Chapter 39

‘I know your secret” Castor’s words echo through my head To His Majesty know

Tam stunned, unsure what to say or do. Will he tell Ethan

“Relax, Your Highness,” Castor says calmingly, probably hearingy racing heart at this point, “pudying from you expression I can assume that the king has no idea”

I swallow the hump in my throat and steady my shaking hands. H**, he doesn’t. No me does”

“That’s probably for the best,” he acknowledges. “If anyone else knew, they would be committing treason for keep secret. No one has the right to keep His Majesty’s heir away from him.”

“What makes you think it’s his child?” I ask, lifting an eyebrow, haven’t implied that Ethan is the father in any way

“Ive served my king long enough to know that he doesn’t go to great lengths for just anyone. Yet, he has made significant efforts for you..and he has planned more.”

“What do you mean? What more does he plan to do?”

“Not ruy place to say,” Castor smiles. As frustrated as I’m, I know won’t be able to make Castor tell me that he is not willing

I to share.

“Now, about the baby,” he comments, “You imply that it may not be the king’s

There’s no point hiding it now, so I confess honestly, “I’m not sure; it could either be his or my former mate’s”

Castor sips more wine. “Even if that’s the case, knowing that your child has the possibility of being the heir of Everstone’s, I am obliged to inform my king, for the sake of my kingdom.”

“No, please,” my voice rises with panic. If Ethan knows that, he’ll never let me leave, yet, I still haven’t fully made up my


“Then it’s up to you to bring terms to him. He might be more receptive if you tell him yourself along with whatever requests you have. But I will not remain silent on this issue forever; I’m willing to wait until the festival is over, after which he will know, either from you, or from me.”

I want to fight back but he winks at me with a charming smile. “Think of it as a special favor I reserve only for lovely ladies like yourself.

I don’t like it, but Castor is doing me a favor already by keeping silent for now. I can’t force him to do more.

“I understand. You have my gratitude.”

He grins even bigger, “The pleasure is mine.”

Hopefully I’ll have my wolf back by then and a chance to fight if need be.

Just then, Ethan comes back to the room.

“Ah, perfect timing. We’re all done in here,” Castor tells us both. Before long, Princess Ariella will be howling at the moon with the rest of us.”

Thave your word now,

Castor, Eihan says.


16 de Tue, Jul 23

Laban noch and nut to me o

Tiban leads me out towards my mom, ban there are words beween us. It’s getting awkwardly der, so try to hod we a

hrwysing okay fork at the palace Lak


He smids, “That’s Everstone Royal Comt internal affal. Have you decided in stay! If so, I’ll be more than happy to share

Troll my eyra, “Vint can just say you don’t want to tell me I donduran to pry, it’s just that you look a bit unhappy Anything

He takes an rychow

“I mean, you’re helping me with my wolt. It’s only right that In the favor,” I quickly clarity.

“No heel” he says, “The best favor you can do for me is to arcplish all your missions during the festival, so our trip here

My injred is swirling and a pang of guilt builds up inside me. To be honest, he’s done quite a lot for me. So what does he really feel for me?

If he really only sees me as a lireeder, does he need to go to this length I have no idea

When we arrive at my room, he leans in and turns me around face him


“We’ll get your wolf back, Ariella,” he says, “don’t be so stressed Take some rest, okay?” His gaze is so intense that I firard myself nodding before I even realize it.

He chuckles, “Gol girl

My heart s**ps a beat. His hot air blows on my lace and I’m enveloped by his scent. D**n it, why does he smell so good!

Then his eyes briefly linger on my lips. “F**k, I want you!”

I suck in some

I admit I want him too, but not like this. Not here.

I haven’t sorted out exactly what I want in this relationship and going to submit to my physical desires.

I slightly pull away from him. However, before I can say no and reiterate that we’re still kinda in a light, he turns around abruptly and walks away, leaving me standing, there on my own,

Did he really just left like that?! Just li

frustrating this man i

I mean, I wouldn’t mind a good night kiss!

It feels like I’ve barely closed my eyes before dawn arrives. Last night I was restless, but in fully awake because the sound of the horn is so lead that it almost shakes my floor.

I hop up from the food and quickly washs up. Although a bit tired I’m not planning to miss the famous festival.


Malakay nan nit tur iede pays had by the none focale than put the Duke’s estate that is hit up with festivities best themes are making preparations for the hunt to begin

2 my brothers reping devis Rafe is participating a wrestling match while El is seemingly placing bets on

There are a few ordinary carnival games set up as well Probably to test accuracy of some kind. There are throwing darts and foto the wall watch as Ethan tres everything out latting almost every single mark he aims for

Besi i turn away before he can catch me staring Im not sure whe

I det gen a lot of time to think of it, before the horn is blown again, signaling the men to get ready to begin the hunt.

and Rale head to the starting positions while Ethan is at my side for a moment longer, holding my elbow as he pulls me

“Arjeta” he says. Tala v

soft and husky “Promise me that youll be careful while I’m gone. Kyle isn’t joining the hunt, be wili manch ene for grou Let him know if you need anything”

“I will,” I tell him. “B’s not like you haven’t placed tight security around here anyway

His face the serious and he emphasizes again, “Make sure you are with Kyle during your mission at all times. Clear?”

1 no “Okay”

He gases turns to his heels and soon disappears with the other hunters into the woods.

The Hur of the Harvest Festival begins.

C*** sides up to me.

“The hunt will last a day and a night. It’s not much fun just staring at the forest, she muses, “Let’s head to the fair. There are all sorts of vendors there:

I don’t even get to protest before she drags me away.

She’s right though, going to the fair is more interesting than staring at the forest. Colorful banners flutter above vendor stalls, each or bemang with an array of goods that range from handcrafted jewelry to intricately carved wooden toys. The air is thick with the aroma of roasting nuts and sizzling meats, mingling with the sweet scent of cotton candy and fresh peprom. Nearby, children laugh gleefully as they chase each other with glowing sticks, their faces alight with joy.

C***a weaves through the crowd, stopping, almost at every stall.

I sighed, while the fair seems like a lot of fun. I can’t enjoy it because I have a big night coming up.

I just need to wait for the Moon to rise.