Chapter 271 
The room was in complete darkness without any trace of light. The manager pushed open the door, and a pungent smell wafted through his 
da nose. It was a mess in the room with rubbish scattered on the floor. 
No one could stay in this room for more than a minute, but Bryce was 
Bryce! Bryce, you gotta pull yourself together!” 
in there for four days. 
The manager went forward and pulled Bryce up from the floor. 
Bryce’s eyes dimmed, looking hopeless. 
“Bryce, listen to me. Something major happened in Scott Group! Do you know that? Freshen up yourself and go to the company. The boss wants to meet you. Do you hear me?” 

“Where’s Maeve? Have they found her?” 
Bryce’s voice was nasal and hoarse. He sounded like he hadn’t been drinking water for several days. 
His manager fell silent for a moment and said, “Ms. Scott is dead. You should stop thinking about your old boss. I know you’re a grateful person, but you have to move on 
“She’s dead? Who said so?” 
“It has been four days since she fell into the sea, and they couldn’t even find her body. Doesn’t that mean she’s dead?” 
The manager sounded slightly anxious as he advised, “Now you need to please your new boss, or else everything will be back to square one after you’ve spent so much effort building your career.” 
“Maeve will be my only boss.” 
Bryce tumed around and refused to talk to his manager. 
The manager was furious. “Why are you so stubborn? Don’t you know Mr. Scott has sold Scott Group to Mirage Group? They’ve been acquired by Mirage Group. The person in charge of Mirage Group thinks you have potential, so they wish to make you the next top celebrity. Why can’t you appreciate that?” 

Bryce was stunned. 
After a brief moment, Bryce looked at his manager and asked, “Who wants to meet me?” 
“Who could it be? It’s the current CEO of Mirage Group, Zachary Davenport!” 
Hearing that, Bryce felt his spirits lifted. He said to his manager, “Help me pack my things. I’m going to meet her!” 
The manager had no idea why Bryce was suddenly full of energy. But since Bryce was back to normal, everything else didn’t matter. 
The manager swiftly got the makeup artist and stylist to style Bryce. An hour later, Bryce appeared downstairs of the Mirage Group building 
“Mr. Davenport said he’ll meet you only. You should go in, and I’ll wait for you outside.” 
The manager wanted to remind him something, but Bryce merely stared at the highest floor of Mirage Group and said, “I’ll go in myself.” 
Bryce entered the building, and Zayla led the way. He had met Zayla before, as she had always shown up at Scott Media as Maeve’s personal 
Seeing that, Bryce was more certain about his speculation. 
When Bryce arrived upstairs, he glanced at the CEO’s office door but dared not go in after a long while. 
What if everything wasn’t like what he had assumed? 
y don’t you come in when you’re already here?” a voice came from the office. 
Bryce Jelt relieved when he heard the familiar voice. His eyes, which were initially dim, shone in an instant. He pushed open the door and saw Maeve, who was in good condition, sitting on the chair. 
Bryce was over the moon. “You… You’re alive!” 
Chapter 272