Chapter 60 No Vote 

It’s been a week since we found out the truth about Joseph, it has also been a week since we told Joseph the truth and Amarah had been right to do id outside Griffin took control and ran off, Amarah stopped me from going after him and we both warned everyone through the mind–link to keep an eye on him. 
It had taken them two hours to get rid of their anger and they had been too exhausted to shift back, Amarah had refused to leave their side until somewhere during the night they had shifted back. In the morning she had asked Joseph how he was feeling about everything he heard and he had started. ranting and raving. 
She didn’t stop him, she just allowed him to be angry and to get it out of his system. He had finally broken down in tears and she had pulled him into her arms and had asked him what he was afraid of. He asked her if we would send them away and I had felt my heart break for my Son. 
“Joseph, you are our Son. We love you for who you are, not for who your birth parents are. Damon never did anything to me personally, so why would we suddenly change our minds about raising you? I told you I don’t hold Damien’s actions against you, so why would I hold Damon being your Father against you?” She asks. 
Joseph had refused to leave her side for the rest of the day and we had made sure we didn’t have to do very important work, work that would have made it impossible for him to stay with us. We started on preparing the clearing for the build of the new Pack–house and the next morning Joseph had been back to the young Wolf I saw on the last day of the Competition. 
I look at the Pups that are getting their training and I smile as I see Joseph and Inti sparring, those two have become inseparable. Inti has decided he wants to stay here for his training, he wants Amarah to train him to become Alpha of Little Crescent Pack and I made sure that his Pack is in good hands. 
His Father’s Beta will run the Pack until Inti can take over and we agreed on a video conference once a week to talk about Pack business, to make sure Inti can go back to a healthy and strong Pack. Smiling I turn around as I sense my Mate behind me and I wrap my arms around her. 
I still can’t believe that I found my second chance Mate and I know that if I hadn’t found her my life. would have been completely different. Hell, would I still have a life? The Council found out that my Father had send at least one Pack information on our border patrols, but he hadn’t counted on that Alpha to inform the Council and they had decided that my Father would always be a threat to me and our Pack. 
“Are you okay, my Alpha.” I hear Amarah ask and I smile at her before kiss her. “Yes, just thinking how lucky I am to have found you.” I say after I break our kiss and I pull her a little closer to my chest. We both look at the Pups as we hold on to one and other 
We still haven’t found a new name for our Pack and that means we still are two separate Packs in one territory. I can’t link any of White Crescent members and Amarah can’t link any member of Dark Mountain Pack, we manage though because our Warriors are teamed up. 
The exterior of the new Pack–house is standing and we hope that by the end of the week we can start decorating, most Pack–members have helped out in any way they could. This new Pack–house has been a Pack evert and we are both proud of how far we have come in such a short period of time, 
Some of the older members of Dark Mountain Pack have decided to find another Pack to live in and we are helping them in any way we can, but most of them have decided to give us a chance. As a Pack with two Alphas we are a novelty for most and I know that Amarah and I will butt heads from time to time, but we will make this work together. 
Amarah calls my name as I feel her step out of my arms and Linus softly growls at her, “We are needed in the Pack–house, something about the board with Pack names.” She says as she interlaces our fingers and I follow her to see what is going on. 
There are quiet a few Pack–members in the living room looking at the board we placed there and for the past week some names were taken off and others were added. I remember that this morning there had been a lot of names left and we had been discussing the remaining names. 
Joseph didn’t like any of them, but he hadn’t been able to explain why he didn’t like them. Amarah and I had decided to not participate in renaming our Pack, but we both had our opinions about the names that were on the board and just like Joseph I didn’t feel drawn to any of the names. 
Slowly the Pack–members step aside and I stare at the board as I see one name written on it, but I have no idea who wrote it down. “Let’s call the Pack to the clearing, I want to know who did this and why Amarah says through our mind–link and we both link our members to come to the clearing. 
