Chapter 47 Golden Wolf 

I am putting Joseph to bed in the other suite, he decided he wanted to stay with his Grandparents when he heard that we would be talking Pack business and he understands that it will take our attention away from him. He knows that for us as Alphas running our Packs to the best of our abilities is very important and that sometimes means that we will have less time for him. 
He turns to face me and I see that Griffin has pushed forward, “Hello, my Little Wolf. How are you. feeling?” I ask him, because I really want to know how Griffin is feeling and not just about the adoption. I want to know how he feels being here already and I want to know if he feels the need to shift. 
“I feel fine, Mom. I know I wasn’t supposed to show up this carly, but I felt that Joseph needed me. I have a question for Mom though.” He says and I know he means Minerva, so I allow her to take over. “Can I shift soon?” He asks and Minerva asks him what he feels when it comes to shifting. 
If a Wolf or a Lycan shows up early they usually shift shortly after that and I was taught that a Wolf or a Lycan will start to feel restless, like they want to jump out of their Human. Griffin tells us that feels itchy as if his skin is about to burst and I know he will shift real soon. 
“Theseus, we need to get Joseph outside. I think Griffin is about to take control and shift.” I tell him through our mind–link as I lift him in my arms and walk out of the bedroom. Theseus and Dad are already waiting at the elevator, the rest will stay here as they don’t want to over whelm Joseph and Griffin. 
“Mom, can Aunt Eos come with us?” Joseph asks and he tells me Griffin wants her to see him before they start their training to become a Warrior. Eos has a huge grin on her face as she walks out of the living room, “Thank you, Little Wolf, for inviting me to this huge moment in your life.” She says. 
The moment we step out of the elevator Mykel guides us towards the back of the Hotel and I am grateful no one else will be able to see Joseph shift for the first time. Dad has a videocall open with everyone upstairs, but he put the sound on mute as he doesn’t want anything to distract Joseph or 
We walk into a small gated garden and it is big enough to let Griffin run around for a while. I shift into Minerva as she wants to be close to Joseph and Griffin during their first shift and I see Joseph and Theseus stare at her as she walks towards them. 
“You look amazing, my Alpha.” Theseus says as he lets his hands run through her fur and Joseph nuzzles her neck as he wraps his arms around her. Outside my Pack there are not many Wolves that have seen Minerva and everyone is stunned every time they see her dark grey fur together with her: height. 
Theseus tells Joseph to take his clothes off and to stay close to Minerva, he keeps telling Joseph and Griffin that we are here to help him. Tears run down my face as I hear Joseph scream the moment his bones start to crack, I hate seeing him in pain and I wish I could take it away from him. 
Minerva steps over Joseph as Theseus tells him to give control to Griffin, “Don’t fight Griffin, my Little Wolf. It hurts less if you let Griffin take over.” I say to him, even though I know he can’t hear me. “Mom is right here with you, my Little Wolf. We will help you through this, just hang in there.” I say and Minerva tells me to keep talking. 
I keep talking to Joseph as I see für sprouting and little by little Griffin takes control, it takes over half an hour before it is done. In front of me stands a light yellow colored Wolf and as the moon shines down on him he almost looks golden. Eos is awestruck as she watches him, he barks at Minerva as he pushes against her legs and she gently pushes back. 
Griffin and Minerva run around the small garden as everyone watches them play, “Thanks, Mom.” I hear Joseph’s voice in my head and for a moment I am to stunned to respond. He tells me he could hear me but couldn’t respond because of the pain and I tell him it will get easier with time, that the more he shifts the less pain he will be in. 
Minerva guides Griffin back to Theseus to shift back and I explain to Joseph what they need to do this time. Within seconds my Son is in his Dad’s arms and Minerva shifts 
10 hand control back over to me. I pull on my clothing, after which I take Joseph from Theseus and put his pajamas back on. 
I had seen Elder Ezra when we entered the garden, but like Mykel he had stayed in the background and I am grateful he is here now because of the questions I have. I tell him what happened after the shift and he tells me it is normal for parents and Pups to have their own mind–link, even if they don’t have a Wolf or Lycan yet, that usually the link forms after a Pup turns eight. 
