Chapter 7


A breeze washes over me as my legs carry me forward. I never knew running could feel so good.

After the party, I stay in my room over the next few days, not only to recover from my confrontation with Marcus and Lilith, but also to avoid running into King Ethan.

If he truly was the one who bought me, technically, he still has the right to me. Luckily, so far he hasn’t tried to claim me. As far as I can tell, he hasn’t even mentioned it to my brothers.

I sigh. My brothers probably have some suspicions about me being a runaway breeder based on the brand on my arm, but they are very kind and patient, waiting for me to tell them my story if and when I am ready.

I’m not ready. I doubt I ever will be.

I’m ashamed of how weak and vulnerable I feel at the thought of Marcus showing up again to claim me to be his wife, or that the Alpha King one day may decide to claim me as his property.

I’ve made my decision. First thing first; I need to build my strength and stamina. Therefore, running in the morning has been added to my daily routine, and I’ve been loving it.

The burst of power in my legs is pushing me to go faster, making the trees on the side fly behind me. In my memories, running has always been associated with escaping, but that’s no longer the case.

It’s quiet out here, and I don’t mind being alone.

Suddenly, I have a feeling that I’m being watched.

Just as I’m abou

to slow down to look around, my nose captures a hint of musky woods, and I hear footsteps catching up behind me.

My heart skipped a beat. I don’t need to turn my head to know who it is.

Knowing that he will be much faster than me, I slow down slightly and move to the right to allow Ethan to pass. But I’m surprised because he also seems to have slowed down behind me.

Why is he here? Also to train?

I turn around curiously, and my breath catches in my throat.

His piercing blue eyes, like sapphires catching the sunlight, remain focused ahead, as if he doesn’t even know I’m ahead of him. His powerful muscles ripple beneath the sleek, form-fitting black T-shirt, accentuating his chiseled physique.

11:19 Tue, 23 Jul u

Chapter 7

The wind tousles his hair, giving him an air of untamed charm as he moves with grace.


I swear the ever-quickening rate of my heart has nothing to do with running. It has everything to do with the god- like man who is currently following me.

He is only about ten feet away. His musky scent wafts over me. Goddess, how am I supposed to continue my run? Why wouldn’t he just pass me already?

After the party, the guests have left the palace, except for Ethan. I remember Rafe told me that Ethan would stay to discuss the land purchase.

I know I can’t avoid him altogether during his entire stay in the palace, but I’ve put most of my worries to rest as he seems preoccupied by my brothers. Our interactions since the party have been no more than just a nod or a courtesy from a distance.

He hasn’t sought me out or tried to start a conversation at all. It’s like nothing has ever happened.

So what is he doing now?

I pick up speed trying to move ahead of him, so that I can be less distracted by his intoxicating scent, but he easily

keeps pace.

Should I just stop?

No, what if he stops as well and wants to talk?

If I wasn’t running, I would have pulled my hair out by now. What on earth does he want?!

Whatever! If he wants to run with me, then so be it.

Once the decision is made, I focus my attention back to my pacing. After a quarter mile, I’ve gotten used to company. Another quarter mile goes by.

Maybe, having a silent running partner like this is actually quite… enjoyable. Well, if he wants to have a conversation about this lap, we can certainly exchange some pleasantries.

my new

After all, there’s nothing I should be worried about. As long as I insist on denying that I’ve seen him before, what can he really do?

When I finally reach my goal and slow down, I’m also fully mentally prepped to politely interact with Ethan.

However, he keeps going, as if I don’t exist, and continues to do another lap.

I stare at him, speechless. So… he’s really just here to do some morning exercises?!

11:19 Tue, 23 Jul u

Chapter 7


In the following days, every morning Ethan does the same thing-once I start running, he shows up, runs behind

me in silence, and continues even after I’m done.

So… why isn’t he here today? It’s been days and we haven’t had a single conversation, although we’ve been running together. I’ve made a decision to at least find a chance to say hello to him and thank him again for helping me at the party.

Yet, this is my last lap and Ethan is still nowhere to be seen. He normally would already be here within five minutes after I start.

I look around. The training grounds seem to be especially empty.

Maybe tomorrow, he’ll come?

Wait a second. Ariella, what’s wrong with you?!

When Ethan is around, all you can think about is how to avoid him. Now, when he doesn’t show up, you are curious about where he has gone?

Frustrated at myself, I charge through my last lap and exit the training grounds. I don’t know why, just all of a sudden… running feels boring.

I sigh and pull out my phone and text Shawn.

Me: Shawn, I think I’m ready to start combat training.

Shawn: Absolutely not! You haven’t finished the basics-strength, speed, stamina. You need to have all three, otherwise you’ll get hurt easily in combat training. Once you’ve got all three, we can talk.

Me: But that’s going to take years! I think I can start with some easy fighting skills now.

Shawn: Not a chance. Now, breakfast is ready and we’re waiting for you.

Fine, if Shawn doesn’t want to train me, I’m sure I can ask my guards to.

Another text came in.

Shawn: Don’t even think about asking others to train you. They’ve all got my orders. No one dares.

Seriously? Big brother, how could you read my mind even without the mind-link?!


11:19 Tue, 23 Jul

Chapter 7


My head runs into a solid wall of muscle as I look up from my phone. The musky woods scent envelopes me and my heart starts to speed up.

“I-I’m sorry!” My face must be bright red under the gaze of the pair of icy blue eyes. “Good morning, Your Majesty!”

His smoldering gaze nearly takes my breath away.

“It’s all right.” He makes sure I’ve regained my balance. “And good morning.”

With that, he continues to walk away.

Th-that’s it? Doesn’t he have anything else to say?

“Your Majesty!” I call behind him, but I immediately regret it. What am I supposed to say now?

He stops, turning back to look at me, eyebrow raised.

I blurt out, “You haven’t said one word to me since the party!”

He chuckles slightly and asks, “Isn’t it you who’s been avoiding me?”

“I haven’t!” I deny, but even I know it doesn’t sound convincing.

“Um… is that so? I thought you intentionally skipped all group meals and abruptly changed where you were heading when you saw I was nearby.”

“Those are all coincidences….” My face must be bloody red now, but I still murmur my not-so-persuasive lie. “And so you choose to join me for my run instead?”

“No, you’re overthinking it. I just happened to be here… you know, just coincidences,” he says seriously, but I still sense a hint of amusement in his tone.

His eyes travel from mine to the band around my arm covering the brand. I swallow and take a deep breath, ignoring the thundering of my heart as I prepare for him to mention the breeder auction.

“So… do you need me for anything?”

“Uh,” I’m totally at a loss for words. It’s obvious that I can never read what’s in this man’s mind. Again, like I’m possessed, I blurt out, “Are you willing to be my trainer?”

“I beg your pardon? But it seems he isn’t surprised.

“My brothers won’t train me, saying that I may get injured easily. Thanks to their orders, no one in the entire Crystal River palace dares to train me either.” I quickly say to him while giving myself a thumbs up at my quick wit. “Would you please teach me some fighting techniques?”