We stand on the front porch of the new Pack–house and we hear our Pack–members asking why they had to come here, no one seems to understand it. Amarah lifts her hands and as always the crowd goes silent, it still amazes me that she has this much control over them. 
“Some of you have already seen that there is only one name written on the board for our new Pack name, but it wasn’t there this morning and if I remember correctly this name has never been on the board. I would like to know who wrote it down and why?” Amarah says. 
“I did, Alpha Amarah.” I hear from our right and Umayza steps forward. Our Pack–members know about her gift and they have been ordered to never speak about it with non–Pack–members. Her Mates: are holding her close and I can see a worried look on their faces. 
Umayza tells us she had been in the cluster where Asteria and Inti stayed for five years, she wanted to see how they had lived there and that is when she was hit with a memory. “I always thought that my gift was stretched to the limit, but I had been mistaken and this memory left me unconscious for over twenty four hours. 
It wasn’t a long memory, but it was from a long time ago and the Council had to dig deep into their Archives to confirm my memory. This territory, as it is today, got spilt into two Packs over two hundred years ago and this clearing was sold to the Council to keep a natural border between both Packs. 
Back than it was known as White Mountain Pack and was run by Alpha Grant, he never found his fated Mate. He did have two chosen Mates and with each of them he had a Son, they are the ones that split the Pack into two after their Father suddenly died.” She says and Amarah and I stare at one and other. 
“Don’t worry, you are not related at all. Alpha Amarah is a descendent from Alpha Grant, but your ancestors took over Dark Mountain Pack at request of the Council. Alpha Grant’s second Son was killed after he tried to force himself on an Alpha’s Daughter and his Beta took over as Alpha.” She says as if we asked the question out loud. 
We ask mir Park–members to think about Umaura’s story and taking an old name hack for our 
combined Pack. They get time to think about it and will let us know by voting Yes or No on the board. We hope this will make it easier to finally combine our Packs to one and link our Pack–members to one 
and other. 
Umayza and her Mates are waiting as our Pack–members walk away from us and I ask her if she is going to be okay, “Yes, Alpha Theseus. I am fine, just a bit tired. It probably took longer because I am pregnant and that the memory was over two hundred years old. 
In your old office are two boxes with all the journals and family files from the Alpha, Beta and Gamma. I hope the two of you will be able to continue were those journals and files ended, I believe it was meant to turn out this way and I know that this Pack will benefit with two Alphas like the two of you.” She says. 
Evander picks her up bridal–style and tells her it is time for a nap, but she just shakes her head. “I don’t want to go to sleep, I have been awake for less then two hours and I would like to see how the voting goes.” She says as she looks at Conri and I think he is the one that gives into her faster. 
“Little One, let’s make a compromise. You can go to the living room, but you stay seated until we go home.” Conri says 
and she pouts a little before she finally agrees with him, but I think that was just an act. After all she gets what she wants, even if everyone can see that she is exhausted. 
After we got back to the Pack–house we avoided the living room, because we want to give everyone a chance to vote without thinking we are trying to influence them. Amarah and I think it would be a great idea to rename our Pack with it’s old name and am curious about this Pack’s history. 
We left the door to the office open, something I never did but Amarah explained that an open door invites Pack–members to come to us with their problems and I wonder if that is why none of the Omegas ever came with their complaints about my Father. 
I hear Joseph and Inti talking about the name on the board and both of them seem very excited about it, but it doesn’t take long before I hear Griffin roar. Amarah is out the door before I can blink my eyes and I run after her to find out why our Son is upset.. 
Amarah is cupping his face with her hands as she looks into his eyes, she learned quickly it was best not to say anything and to allow Griffin the time to calm down. I kneel down next to them and rub his back up and down with my hand, helping Griffin to calm down faster. 
I look around the room to see a very pissed off Umayza staring daggers at one of the older Pack- members and I know that I have found the source of Griffin’s anger, but I don’t ask anything. “Mont, he says Inti and I can’t vote for our Pack name.” Griffin says as he points towards the male near the board. 
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