He explains that he will make a file on Joseph and Griffin for the Council and that we need to inform him of every milestone in their lives. It will be used for future young Wolves and as material for lessons at the Academy, to prepare anyone on what may lie ahead. 
Hearing Theseus say that Joseph was about to shift was amazing and I asked Atlas to film him after his shift, but he said he would do us one better, a videocall. My heart skipped a beat when Joseph said that Griffin wanted me there to see him shift and Xanthos had told me to enjoy this, to take notes for when our Pups would shift for the first time. 
I have no idea how Minerva and Amarah got through it, it pained me to hear and see in how much pain Joseph was and I wanted to wrap him in my arms to comfort him. I was stunned into silence when I saw Griffin, he is a golden Wolf and somehow it shouldn’t have surprised me but it did. 
A golden a special Wolf and Griffin is a special Wolf because he showed up so early, but I also think he might have an ability. Joseph is able to tell when someone is not truthful with him and it wouldn’t surprise me if he holds the gift of truth, but only time can tell us that. 
After hearing that Joseph could mind–link Amarah I snuck away to meet up with Xanthos, I need my Mate to calm my racing mind and I know exactly how he can do that. Xanthos meets me at the elevator and I tell him what I witnessed as the elevator takes us up to the suite.. 
He pulls me into his arms as we get off the elevator and I jump into his arms as I slam my lips to his, I fight him for dominance as I always do but I let him win. We don’t waste to much time in removing the other’s clothes and his fingers find my sopping pussy waiting for him, sliding two of them straight in. 
My arms are wrapped around his neck as he pushes his fingers in and out, harder and faster with every thrust into my pussy and push back down on his fingers in the same rhythm. My clit rubbing up and 
an orgasm fas and the moment he pushes a third finger into down his cock, stimulating my body to my core I scream his name as I come undone. 
He bends me over the back of the couch before I have caught my breath and he glides his huge cock into my nuse his hands grinning my hing ne he clowly nulle our “Fuck Bahar You feel on and around 
my cock.” he mumbles as he pushes back into my body and he starts to pump his cock in and out in a steady pace. 
He presses himself against my back as he pushes back into my core and he glides in deeper with every thrust, filling me to the brim. I love how he takes charge and I know he will show me everything he likes to do with my body. He speeds up as he places bis hands around my breasts and his fingers start playing with my hard nipples. 
“Xanthos, please.” I beg him, he pinches both my nipples as he slams his cock all the way to the hilt into my pussy and I come hard around his cock. He slowly pulls out as I try to get of the couch, but one of his hands is firm on my lower back to keep me in place. 
His other hand disappears between my legs and I feel him sliding a finger through my juices, before he presses it against my backdoor. I look over my shoulder at my Mate who is staring at my ass and he starts pumping his finger in and out, speeding up quickly. 
He adds a second finger as he pushes back into my ass and I moan out his name as he keeps the same pace as before. I feel him move beside me and as he pulls his fingers back he slams his cock into my pussy again. “I am going to make you scream, Baby, I am going to come deep inside you, I am going to put a Pup inside you.” He groans. 
He doesn’t alternate his ministrations, no he moves his fingers and cock into my body at the same time, faster, harder and deeper with every thrust. I am so focused on his fingers in my ass and his cock in my pussy that I don’t realize that his other hand is cupping my breast until he pinches my nipple. 
“Xanthos, please. I need to…” I stop talking as he pushes a third finger into my ass and I scream in both pleasure and pain. He is not slowing down and I know he will push me over the edge soon, just like he always does. His cock starts to twitch as he nears his orgasm and it pushes me over the edge. 
He keeps pumping his fingers and cock in and out of my body, speeding up to prolong my orgasm and a few seconds later he comes deep inside me. I am too exhausted to walk myself and Xanthos gently places me on the bed, before he cleans me up. 
I don’t feel it when he tucks me in, I don’t notice he walks out of the room to collect our clothes and I don’t hear it when the others arrive at the suite. I am off to dreamworld. 
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