Chapter 274 
“No way, what are the odds?” Thalassa asked. 
“Our company’s having a gathering here too,” Leopold replied. 
He was telling the truth. He had just returned from the restroom and saw Thalassa walk in and head into a private room. Out of curiosity, he followed her and was shocked to see Charlotte bullying her. 
He couldn’t stand it, so he stepped in. 
Thalassa paused. “You should go back to your dinner. I’ll head home by myself.” 
She nudged the car door, signaling for him to open it. 
“No need, our HR manager will handle it. Besides, I’m not a major shareholder in the company anymore,” Leopold said. 
Thalassa was puzzled. “What do you mean?” 
Leopold leaned back in his seat, hands behind his head. “Didn’t you know that?” 
He turned to look at her. 
“Know what?” Thalassa was confused. 
“Leossa Tech Co., Ltd was acquired by Lysander,” Leopold said. 
Thalassa was taken aback, “When did this happen?” 
“Just the other day. The day he said he was going to transfer you to the Sinclair Group to be a secretary,” Leopold explained. 
Thalassa’s eyes widened in surprise. 
She remembered she had asked David if it was possible to transfer employees between different companies. 
David had said, if Mr. Sinclair said it could be done, then it could be done. 
She didn’t understand what that meant then. 
But now, hearing what Leopold said, she finally understood. 
Lysander had acquired Leopold’s company. The entire Leossa Tech was now Lysander’s. What was an employee transfer compared to that? 
The shock of this news was no less than finding out all four of her children were Lysander’s. 
Thalassa swallowed hard and said, “Well, you’re all family anyway. It doesn’t matter whose company it is.” 
Leopold suddenly became serious, “It’s not the same. Leossa Tech was my own creation, and it had nothing to do with the Sinclair family. But Lysander bought it, and although he paid a lot, Leossa Tech was special to me. Losing Leossa Tech hurt, but he insisted on the acquisition. I don’t know why. Was it just to bring you closer as his secretary?” 
When Leopold asked this, his gaze on Thalassa was tense and serious, as if trying to read something from her reaction. 
Thalassa avoided his gaze. “Lysander’s a weird one. Who knows what he’s thinking. I’m just a low-level employee, and I can’t possibly have that much influence.” 
Leopold thought for a moment, “True. His actions are often hard to understand. He’s decisive and efficient. But every decision and acquisition he makes strengthens the Sinclair Group. Under his leadership, the Sinclair Group has grown into a multinational conglomerate, one of the top in the world, in just a few years.” 
This was the first time Thalassa heard Leopold talk about Lysander. 
She knew Lysander was impressive, but she didn’t realize just how much. 
His business acumen and strategies were top-notch. 
So where did she fit in his eyes? Was she just another commodity to him? 
And so, he forced her to become his woman in his own way. 
Just because of that night five years ago, because she gave him her virginity, he demanded everything from her, forbidding her body to be with any other man. 
What would her end be? Would it be terrible? 
The thought sent a chill down her spine. 
“I don’t understand what Lysander has done. It’s getting late. I want to go home. Can you open the car door and let me out?” Thalassa came back to her senses and asked in a negotiating tone. 
Why were they having this conversation in the backseat of a car? 
“I’ll drive you home,” Leopold said. 
He was about to unlock the car and move to the driver’s seat. 
But then he thought, what if when the car door unlocked, Thalassa got out and would never get back in?