Chapter 62 Send Off 

Amarah and I are laughing our asses off, that Son of ours really hates it when there is a chance someone will start talking about Pack business during a meal. Luckily Nanna is always willing to feed him and Pappi uses that time to teach Joseph and Grillin our Pack history. 
Well, the one he knows by heart and there is not a doubt in my mind that he will ask for the journals soon, not only to educate himself but Joseph too. Alpha Theseus, there is a female creeping around the north border. It looks like Joseph’s Mother“The voice in my head sounds familiar, but I can’t place it as a Pack- member. 
“My apologies Alpha Theseus. I forgot you are not aware of everything just yet, but every member in service of the Council is able to link you. This is Captain Armand, by the way.” He says before he closes the mind–link and I tell Amarah to follow me while I send Myles to keep an eye on Joseph. 
ill give As we make our way over to the border I tell Amarah what happened and she asks if we can the title back, but I know she is kidding. Neither one of us would ever back down, no matter how inconvenient it might be at times and we will learn to make the best of things. 
Captain Armand was correct, Penelope was near the border but she was not alone. Her Father and another male were with her and one look at her tells me that Damien is no longer alive, but she doesn’t seem to broken up about it. “Where the hell is my Son?” She screams the moment she sees us. 
“Penelope, Joseph is no longer your Son. He is our Son and we will raise him as our own.” Amarah says in a calm tone. “You are incapable of raising him, you never loved him and if it hadn’t been for Damon you would have never had a Pup. You wanted something you couldn’t have, not even if Theseus had died without an heir. 
and Damon had no intention of letting you and Damien live, he wanted a puppet in the Alpha position. we both know Damien would never follow his orders. All Damon had to do after all of you were dead was to show the Pack that Joseph was his Son and he would be back in the Alpha position.” She says. 
Her Father looks shocked at Penelope as she keeps saying that Damon wouldn’t kill her, but something tells me that she knows Amarah is telling the truth and a small part of me feels sorry for her. She lost everything in the span of a few weeks and I gained the world during that same time. 
Amarah keeps her eyes on Penelope as her Father steps closer to the border, “I wouldn’t if I were you.” She growls. “It is not a good idea to cross the border of a Royal Pack uninvited.” The moment the words leave her mouth Captain Armand and his Squad step forward and I know they will protect us if push 
comes to shove. 
Penelope, go home with your Father. There is nothing left here for you, start over. I am not telling you. that you should wait for your fated Mate this time, only you can make that decision and no one else. But I hope for your sake that your next Mate will have your best interest at heart.” Amarah says. 
Penelope looks at her for a minute before she turns to the male standing next to her Father, “Cooper, I want to go home.” She says and he pulls her into his arms, telling her he will take her home. The three of them leave without another word and I sigh in relief. 
The next few days pass without any problems, we have three very strong alliances in place and all three 
12:49 Sun, Aug 18 ti. 
Chapter 62 Send Off 
+5 Pearls 
Alphas swore to us that they would come the moment we would call. Joseph has finally ordered the rest of the furniture for his room and he can’t wait to show Inti what he chose to put in his room. 
Amarah has been a little secretive since we started decorating the Pack–house, but she keeps telling me I will find out with the rest of our leadership and I know that she won’t tell me anything else. Tonight we will spend our last night at White Crescent’s old Pack–house and I can’t wait for everyone to move 


Joseph is so excited about the move that he woke up a few times last night and Amarah just smiled at him as she tucked him back into his bed. He ushers us out of our bedroom to go down stairs, because after Breakfast our Pack will finally see the finished Pack–house and Joseph wants to start living in the new Pack–house. 
He keeps telling us it is the start of a new life for all of us and when he says it he keeps looking at his Mom, but she just smiles at him without saying a word. The dining room is buzzing as everyone is talking about the move and I smile as I see that Ma has been in the kitchen. 
That female can cook like no other and I am glad she sometimes decides to help out in the kitchen, it means eating something I have never had before. Amirah sometimes tells her teasingly to stop feeding me before I burst out of my clothes, but I know she enjoys her cooking as much as I do 
“Goodmorning, Joseph. Are you ready for the move? Ma asks as she puts a plate in front of him and tells her he has already packed everything, that he is more than ready to move. He was up at the crack of dawn to take a shower and get dressed and after that he packed up everything that was still in his 
I think he doesn’t understand we can move everything in over the next few days, before they will tear down the old Pack–house and replace it with cottages for some of the families. Once breakfast is done we help in clearing the tables and then we all walk over to the new Pack–house. 
“Goodmorning. I know everyone is excited to see the inside completely decorated and most of you are. ready to move in. Even though I think no one is as ready as my Son, he packed up the last of his things this morning and I doubt anyone will be seeing him at the old Pack–house again.” She says teasingly and I hear chuckles and giggles around us. 
She steps aside to allow Joseph to enter first and I follow close behind him, but I run into him as he stops dead in his tracks. I follow his line of sight and stare at a painting of Minerva with Griffin between her front legs, “Do you like it, Joseph.” Amarah asks and as he turns around I see tears rolling down his cheeks. 
He runs into his Mom’s arms and keeps thanking her for the painting. “I wanted to start a new tradition for our family, I want paintings of our Pups with one of us on these walls. They will replace the paintings that are already hanging up there.” She says and as I look around I see a large empty space next to the painting of Griffin and Minerva. 
Linus and I think the exact same thing at the same time and I slowly turn to face my Mate, who has a huge smile on her face. “Is that space empty for the reason I think it is empty?” I ask her, but before she can answer Joseph puts his hand on her belly and says, “I told you it is a new start for all of us.” 
Griffin and Linus start howling at the same time and soon our entire Pack is joining us, it is a thunderous sound to hear. Our heir is on his or her way and every Pack–member knows, Wolves and Lycans that travel past our territory right now know and soon word will spread that the Royal Pack is 
everting their heir 
12:49 Sun, Aug 18 
Chapter 62 Send Off 
+5 Pearls 
We have been living in the Pack–house for two weeks now and we have had two more requests from Squads that want to settle in our territory, we accepted both requests. Multiple times a day we get calls from Alphas that want an alliance, but all of them make the same mistake. 
my Mate 
They ask for me every time Amarah answers the phone and as long as they don’t realize that has as much say about the alliance as I do I will turn them down. Only one Alpha surprised me, because when I answered the phone he had asked for Amarah. 
He and both his Sons arrived here after setting up an appointment and his youngest Son stayed behind after the alliance was signed, he is getting his training from Atlas as he had requested. Joseph is pulling my arm as we are walking down the stairs to see Captain Armand and his Squad of. 
Umayza has to give her testimony at Court in front of the Royal family and the Council and if they don’t receive another assignment they will return in a few days. Joseph has spent a lot of time with Umayza after we figured out he is a gifted Wolf and she is helping him to find out how his gift works. 
She keeps a journal on everything about Joseph and we get to read it every now and then, just so we know what they have figured out already. He doesn’t like the fact that she has to go, but after she explained to him why she had to go to the Council he felt a bit better. 
ee you soon, Little Wolf. Umayza says as she hugs him and he turns to Conri and Evander, “We will look after her and the Pups.” They say in unison and I see a smile on their faces as they get into their SUV. It still amazes me when I see her with her protection detail and the Royal Squad, it is an amazing thing to see how they care for her safety. 
Send Gifts 

12:49 Sun, Aug 18 
Alpha Amarah