Chapter 368 
Looking at the suspicion in Rosalie’s eyes, Sebastian realized he had just overreacted. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say those things,” he apologized. 
Upon hearing Sebastian’s apology, Rosalle felt much better. She smiled bitterly, and said, “It’s okay, what 
said is true. I really am scared. That’s why I want to escape.” 
“But by doing this, you’re hurting yourself. I don’t want to see you so upset. Why should you run away? All of this is Theodore’s fault. Why is he so self–righteous? 
Sebastian sometimes felt really frustrated with Rosalle, especially regarding her kindness. She always swallowed her frustration, and suffered all by herself. 
She wasn’t stupid at all. She knew exactly what was going on, yet she chose to let go. 

Sebastian admitted that he loved this side of Rosalie, It was exactly this trait that he was fascinated by her. It was rare to find someone so kind in this world. 
He had experienced too much deception, and was tired of the constant scheming. It was like an invisible battlefield. It truly exhausted him. 
So, when he saw Rosalie, it was like seeing light. 
He could let down his guard, and let go of suspicion. He didn’t have to worry about being schemed against by her. Only when he was with her could he truly feel at ease. Even his own family had never made him feel this way. 
But sometimes, he got angry because of this. He felt she shouldn’t be so kind, but a little more malicious so that she wouldn’t be hurt. 
How many times had she cried for Theodore? That bastard didn’t even know. 
Rosalie sighed softly. After a long silence, she said helplessly, “Regardless of whose fault it is, things have come to this. Theo and are already divorced, so he doesn’t need to know about this.” 
She could raise the child by herself–she didn’t need anyone! 
“What don’t I need to know? A voice suddenly came from nearby. 
Rosalie was thunderstruck. 
She turned around and saw Theodore walking toward them with his assistant, Yuvan. They were striding, so within three seconds, they were already standing in front of Rosalie and Sebastian. 
Rosalie was shocked. Why was Theodore here? She had never expected it! 
Theodore stared at Rosalie coldly, and asked again, “What don’t you need to tell me? Tell me now!” 
Rosalie clenched her fists so hard that her nails dug into her palms. Her heart pounded due to 
Sebastian immediately shielded Rosalie behind him. “Theodore, what are you doing here?” 
“This is a restaurant that’s open for business. Why can’t I be here?” Theodore retorted coldly. “What about 
here?” you two? What secrets are you whispering into each other’s ears 
He had just come over and heard the words, “He doesn’t need to know about this.” 
+26 BONUS 
For a moment, he almost lost his head. 
“What Rose and I talk about has nothing to do with you,” Sebastian said, pulling Rosalie’s wrist to leave. 
Seeing Sebastian touching Rosalle, Theodore frowned. He went to grab her other hand tightly. 
Rosalie was being pulled by two men, and she was forced to stop in place. 
“Let go, both of you,” she said anxiously. 
“Explain yourself!” Theodore’s face was particularly stern, doubt and unease in his eyes. “Are you hiding something from me? Tell me!” 
“There’s nothing. You heard wrongly. Let go of me!” Rosalle tried to shake his hand off, but Theodore held on tightly. 
“Theodore, let her go!” Sebastian snarled angrily. 
“You’re the one who should let go of her!” Theodore yelled. His gaze was murderous.