
bubbling over, raising my voice with every word. 

Emerson’s piercing blue eyes narrowed, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he shifted gears. “Wear something decent for the banquet,” he instructed coldly. “Until we get divorced, you are still a member of this family. You must fulfill your duty.” 

His next words cut through me like a knife. “Lilith will attend with our son. They will become part of the family sooner or later.” 
I could hardly believe his cruelty. The man I once loved was now a stranger, indifferent to my pain. He claimed I was dating another 
man. Meanwhile he was the one who had another woman. 
“How could you be so heartless?” I asked, my voice trembling with hurt and anger. Tears threatened behind my eyes. 
“Heartless?” he scoffed. “Lilith is everything you’re not. Perfect and important.” 

‘I laughed bitterly, tears welling in my eyes. “I don’t care who goes to the party, but after that, we are getting divorced,” I said. I sounded stronger than I felt. Despite the ache in my heart. 
Two days later, I got ready for the family banquet. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I felt anxious to see Emerson’s family, a reminder of my crumbling marriage. Dark circles under my eyes showed my sleepless nights. I reached for the concealer, dabbing it on the shadows. 
I chose a sapphire blue gown. Emerson once said it brought out the best in my eyes. As I slipped it on, I felt the fabric cling to my slender figure. My flat stomach was a painful reminder of the baby I had lost. 

I twisted my golden hair into an elegant updo, leaving a few strands to frame my face. Styling my hair was almost therapeutic. Each pin I secured felt like a piece of armor. I added a touch of blush to my cheeks, hoping to hide my pale complexion. My blue eyes, once vibrant, now seemed dull and tired. I applied a bit of mascara to bring some life back to them. 

I slipped on my heels and took a deep breath. Emerson’s cruel words echoed in my mind. His new family would be there tonight. Anger and sorrow mixed within me. I clenched my fists. I couldn’t afford to break down. I had to face this head–on. 
Before leaving my room, I fastened a delicate necklace around my neck. It was a gift from my father, a symbol of strength and love. I held onto it for a moment, drawing strength from happier times. With one last glance in the mirror, I straightened my back and 
+15 BONUS 
stepped out of the room, ready to face whatever the night had in 

When I arrived, the banquet was in full swing. The grand hall of the Williams‘ mansion was resplendent with glittering chandeliers and elegantly dressed guests. I noticed Lilith and her son moving through the crowd, a picture of harmony. Watching them, I couldn’t .help but think of my poor baby, a life cut short before it even began. 
Desperate to escape my pain, I grabbed a glass of champagne and slipped to a quiet corner in the shadows. I took a sip, savoring the brief escape it provided. But just as I turned, a waiter accidentally bumped into me, sending me off balance. I almost fell, but a gentle hand caught my arm. 
“Take care,” said a familiar voice. 
I looked up to see Robert smiling warmly at me. “Isabel! Good to see you!” he said. 
My heart lifted for a moment at the sight of a friendly face. But before I could respond, I heard Emerson’s furious voice behind me. Isabel! What are you doing?” 

His eyes were locked on Robert, a storm of anger brewing in them. I noticed Lilith staring at me darkly from the other side of the room. I could feel the tension rising, and the evening took an unexpected turn.

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