Chapter 168 
Valerie felt a bit embarrassed being so cared for by Matthew. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Grant, but I’m actually fine… 
Having known her for a while. Matthew understood that unless Valerie was really at her limit, she wouldn’t admit it. So the most straightforward. way to deal with her was to skip the consultation stage and just act. 
He casually fastened her seatbelt and reached over to her wasst, but then, considering she might be pregnant, he gentled his touch 
Valerie didn’t notice his actions. Her mind was preoccupied with what happened to Katherine, and she forgot to ask for leave from the supervisor 
Valerie thought, “Goodness, it was just my first day back at work, and I have already skipped it. Wasn’t that a bit reckless? 
“It’s fine. I’ve already spoken for you, Matthew said succinctly. 
Valerie was surprised but then quickly realized that Matthew was a long–standing employee of the Noria Group and probably knew the supervisor well. The supervisor might agree to her leave, which explained why the supervisor hadn’t looked for her all afternoon. Valerie couldn’t help but admire Matthew’s thoughtfulness. Despite the chaos of the day, he had been by her side all along, and she felt considerably more at ease because of 
It was the first time she had ever felt this way about a man, 

“Let’s go home” Matthew’s voice remained low and steady. Previously, Valerie would have felt a distance between them, but now she only felt reassured 
She was indeed tired. She thanked Matthew and leaned back in her seat to rest, intermittently sending Katherine a few messages, trying t to console her. Unknowingly, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, unaware of when the car arrived downstairs of her apartment. 
Matthew parked the car, hearing the steady rhythm of Valerie’s breathing beside him, Valerie had a gentle temperament, even in her steep, her posture was reserved and obedient. 
Matthew sull found it hard to believe that she might truly be carrying his child. 
He hesitated for two seconds, deciding not to wake her up directly. Instead, he lifted her up and carried her upstairs to their home, 
As he did so, he couldn’t help but think about what he should pay attention to now that she might be pregnant 
She definitely could not wear high heels anymore. He’d issue an internal directive in the company tomorrow, allowing staff to wear casual attire. including flat shoes for women 

Also, the cafeteria at the experience store needed to be put into use as soon as possible. He couldn’t have her walking so far to the Noria Group cafeteria every day 
Matthew had lived for so long, yet this was the first time he had considered someone else’s needs in this way. 
He was even surprised by himself. 
Although he didn’t know why she hadn’t told him about the pregnancy, he was sure he would take responsibility. If he handled everything properly and made her feel secure, he believed she would eventually tell him everything voluntarily. 
At that mo 
moment, something flashed through Matthew’s mind. 
He suddenly remembered that he had suspected Valerie’s pregnancy because he had seen her holding a gift box for baby clothes yesterday. Although Katherine had claimed it was hers, he didn’t believe her. 
But just now, on the rooftop, Katherine had confessed to being pregnant with Caleb’s child. That meant Katherine wasn’t lying about the gift box. It was indeed Katherine’s 
Matthew suddenly realized that the matter of Valerie’s 1 pregnancy seemed to have been his assumption all along. 
Was Valerie really pregnant! 
He paused in confusion, and at that moment, Valerie woke up, realizing she was being carried by Mathew. She felt a bit embarrassed and extricated herself from his ar 
“Mr. Grant, sorry for the trouble You could have just woken me up, Valerie said a little awkwardly, glancing around and noticing two cans of pistachios in the hallway. She casually threw them into the trashi can. “These pistachios aren’t good quality. I opened a box last night and almost got sick from rating them, so I decided to throw them away“ 
After the blurted out those words, Matthew frowned and looked at the pistachio that had been thrown away. His face darkened. 
So, the reason he had heard her vomiting last night was because of this? 
12:00 PM 
Chapter 168 
Matthew thought, ‘Is it possible that I have misunderstood Valerie’s pregnancy!! 
Mathew’s mood was momentarily complex. He couldn’t tell whether he felt relieved or disappointed. 
Valerie was unaware of her pregnancy nearly being discovered and Mathew’s mistaken assumptions. 
She will felt groggy, so she took a few steps, leaning against the wall. “Mr. Grani, please wait a moment. I’ll go cook 
As she spoke, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell along the wall. Matthew was shocked. Fortunately, he was not far away. He quickly helped her up, but he realized that her expression was not right 
Reaching out. Matthew felt her forehead, which was scorching hot. His eyes immediately darkened 
“Valerie, you fell ill Matthew said.