Chapter 257 
Millie had just taken a bite of buffalo wing when she heard what Winston said. She glared at him and snapped, “No, I didn’t!” 

Winston chuckled. “Millie, do you think I don’t understand you?” 
“You know nothing about mel Millie shot back angrily. 
The corners of Winston’s lips curled into a smirk, and he said nothing more. 
“It’s not because of you. Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve been here many times, and sometimes I’ll come with Rachel, Millie added, glaring at him 
Unfortunately, her explanation only made things worse. 
“Rachel was from the School of Communication, but it’s not nearby.” 
Winston set his cutlery down, having almost finished his meal. 
Suddenly, Millie felt silly. She wondered why she had come to the restaurant to cry for no reason. 
“It’s because the dishes were too spicy. I wasn’t crying,” she continued to explain, trying to salvage her dignity. 
Winston merely smiled faintly and didn’t utter a single word. When he checked his phone, he discovered that Joanna had sent him many messages. 
Joanna: “Win, I know what I did is wrong. Please forgive me.” 
Joanna: “Please don’t ignore me. I’m really scared. Win, what do you want me to do for you to forgive me? 
Joanna: “Win, can I come find you?” 
Joanna: “Win, I’m waiting for you at the villa. I’ll wait until you’re willing to see me.” 
However, Winston deleted all the messages without hesitation. He then looked at Millie, who was eating 
in silence. 
After that, he shifted his gaze to the dishes on the table. The moment he saw the red chili peppers, he felt- his stomach churn with discomfort again. 
Millie clapped her hands and drank the last sip of coffee before gazing at Winston. After a long silence, she rose, her doe eyes sparkling as she gently said, “Mr. Greer, we’re done.” 
Winston’s heart sank upon hearing those words. 
“See you in a month!” 
Having said that, Millie walked away without a backward glance. 
From today onward, she decided to let nature take its course as they each returned to their own lives without interfering with one another. 
Millie felt as though the garden in her heart had bloomed once more. This time, it wasn’t because of Winston but because of her newfound beginning 
+15 BONUS 
As soon as Millie stepped out of the restaurant, she posted an update on Twitter, officially addressing her marital crisis. 
“Well, it’s over.” 
After that, she closed the Twitter application and called Marvin. 
“Where are you? I heard there’s a race on Python Mountain tonight. Do you want to check it out?” 
Marvin exclaimed in surprise, “I saw your tweet! Is it really over?” 
“Yeah,” Millie replied decisively. 
Marvin teased, “Boss, congratulations on being single again!” 
“Cut it out. See you tonight.” 
With that, Millie hung up. She had just gotten into her car when she received a call from Rachel. From the. other end of the line, Rachel asked anxiously, “Is it true? Are you divorced?” 
Millie chuckled and said, “Why would I lie to you?” 
“I’m landing in Yerwick this afternoon. Let’s grab dinner tonight!” Rachel suggested. 
“Maybe not tonight. I plan to go to Python Mountain to watch the race. Why don’t you join me?” 
Rachel asked, “Is it crowded?” 
Millie thought about it for a moment before answering, “I don’t think so. They’re just a bunch of rugged men. No one will recognize you with a mask and sunglasses on.” 
“Alright, see you tonight!” 
After the call ended, Millie heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of ease washing over her. 
When Millie arrived home, Arthur was feeding the birds and was surprised to see her. 
“Why aren’t you at work?” asked Arthur. 
Millie poured herself a glass of water while announcing the news to her grandfather, “Grandpa, I’ve filed for divorce from Winston.” 
In an instant, shock clouded Arthur’s expression. “Really?” 
“Yes, really!” Millie nodded firmly. 
“Oh, my! I’ll call your grandma and tell her the good news now!” 
As soon as he finished speaking, Arthur hurried off to make the call. 
Millie couldn’t help but find it amusing. Her divorce seemed to bring joy to everyone, though not all shared the sentiment.