Sweat, Strength, Success

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Chapter 1580How was she supposed to explain to Alaric that it wasn’t about losing love?
Her feelings for him hadn’t diminished one bit.
It was just that life, with all its harsh realities, demanded they keep their distance.
She said, “The bouquet is nice, but I don’t fancy the smell of flowers during dinner. It overshadows the aroma of the meal. I prefer the scent of a
hearty stew or a freshly baked pie, something more… down-to-earth.”
She managed a tight-lipped smile, maintaining a facade of politeness.
With that, she stepped outside, gently closing the door behind her, leaving Alaric and his flowers out in the cold.
Alaric’s hand, outstretched with the bouquet, paused mid-air for a moment. But he quickly recovered, setting the flowers down at the doorstep and
following her, saying, “I know love can’t fill our bellies. I know I was too much of a dreamer before, not cut out for the daily grind. But I’ve cut ties with
the Falconer family. I’m just a regular guy now, ready to deal with the nitty-gritty of daily life, including groceries and bills.”
She glanced back at him with a smile, stepping into the elevator without a word.
Alaric followed her in. Ads by PubFuture

The elevator ride was surprisingly comfortable, without a hint of awkwardness.
“Speaking of, does Spencer live in this building too?” Alaric suddenly asked about Spencer.
“Yeah, what about it?” she responded.
“And here I was, thinking you two were an item, seeing how seamlessly you both acted in front of me. Spencer always seems to be coming home
with groceries at the same time as you. I used to think you were married. Now that I know you’re not, what am I supposed to think?” Alaric asked with
a hint of jest in his tone, though it was clear he was probing for more.
He had no real right to be accusing her of anything.
“You catch on pretty fast,” she said with a laugh.
Although Alaric was usually sharp, he had been surprisingly slow on the uptake about her having a child.
He hadn’t suspected a thing, even after spotting baby bottles in her cupboard and the child-like décor in her room.
She should be thankful that Alaric hadn’t applied his usual perceptiveness to guessing she had a child. Ads by PubFuture

“Fast? I’ve been in the dark for quite a while,” Alaric retorted
As they reached the ground floor, Alaric offered, “Heading to work? Let me drive you.”
She pressed her car key, unlocking her vehicle with a beep, “I can manage on my own. Take care on the road.”
After exchanging quick goodbyes, she got into her car and drove off.
Watching Rer leave, Alaric settled
into his. own car. It didn’t matter, te
was patient. He believed he’d
eventually find a way back into her
heart. Content belongs to. ~
NovelDrama.Org –
Her desk wasn’t far from Thalassa’s at work.
Both were on shift today.
During a lull, she rolled her chair over to Thalassa to dish about her recent encounters with Alaric.
Thalassa, wide-eyed with surprise, asked, “He knows you and Spencer aren’t married?”
“Yeah, he found out. And then he
showed up atmy doorstep,
confronting:me about why I lied to >
him. Youshould’ve seen him, acting
all betrayed like he’d stumbled gpon
a long-lost lover. I’ve never seen him
likesthat before…” she recounted, her
es round with confusioir, Content
belongs to NovelDrama.Org
“Maybe, just maybe, he’s genuinely fallen for you? Wants to be with you?” Thalassa suggested.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org
“Come on, we’re talking about Alaric,
the playboy, nat Lysander, the loyal.
Alaric, seriously in love with one
woman? ‘Sonnds like a fairy tale to: ~
me. He chases after any woman.
that cajches his eye, enjoys the thrill
of the’chase, and then moves on
onae he’s bored. He’s got amillion
Ways to woo a woman, but when it
comes to breaking up, it’s always the
same straightforward, no-nonsense
approach.” Content belongs to

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