Chapter 43 
Marcus pushes Ethan back and growls at him. Ethan snarls as Marcus lunges at him. The Alpha and the Alpha King clash. Blood splatters on the forest floor. It happens so fast I can’t tell who is who, or even whose blood is being spilled, but that isn’t my concern now. 
I run back to Cassandra as fast as I can and see Kyle and Castor are already next to her, Castor glances my way and gives me an assuring nod, “She is okay. Wounded badly, but we made it in time.” 
My knees give in, but before I collide with the ground, I fall into a warm embrace. 
“Ari” Eli supports one side of my body and he urges, “Don’t scare us. Are you okay!” 
Rafe gently holds my other side, his expression wary. 
“I’m fine,” I assure them both. 
“You’re not fine! You’re covered in blood!” Rafe snarls. 
“It’s not my blood. It’s mostly Cassandra’s.” 

Kyle has covered Cassandra with a blanket Castor’s one arm is supporting Cassandra, and the other is on the gashes over her chest with a faint glow. 
Thank goodness that with Castor’s healing, bleeding has stopped on her body. Although still looks pale, I can see her chest moving up and down with a steady rate. 
I let out a breath of relief and look towards Ethan and see Marcus landing a heavy blow on Ethan, sending him crashing to a nearby tree. “Ethan!” I shout as I urge my brothers, “Eli, Rafe, help him!“. 
Rafe shakes his head, “You’re our only priority. Ethan is the Alpha King. He’s going to be fine. Just wait and watch,” 
As Rafe predicted, Ethan lunges, this time clamping his jaws around Marcus’s neck. Marcus yelps and tries to break free but the hold is too strong. Ethan brings Marcus to the ground, putting so much pressure that Marcus is forced out of wolf form. 
Marcus subdued, bleeding from the wounds Ethan inflicted. 
Kyle hurries over to chain up Marcus as he gives Ethan an update, “Princess Cassandra is hurt, but all right. Castor is healing her. However, something isn’t right” He looks at Marcus, “He shouldn’t be that powerful, Sir.” 
Ethan nods, breathing heavily. “Dark Magic. I can smell it just now.” 
Dark magic? Is that what I am smelling coming off of him? The foul stench. Who uses Dark Magic on Marcus 
Ethan walks over to Cassandra, double checks to ensure she is doing alright and gently tugs the blanket tighter on her. Even though he doesn’t say anything, from his expression, I can tell he is no less worried than me. 
Eli frowns and confronts Ethan, “King Ethan, how the hell did this happen? Who’s that guy? Please forgive my bluntness, this is an utterly ridiculous security breach. Had we arrived any later, Ariella might have been killed!” 
Filan’s face falls. 
Rafe growls, “Answer ust” 
“Eli and Rafe.” I tug on them and try to stop my brothers. This is not the time. Let’s get back to the Duke’s mansion first. Cassandra needs to be 
Castor agrees with me. “Indeed.” 
Kyle also steps in. “King Eli and King Rafe, we greatly apologize for this incident. For the festival, we actually did tighten the security, however, we didn’t expect the intruder to be strengthened by dark magic, and he killed the guards too fast for them to send out singles for help. It was Princess Cassandra who mindlinked us.” 
Another wave of guilt courses through me. Was it why Cassandra insisted on staying with protect me! 
But she couldn’t have predicted Marcus‘ attack, could she? 
Anyway, that’s not important now. I tugs Rafe again. “Rafe, just let it go. I’m all right!” 

“Ariella, why are you helping him! You were attacked in his territory. I’m sorry that Princess Cassandra is injured and she protected you, but that doesn’t mean Everstone isn’t at fault! Do you understand how serious this could turn out to be!” 
Chapter 43 
Yes I do, but I also know Marcus is a maniac, and it isn’t fair to blame all of this on Ethan. “Rafe. I- 
“It’s my fault, Ethan interrupts me unexpectedly. “And I apologize for putting Princess Ariella in danger.” 
Rafe huffs, “Apology doesn’t fix anything.” 
“I agree. However, what’s done is done. Instead of standing here dwelling on my mistake, I have a proposal that could be a better use of our time. Morcover, my sister still requires further treatment. So, shall we return to the Duke’s mansion!” 
Rafe still wants to fight back but both Eli and I pull him in. 
“Rafe, that’s enough. King Ethan is right. It doesn’t do us any good arguing here. Eli says and he turns to Ethan, “King Ethan, I’m with you. Let’s go back first and make sure Princess Cassandra is all right. Please lead the way.” 
Castor lifts Cassandra into his arms and Kyle drags the bloody and broken Marcus behind him. Marcus bares his fangs at Kyle, but it is clear that he doesn’t have strength for anything more than that 
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Once we get back to the castle, Castor takes Cassandra away for further treatment. Ethan exchanges a few murmurs with Kylle before his Beta drags Marcus somewhere. 
Eli turns to Rafe and me and suggests, “It’s already past midnight. I don’t know what King Ethan has in mind the rest of the night. Let’s get Ari some rest and we can regroup tomorrow morning.” 
Rafe and I both agree. However, before we hid each other good night, Ethan calls my na 
I assume they’ll be quite busy for 
Rafe immediately inserts himself between me and Ethan, blocking Ethan’s way. “King Ethan, what do you want now?” 
“In the forest, I mentioned that I have a proposal” 
Eli glances at me and sighs. “King Ethan, I apologize for my brother’s rudeness. But as you can see, Aril is exhausted. If this is not urgent, perhaps it’ll be best for us to park the topic until tomorrow morning. By then we can discuss the matter more objectively.” 
Ethan replies, “I appreciate your consideration, King Eli, and I do understand that you all are tired. However, I do need you all to accompany me so we can get this time–sensitive procedure taken care of.” 
I exchange a look with my brothers, both of whom also are just as confused as me. 
“Marcus Keenan deserves to die, but his Alpha blood may still be somewhat useful,” Ethan explains as he gestures to us to follow him. “This way please. Castor will join us as soon as he finishes up with Cassandra.” 
I catch up with Ethan and finally get the chance to speak with him. 
“Ethan, I’m so sorry for Cassandra,” I start, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t have been injured so badly.” 
“It’s not your fault. She did what she was supposed to do,” Ethan replies flatly. 
“What does that mean?” I frown, pressing for more clarity. Thinking back, I realize Cassandra’s behavior has been a little strange lately. “Is there something you haven’t told me?” 
He doesn’t deny, only sighs, “I’ll explain tomorrow.” 
“Why can’t you just tell me now?” 
“Because we have something more important to deal with,” he answers as he pushes open a set of double doors in front of us. “We are here” 