Chapter 177 
One of the doctors did a check–up on Theodore, treated the wound on his forehead, and diagnosed him as suffering from a slight 
Rosalie sat by Theodore’s bedside. Grabbing his 
asked with concern, “Theo, does it still hurt?” 
hand tightly, she 
“I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt. You silly girl. Why did you act as a shield for 
someone else? What if you got hurt?” 
Theodore’s brows were furrowed as deep concern–remorse, even- filled his eyes. 

“She’s not just someone else. She’s my friend,” Rosalie explained. 
“But you’re my wife. I care only for you.” 
“Theo…” Rosalie felt tears welling up in her eyes again as they fell down her cheeks. She didn’t expect Theodore to be the one to appear at that critical moment and rush to her defense. 
Right when she was feeling utterly disappointed with him, he 
protected her so self–sacrificially by blocking the attack with his own body. He disregarded the wound on his forehead, and was instead 
more worried about her. 
She felt really conflicted about this man before her, struggling between feelings of love and hate for him. She really had no ideal what to do with him. 
“What’s the matter?” Theodore sat up on the bed, tenderly cupping her face in his hands and wiping the tears from her face with his thumbs. “Why are you crying?” 
Did he speak too harshly and frighten her? 
Somehow, perhaps due to her pregnancy, Rosalie felt very emotional. She hurriedly wiped the tears on her face away, and said, “I was just…. scared that something might happen to you.” 
He popped out from nowhere, and blocked the attack for her. What if the middle–aged man had been holding a knife, or an even more aggressive weapon instead of a vase? What would she do, then? 
Although things had blown over, Rosalie still felt remnant fear pulsing through her veins. 
“All right, don’t cry now,” Theodore said. He held her face against his chest, comforting her as he would a child. He rubbed her back gently, and said, “It’s all over. I’m fine, and it’s just a superficial wound. It’ll close up in a matter of days.” 
His gentle, soothing voice sounded in her ear; it felt like warm sunshine on a winter day, bringing inexplicable warmth to her soul. 
It felt as though they were still a loving couple, and all those terrible. things that happened recently never happened before. He doted on her, protected her well, and was deeply in love with her. 
Rosalie wiped the tears away from her face, and stood up from his arms. “Theodore, why did you rush to protect me? What if the man was holding a knife?” 
The more she thought about it, the more frightened she was. 
“You’re my wife. I can’t just stand idly by and see you get hurt.” He caressed her head in a doting fashion. “No matter what happens, I’ll protect you.” 
Rosalie’s eyes grew red as she stared at the man before her. 
Suddenly, everything that happened between them replayed in her head like a silent movie. 
Why was this man always like this, making her feel hopeless one 
moment and then hopeful the next? 
+25 BON 
However, the fact remained that Cynthia was still standing in between 
“What?” Theodore held Rosalie’s hand upon seeing her in a daze, feeling rather worried. 
Rosalie stood up. “Get some rest. I’ll go see Stephanie.” 
Before Theodore could say anything, Rosalie turned to leave. 
Rosalie walked out of the ward, only to find Stephanie wiping tears away from her face. She hurried toward her and called out to her. “Stephanie.” 
Stephanie looked up. “Rose, how’s your husband doing?” 
“He’s all right. You must be very frightened,” Rosalie said as she held Stephanie’s hands. 
“I’m fine, it’s just… What rotten luck today! Thank you for coming to my aid.” 
What Rosalie did just now warmed her heart amidst the fear she felt earlier.