Chapter 6 
With a bruised nose, Charles walked out, his expression sour 

Noticing Natalie’s ashen face, Evelyn paused for a moment and then said. “You get some rest, Nat. Ill get the doctor.” She then departed with 
The doctor arrived shortly. He worked to stop the bleeding while also administering medicine, “Who did this to you! It was almost healed, and now… Stay still, miss. I need to put this cream on your wound again” 
Throughout the treatment. Natalie was white as a sheet and evidently in pain, but she remained silent. 
After leaving the hospital, Gordon, Evelyn, and Charles entered their car. Charles groaned in discomfort, but Evelyn merely glanced at him without 
As they drove, Evelyn seemed to remember something and requested the driver to pull over. “What’s the problem” inquired Gordon. 
Evelyn peered at the bustling storefront and said, “I placed an order for clam chowder at the Royal Restaurant a few days ago. I want to pick it up today. Charles, could you go fetch it with this pickup slip!” 

“Why me?” Charles wasn’t happy 
“Do you want your father and me to wait in line!” Evelyn countered. 
Charles grimaced and reluctantly stepped out of the car 
After he had gone, Gordon questioned, “Why do you suddenly want clam chowder from the Royal Restaurant?” He wondered, “Why didn’t she send a servant to pick it up? With so many people, it’s bound to take Charles a long time to return. 
“It’s not that sudden, Evelyn replied with a smile. “1 ordered it the day before yesterday, and I remembered today is a good time to pick it up. I’m going to take it home, it’s meant to be good for Jennifer’s recovery.” 
“That sounds great,” Gordon responded with a smile. 
Three hours passed as they waited in the car, and Charles returned soaked in sweat. The heat was intense, leaving his face sunburned. Soreness plagued his back and legs after standing for so long, and he felt overheated and drained. 
“Why is that store so crowded! I’m wom out from standing around! Let’s go. I need to treat my face at home before this bruise gets any worse!” 
Looking concerned, Gordon said. “Take care of it to avoid any scarring,” 
Evelyn remained silent, listening with an icy expression in her eyes. 
They left and got back to the Linney residence. 
When they got home, Brian was still there with Jennifer. 
Charles saw an opportunity to make a big deal out of the hospital incident. “You know what, Brian? That woman is terrible. She hit me and left a mark on my face! She’s fine, just a bir sore. She went to the hospital only to get your attention. Don’t go see her and don’t fall for her act!” 
Brian’s frown deepened. “Natalie wouldn’t do something like that.” 
Jennifer, observing Brian’s good looks, gave her hand a slight pinch and said with a small smile, “Go put some ointment on that, Charles.” 
Charles rubbed his head and repli 
I replied, “Fine, I’m going. At least you care about me, Jennifer” 
With a soft smile, Jennifer then turned to Brian and said with regret, “Natalie must be upset with you for leaving the wedding for my sake. She’s probably upset with me too. She looked pale and her voice was very weak. 
Distracted, Brian said simply, “No, she’s not like that.” 
Around five in the evening, Brian departed from the Linney house and drove to the hospital, mulling over his mother’s words along the way. 
“You’re the only son in the Sherman family, Brian. How can you marry a girl with no notable background? Yes, she’s the eldest daughter of the Linney family, but what of it? Do you think Gordon and Evelyn truly care for hert 
Chapter 6 
“Listen to me. Brian Jennifer is the favorite in the Linney family. She’s attractive, and skilled, and will be an asset to your career. Only with the Linneys as allies can the Shermans face off against the Stewarts and the Lamberts. 
“It’s your father’s greatest wish, and if you don’t want to part with Natalie, you could keep her on the side. It’s common for wealthy men to have affairs. Now that Jennifer attempted suicide, you must seize the chance to call off the wedding and end things with Natalie” 
After a nurse directed him. Brian quietly entered Natalie’s room. 
The room was silent. The sun was setting, its light falling on Natalie as she rested. 
Brian tiptoed to her bed, straightened her blanket, and leaned in to touch her cheek. However, Natalie stirred awake–she was a light sleeper–and pushed him back. 
Brian looked at her for a long time and said with mixed feelings. Tim sorry for what happened at the wedding” 
Sitting up. Natalie responded with a detached tone, That’s in the past” 
Brian frowned and asked. “How are – you feeling?” 
“Tm alright” replied Natalie. “You didn’t need to come. I thought I was clear the other day.” 
Brian felt a tightness in his chest. Although he knew this, seeing Natalie’s once warm and loving expression turn cold was painful. He had so much to say and couldn’t keep it inside. So, he reached for her shoulders and began, “Nat, about that day.” 
“That doesn’t matter anymore, Natalie lifted her gaze, interrupting him in a calm voice, looking completely indifferent and distant. 
The look on her face took Brian by surprise, and a sense of panic washed over him. 
Just then. Martin entered the hospital room with a meal. In recent days, Martin had learned quite a bit about Natalie, and he recognized her ex- 
fiancé, Brian, immediately as he stood beside her bed. 
Brun gave Martin an unfriendly look and demanded, “Who are you? 
Ignoring the question, Martin set the box on the bedside table and smiled at Natalie. “Mr. Franco cooked this himself. Try some, Mrs. Franco” 
Brian frowned 
Natalie said calmly. Just put it there. 
“Why did he call you Mrs. Franco, Nat 
“Sure,” Martin said, but he didn’t move. As he expected, Brian questioned, “Why 
With a 
a smile, Martin answered, “Because Ms. Linney accepted Mr. Franco’s marriage proposal, and she’s going to be his wife soon.” 
Brian snapped, “That’s not possible!” He thought to himself, Nat has hardly any friends since she rejoined the Linney family, and I’ve never seen her close to any other men Who is she marrying? Who proposed? 
Martin told him, “You can ask Mrs. Franco if it’s true. Mr. Sherman” 
Brian turned to Natalie, whose only confirmation was, “It’s true.” Natalie lifted her eyes and said, “You left our wedding, and I’ve moved on. That’s only fair, right?” 
Brian clenched his jaw, visibly upset. “I said the wedding was only delayed.” 
“But I didn’t agree,” said Natalie. She thought even if there was a wedding later, it wouldn’t undo the harm to her dignity, Brian, Evelyn, and Gordon always disregarded her, favoring Jennifer instead. 
Suddenly feeling exhausted, Natalie requested, “Leave. I don’t want to see you right now. 
Brian looked at her for a while. He rubbed his forehead, stood up, and said with a sigh, I’ll talk to you after you calm down.” 
Although he couldn’t marry her now, he was sure she wouldn’t really marry someone else. They had been a couple for four years, and he believed she admired and depended on him too much to quickly move on Plus, he was a Sherman; he couldn’t be easily outshone in Solterra. 
Convinced that this wasn’t the end for him and Natalie, he strode towards the door. Before leaving, he coldly warned Martin, “Tell Mr. Franco thanks for looking after Nat, but he should stay in his lane. He can’t steal her from me 
Martin calmly replied, “I will” 
1:00 PM 
Chapter 6 
The honor guard marched by the main entrance of the Presidential Office. After the Secretary of State departed, Martin entered to update Josh on the evening’s events. 
Upon hearing the news, Josh set his pen aside. “How is she?” he inquired. 
Martin answered, “She should be fine. It’s just a minor wound” 
Josh decided. “Okay. Push back all my appointments tomorrow afternoon.” 
“Will you be….” 
Josh smiled. I’m going to take her home.” 


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