Chapter 13 Moving 

After two days of searching through the files, we still hadn’t found the alliance contract we have with White Crescent Pack and I wanted to call my Father into my office to demand answers from him. Ajax told me to ask Alpha Atlas at the Alpha bloodline competition as he doesn’t trust my Father to give us the truth. 
We left the contracts out on my desk and with only two more days till the competition I decide to look through them on more time. I look through all the alliance contracts in front of me and I realize there are a few I didn’t know we had an alliance with, making me wonder why my Father never told me 
about these. 
I link my men to meet in my private office to tell my men what I found and they don’t have an answer for me as well, but again Ajax tells me to approach them at the competition. Looks like I am going to have a very busy day a head of me during the first day of the competition. 
I walk into the dining room looking at the chair next to mine, a chair that remains empty until the day I find my second chance Mate and for the first time since losing my first Mate I actually hope to meet her soon. Penelope walks in with Damien and Joseph and for a moment I think she will leave me alone tonight. 
“Theseus, have you made sleeping arrangements for us during the competition?” She asks as she puts her hand on my arm and Damien doesn’t show anything as he watches us. I sit down in my seat and Penelope is about to pull back the chair next to mine, but she releases it the moment my men start to growl. 
“Penelope, Ajax made all the arrangements. The hotel is run by a Werewolf who only takes reservations from Packs that are invited to the competition.“, I say as I see that Damien gets a mind–link and the paling of his face tells me that Apollo warned him to keep Penelope in check. 
“We will leave the day before the competition starts, we will arrive there somewhere in the afternoon and Damien will be well rested before his first fight.” I say as I look at Penelope and she nods her head as Damien tells her to take her seat. 
During dinner Damien and Penelope talk about the competition, while my men and I talk through our mind–link and Midas tells me that Penelope’s eyes wander in my direction every now and then. I quickly finish my dinner to excuse myself and retreat to my private office. 
One of my Warriors links me that the neighbors are back again and I actually chuckle at the phrase he uses, I contemplate on whether I should go or not, but I decide to stay in my office to get some work done. Work I don’t want my Father to get involved in during my absence, just because I don’t trust him 
with it. 
After I took over from my Father it took me a few months to realize that he had been mismanaging the Pack’s finances, it had taken me three years to rebuild our business and another two years to expand it. We were back to where we were when Grandpa was still in charge, we were a strong, large and wealthy Pack. 
Expect my men, no one knows how close my Father Brought us to bankruptcy and that is the reason I will leave the business side of things in hands of Ajax’s younger Brother. He has helped me all these 
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Chapter 13 Moving 
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years rebuilding the business and I trust him with it completely. 
When I asked him to take care of business for a few days he told me to take as long as I wanted, that he would make sure everything would be taken care of and I know that he will do just that. I told him I expected to be back the day after the competition started, he said he was with me on Damien’s chances. 
I hope Damien will do better than anyone of us expects, but knowing Damien he will definitely be dropped after round two. He thinks, that being of the Alpha bloodline means you don’t have to train, but no matter what Ajax and I have tried over the years he still doesn’t believe us. 
Ajax walks into my office and tells me that my Father is setting up a huge screen in the Ballroom, he wants the entire Pack to watch Damien’s fight. “I even heard him say he wants to cancel border patrol that day.” I look up at Ajax and I see he is actually serious. 
He follows me down the stairs and Apollo is waiting for the both of us at the bottom of the stairs and I hear my Father arguing with Midas and Xanthos. They probably heard him as well and decided to set him straight on canceling border patrol, not that he will listen to them. 
“Father, if I find out you canceled border patrol I will banish you from the Pack. Am I making myself clear.” I growl at him and even though he is from an Alpha bloodline he no longer is an actual Alpha, he has no other choice but to follow the order I give him. 
My Mother doesn’t look to pleased either and I give her a warning growl, she knows exactly what I mean with it as she lowers her head. I call Apollo’s Father over and tell him that he is responsible for border patrol while we are at the competition, he nods his head in understanding. 
I know I can count on him to keep our borders protected and I know he will do everything to keep our Pack safe, just as he has done while he was my Father’s Gamma. I ask one of the Omegas if there is anything they need to get the Ballroom ready and she tells me they are a few seats short. 
Xanthos nods his head before he walks out of the room and I look around the Ballroom to see that the big screen was already up, chairs and couches were setup. There were large pillows on the floor for the Pups to sit on, it looked really cozy in here and I knew a lot would be watching the matches as much as they could. 
