Chapter 34 Dinner 

Just before we step into the dining room I inhale his scent deeply, knowing we will be the talk of the town once again. Mykel had made sure we got breakfast in our Suit this morning as he had heard the first rumors about why I wanted to meet with Theseus. 
He had also made sure Theseus and his men didn’t have to go downstairs either, when he delivered our lunch he had told Mom that the rumors had gotten worse and that had to do with the fact that none of us had shown our faces yet. 
Theseus pulls me closer to him before he kisses my forehead and as I look up I am looking it a very pissed of Delia, “Delia, what is wrong?” I ask her and I see that everyone steps closer. Alastor has his arms around her from behind with his nose buried in her neck. 
Dad tells us they had been standing near the door to the dining room and they overheard her Father talking to the Alpha of Shadow Moon Pack, “He said that you had asked Theseus for a meeting, because you want him as your chosen Mate to make your Pack even bigger. 
He even said that Alastor forcefully marked her, because you resent Alpha Crios for tearing up the alliance.” Dad says and Theseus and I have wrapped our arms around one and other to calm ourselves down. I take a deep breath before I straighten my back and ask Theseus if he is ready for a shitstorm. 
“Okay, let’s get this over with. We knew rumors would start after Alastor’s comment last night, but now we know it has gotten worse. Try to ignore everyone for as long as we can and when it gets to bad let’s just tear someone to pieces.” I say and Xanthos asks if he can have the first one. 
Eos smacks him on his arm as she says, “I am your Mate, lets share the first one.” Alastor’s eyes widen and Delia and Ajax start laughing, but I doubt Eos realizes how her words sounded. Unfortunately for Eos Xanthos is on the same page as Alastor, “You want me to share you?” He asks teasingly. 
Her face turns a deeps shade of red as she realizes what she said and I hide my face in Theseus‘ chest to avoid looking at Eos. “Let’s get something to eat before you kick Midas‘ ass.” Dad says and Midas looks at him and asks him if he needed to remind everyone of that. 
“Son, I will enjoy watching my Daughter use you as a punching bag.” Dad states as he looks Midas in the eyes and everyone can hear Midas gulp as Dad turns to walk into the dining room. We hear the room quiet down the second Dad walks in and Theseus hooks my arm through his before we follow 
I keep my head high as I follow Dad to our table and a smile appears on my face when I see that Mykel is waiting for us near a table where we all can sit down, “Alpha Amarah, Alpha Theseus.” He greets us. “I hear one of your men found his second chance Mate. Alpha Theseus. Congratulations.” 
“Thank you, Mykel.” Midas calls out. “May I introduce you to Rhea, my Mate.” Mykel greets her as if he had never met her before and I hear a lot of mumbles around us, but most are more directed to the second chance comment than anything else. 
I mouth a thank you at Mykel and he just gives me a smile as he pulls back a chair for me. Theseus sits down next to me and once everyone else is seated he raises his glass, “Congratulations on finding your second chance Mate, Midas.” He toasts. 
Rhea glances at Midas as she responds, “I am just glad his first Mate was an idiot. Maybe someday I will get the chance to thank her for being stupid.” Every conversation has come to a stop and Delia asks her what she means, “Well, if his first Mate hadn’t been stupid enough to reject him I wouldn’t be his second chance Mate. 
I wouldn’t get the chance to show him that I am the better female.” A loud growl interrupts Rhea from saying anything else and to a female at a table not far from us, except for Midas. “I am 
every head turns not stupid.” She yells as she looks at Rhea and I see a smirk appear on Midas‘ face. 
“Why do I get this feeling Rhea set the female up and that she is Midas first Mate?” I ask Minerva, but the only answer I get from her is laughter as she is rolling in the aisles. “Sorry.” Rhea says to the female. “I was talking about my Mate’s first Mate, I said she was stupid.” 
The female growls again and the male next to her asks her what is going on with her, “She says I am stupid because I rejected a Delta. I was born to be a Luna and nothing less.” She growls and I slap my hand in front of my mouth as I see the smile on Midas‘ face. grow. 
Through the mind–link I tell Rhea to stay seated and to shut up, “Let her Father deal with her. We don’t have to wait long before he bursts out in shouting, even her Mother is yelling at her and both of them want to know why she rejected her fated Mate. 
A young male at the table makes everything worse by pointing out she already answered that question and if her Father had been a kettle he would be whistling right now. His Mate tries to calm him down with the emphasis on tries, his Warriors have to drag him out of the dining room before everyone settles down again. 
I start giggling her parents to talk about the crap Alpha Crios told them. “Something you would like to share with the rest of us.” Theseus says and once I tell him why I was giggling everyone is laughing. 
s I realize that everyone is too busy talking about Midas‘ first Mate and the outburst of 
While we are eating our dinner Rhea tells us through the mind–link that Midas had told her what had happened with his first Mate and I regret that she is no longer in th 
dining room, I would have liked to give her a piece of my mind. I think she would have gotten all my anger I felt about Damien’s rejection, but I don’t care. 
“Alpha Amarah, would you mind if I stayed at your Pack a few days before I take Rhea home, I would like to see where she grew up and I would like to meet her parents.” Midas asks and I have a feeling this might have something to do with Damon and Gaia. 
“Midas, I think her Father would kick your ass if you took her home straight away. You are more than welcome to stay a few days, maybe your friends would like to accompany you. Lthink they might want to hear about your Mate and the trouble she can get herself in.” I say as Lwink at Rhea. 
Everyone stares at Rhea as she tries to object, but it seems that Theseus understands what I am referring to. “Maybe you want to lock the door at night, Midas.” Theseus says teasingly and suddenly they realize what I had been talking about. 
Ajax stares at lone as Melia tries to hide behind Delia, while Eos just glares at Xanthos as if to say, “Open that mouth of yours if you dare” and Mom and Dad are looking around the table with a smile on their faces. Delia asks me who I hope my next opponent will be and I see her Father staring daggers 
at her. 
“Telia I don’t really care Maxi Alnhus here will tell 
they are better than a female and it is those | 
hope I get to compete with, so I can show them that they have been wrong their whole lives.” I answer her. Delia has a smirk on her face as I hear Alpha Crids growl. 
Her Father gets up from his seat and for a moment I think he is going to leave the dining room, but unfortunately we are not that lucky. “Delia, I think it is time for you to go upstairs with your Mother. You are a disgrace to your family and your Pack.” Her Father says. 
Alastor gets up from his seat and is about to address her Father, but Delia’s hand on his arms stops him from reacting. He slowly turns towards her with a questioning look in his eyes, but the moment he looks at her a smile appears on his face. 
Alastor steps away from her to make sure her Father can see her and she surprises us all when she turns to Dad to ask. “Dad, am I a disgrace for the family and our Pack?” Her Father’s face turns red from anger and I feel Theseus next to me stiffen. 
I know he will defend and protect Delia as he considers her family and I know the same goes for everyone at this table, “Delia, my Dear. You are not and never will be a disgrace to the family or our Pack for speaking your mind or for asking questions Dad answers her as he pulls her into his arms. 
Theseus decides to put in his two cents as he tells Della that if Alastor had been an Alpha she would make a great Luna, she mumbles a thank you at his words and her Father is about to blow a casket. Alpha Crios seems to be mind–linking him and I know what is coming. 
“Alpha Theseus, my Alpha hopes you didn’t accept Alpha Amarah’s request. She only wants you as her chosen Mate to get control of the biggest Pack and I have to warn you that Alastor marked Delia against her will.” He states and for a moment the entire dining room is silent. 
“You do realize that everyone with a brain can tell you are full of bull?” Theseus asks. 
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