Chapter 592 
Katherine’s Car Cafe had been lively recently. 

Valerie often went over to help. Sometimes, she would pet the cats to pass the time. 
After coming to the Cat Cafe a few times, Valerie could always see a bright girl walking around her. 
At first, Valerie thought she was an ordinary customer. However, Valerie visited the Cat Cafe several times to see her not pat cats, just sitting, drinking coffee, and taking pictures. 
She was so good–looking and looked a little familiar! 
It made Valerie a little confused. She pulled Katherine and asked, “Is she a VIP client?” 
Katherine smiled. “Don’t you know her? She’s Emily Powell, also a female actress.” 
“No wonder she looks familiar to me. She’s good–looking,” 

Valerie smiled. When she looked up, she saw Emily walking over again. The sun shone on Emily, and the dazzling light made Valerie squint her 
Emily was indeed out of the ordinary. A glint flashed across Valerie’s eyes, but she was surprised to find the brooch Emily was wearing on her chest was the same as Carrie’s! 
‘Isn’t that the love token between Carrie and Lincoln? I didn’t dare to say anything and returned it to Lincoln. I didn’t expect the brooch to be on Emily thought Valerie. 
Valerie’s face immediately became gloomy. Not to mention the brooch was the same model because it was something from over twenty years ago. 
As a female actress, Emily must buy the products of the season. Valerie could not help but frown. She instantly realized something Lincoln Grant, Valerie was sure she had returned the broach to Lincoln, but it was now on Emily’s chest. 
Then there was only one reason. Lincoln gave it to Emily. 
“Good lord, he could even give out a love token. The woman is not simpler thought Valerie. 
Upon seeing Emily intentionally walking before her, Valerie realized Emily was not a super VIP client, nor did she really like cats. Emily just wanted Valerie to know she was Lincoln’s lover. 
Other than Lincoln, no one could take their wife’s things and give them to others. It was disgusting. 
Emily, on the other hand, was extremely proud. She swayed in front of Valerie. When she saw Valerie staring at her brooch, she knew her goal had been achieved. 
Lincoln was unwilling when she asked Lincoln for the brooch that day. She said she would only try it on for a week before retuming it to him. Only then did Lincoln reluctantly let her take it. Unexpectedly, it came in handy now. After showing off, Emily achieved her goal and stopped hanging 
Valerie narrowed her eyes as she watched Emily leave. She felt as disgusted as if she had eaten a fly. 
Lincoln and his son are already weird enough. Only Carrie is more decent. Lincoln also secretly does the disgusting things, thought Valerie. 
“Valeric, let’s quickly tell Carrie about this. They’ve gone too far. We can’t let Carric be kept in the dark!” said Katherine. Valerie told Katherine about the matter, and Katherine was instantly excited. 
Valeric thought so, too. However, Valerie stopped just as she was about to call Carric. 
“Valerie, what’s wrong?” Katherine did not understand. 
Valerie had regained her composure. “Carrie is a pregnant woman with advanced maternal age. It’s not good for her to be too emotional. 
“But she can’t be kept in the dark about this 
Valerie nodded and said, “Indeed, but there’s no need to tell her yet.” 
A sharp glina flashed across her eyes. “I keep feeling Emily is deliberately letting me discover her existence so I can make this call. However, I won’t make the call. Let’s see what other tricks she has up her sleeve… 
Carrie was a pregnant woman with advanced maternal age. If anything were to happen to Carrie, it might not just be a matter of whether or not the child could be saved. Even Carrie would be in trouble, so Valerie could not take the risk. 
However, Valerie did not intend to hide it from Carric. She wanted to see what tricks the woman called Emily had up her sleeves. Emily deliberately exposed her brooch to fish, but Valerie refused to take the bait! 
Valeri didn’t know how Emily bragged when she went back. What was interesting was Lincoln came to the Grant family the next day. He even brought some gifts, looking enthusiastic. 
Watching his visit, Valerie knew he would not visit her unless he needed something. 
As expected, after taking a seat, Lincoln said hesitantly, “Valerie, you should go out for walks more often or you’ll be bored at home. You should find a friend to hang with ” 
“That’s right, I spent the time at my friend’s Cat Cafe, Lincoln, you’re not working today! 
“I’m resting for two days. Isn’t Carrie pregnant? I have to be with her more. The response to your movie is pretty good. Do you want me to introduce you to a few friends? 1 have a few female actresses in my circle. You guys can also make friends and communicate with each other. 
“Speaking of the female actresses, I do know a few. However, most of them are unreliable. Forget it.” 
Valerie categorically refused. 
Lincoln’s face immediately darkened. Indeed, most female actresses in the circle have trouble making sense of their lives. However, since everybody knows each other, they can treat each other as nodding acquaintances. Don’t interfere in matters that one shouldn’t interfere in, lest one get into trouble and get oneself involved. Valerie, what do you think?” 
Lincoln was impatient. He originally wanted to beat around the bush, but Valerie’s clear eyes made him nowhere to hide. He hated them but couldn’t do anything about them, 
