Chapter 10 A Small World 

After recounting all of these events, I found myself yawning. The alcohol had made me drowsy. I assumed that Henry would let me sleep in the car for the night, but to my surprise, I woke up in my bed the next morning. This was the second time he had carried me to bed. It was becoming a pattern. I woke 1111 with a headache, but after a shower and a change of clothes, I felt much better. However, I was famished. Thinking that Henry was not at home, I didn’t bother to put on my underwear. I descended the stairs in my provocative sleepwear, intending to prepare some food for myself. 
Halfway down the stairs. I noticed a few people sitting on the sofa, all of them looking at me. Among them was Henry, holding a few poker cards. His face darkened upon seeing my attire. 
“Damn it! Don’t look!” Duncan shielded the eyes of the man next to him. I hurriedly dashed upstairs to change, cursing Henry under my breath. What’s his problem? Why has he been home so much recently? 
When I descended the stairs again, they had stopped playing cards. Henry was engaged in conversation. with his close friends, none of whom I was particularly familiar with. 
All of his friends hailed from wealthy families. Noah, however, was different; he didn’t work for his family but had chosen to become a doctor. They all knew that Henry didn’t like me, and they never treated me as his wife. In their previous lives, all of them, except Noah, had supported Henry’s decision to pursue Violet. As I walked into the kitchen, they all stared at me in silence. I ignored them and began 
to cook. 
“Let’s go,” Henry said to his friends. They left, and I could hear the car engine outside. I ate my food without even saying goodbye. After breakfast, I put on makeup and headed to the hospital for a body checkup. I received the health report regarding my breasts, and fortunately, everything was still fine. I kept the report and went to visit Harper. 
“Dr. Newman, would you like to join me for a meal?” overheard a nurse say as I arrived at the ward. Noah was standing not far away, looking as charming as ever. He was different from Henry and his friends, who only knew how to enjoy their lives. Noah was the only one who took his job seriously. He might hang out with his friends to drink, but he had never flirted with a woman before. Yet, he fell hard for Violet. I walked past him and went to Harper, surprised to see Violet there. 
“Violet, I’m not severely injured; I can still eat by myself.” Harper was openly expressing his affection for her. She responded sweetly, “Am I not allowed to pamper you?” 
“Of course you are! You’re the best girlfriend ever!” He replied, clearly smitten. I coughed, interrupting 
their moment. 
Harper looked surprised and asked, “Ramona, why are you here again? Violet quickly offered her seat to me, saying, “Ramona, please sit down.” 
Looking at her flawless face, I thought of Noah, who had just left. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the ward. “Ramona, what’s wrong?” She looked startled. 
Where’s Noah? I felt a pang of disappointment. In his previous life, Henry had met Violet first, and Noah had only known her through him. Would things change if Noah met her first? Would he fall in love with her at first sight? 
12:09 Sat, Aug 17 
Chapter 10 A Small World 
Harper can consult him when he comes back for a checkup.” 
“Thank you so much, Ramona. But Harper’s injuries aren’t severe.” She smiled awkwardly and added. “He’s used to this kind of injury from playing basketball.” 
I nodded, but thought to myself, I must make sure Noah sees her next time. I didn’t spend much time with Harper with his girlfriend around. 
After leaving, I went to the herb shop to get some herbs. “Lewis, have you found the housekeepers for me?” I called Lewis on my way back home. 
“Ma’am, I’m bringing them back now,” he replied. 
I arrived home an hour later; he had beaten me there. All of the housekeepers were already busy with their tasks. I was pleased with his arrangement. As soon as I arrived, he introduced me to them, and they greeted me politely. I nodded and handed my herbs to one of them. “Please boil these for me,” I requested, before retiring to rest. 
After a while, the housekeeper brought the herbs to me, saying, “Ma’am, this is for you.” I glanced at the bowl, then at her face. “What’s your name?” I asked. 
“Ma’am, I’m Amber,” she replied. 
Thank you, Amber!” I gave her my warmest smile and said, “You can carry on with your work now.” She nodded and left, but I continued to stare after her. She bore a striking resemblance to Violet, both in looks and physique. 
Suddenly, I felt a sense of wonder at the world. I accidentally pursued Violet’s boyfriend, and now I’ve hired her mother as my housekeeper? I messaged Lewis, asking for the details of the housekeepers. He sent them to me. I looked at Amber’s information, and saw the name of her husband. I smirked at it. 
Amber Velma and Simon Blue, these names were familiar to me. I hadn’t managed to delve deeply into Violet’s life in my previous life, but I had managed to find the names of her 
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Became His True Love after Rebirth