After leaving the Ballroom I walk back up to my floor and I scare the shit out of an Omega as I open my bedroom door, “Sorry, Alpha. I didn’t hear you coming in, I am almost ready packing your bag.” She says, holding her headphone in her hand. 
“No problem, Jeanet. Is everyone’s luggage ready?” I ask and I see her eyes glaze over before she nods her head at me. “Thank you for packing my clothes. Do you have the rest of the night off?” I ask and she looks at me a little confused. 
“What do you mean, Alpha?” she ask as she looks really uncomfortable and I shake my head, “Sorry, Jeanet. I meant nothing by it, I know it took everyone a long time to realize I was not like my Father. I was just curious if it was your night off.” I explain. 
“Sorry, Alpha. I know you have been in charge for almost a decade, but your Father still doesn’t like the changes you made and when you are out of the Pack–house he still treats us like dirt.” Jeanet says and I ask her to tell me about my Father’s behavior when I am not around. 
Turns out my Father still mistreats our Omegas when my men and I are out of the Pack–house, but he maker fire he doesn’t leque huices in nlain sight and growl lowly as che telle me what my Father has 
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Chapter 13 Moving 
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done in the past decade. I ask her to finish packing my luggage and then she can take the rest of the night off. 
“My office, now.” I growl through the mind–link at my men and I know they will be there within seconds. “Who the hell pissed you off? Midas asks as he sees me pacing in front of the window, they know me well enough to know that hell is about to break lose and they are waiting for me to start talking. 
I tell them about my interaction with Jeanet and when I tell them that my Father is still treating the Omegas like dirt, they growl as menacingly as I had. “I want Warriors in the Pack–house at all times, whether we are here or not. Apollo, I want the second floor to become the floor for unmated Warriors and I want them to know about what my Father has been doing to the Omegas. 
According to Jeanet he even tried to force a few of them to sleep with him, but each of them refused him and they always make sure they are paired up every time we leave the Pack–house. If he keeps trying to undermine me I will banish him from the Pack–house, see if he and Mother can manage on their own.” I say. 
Half an hour later Apollo links me to meet him at the training grounds and I quickly make my way out of the Pack–house to meet up with Apollo. “Alpha, these Warriors are all informed about your Father’s behavior and they will be moving into the Pack–house in the morning. 
This is Simon and he has something to tell you.” Apollo says as he points at a Warrior standing next to Josh. I nod my head at Simon and I tell him to speak, “Alpha, during the last Full Moon I found my fated Mate, but your Father told me you wouldn’t allow me to claim her.” He says and I just stare at him for a few minutes. 
“Simon, a fated Mate is the best thing for a Lycan or a Werewolf. I will never stand between fated Mates and I will never forbid someone to claim their fated Mate. I know how my Father feels about fated Mates and I am the total opposite on that subject. Who is the lucky lady?” I say. 
“Jeanet, Alpha.” He responds and I ask him how she feels about all this. “I know she has trouble dealing with it, Alpha. She knows I want to be with her, but she refuses as she is afraid you will get angry as 
Father told her you would.” He answers me. 
“Jeanet, can you come to the training grounds, please?” I ask her through the mind–link and she tells me she will be there in a minute. The moment she sees all of us a scared look crosses her face and I see her looking at Simon in fear. “Jeanet, Simon tells me you are his fated Mate. Is this true?” I ask her. 
“Yes, Alpha.” She whispers with her head bowed. “Jeanet, please look at me.” I say and slowly she lifts her head to meet my eyes. “Do you accept Simon as your Mate, Jeanet?” I ask and I am glad that no one says a word or I would not have heard her affirmative answer. 
“Jeanet, how many rooms on the second floor are ready for someone to stay in?” I ask her and she tells me there are twelve rooms ready at all times, that they keep them clean as they have been ordered to do so by my Father. “Josh, pick eleven men that will move in tonight with you. The rest of you can find yourself a room in the morning. 
Jeanet, I assume you won’t have a problem with Simon staying with you. I am moving unmated Warriors onto the second floor to make sure you and the other Omegas are protected.” I say and a smile appears on her face. “Thank you, Alpha. Those that will move in tomorrow can expect me and the other Omegas to help them in any way we can.” She responds. 
Simon doesn’t waste time as he lifts her in his arms and walks hack towards the Pack–house Inch has 
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Chapter 13 Moving 
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selected eleven Warriors to move into the Pack–house with him tonight. They leave the training grounds to gather their belongings from the Warrior house before they head to the Pack–house. 
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