Chapter 270 
Huh? So that was the case. 

I stayed still out of fear, but deep down, I felt loved. 
He said he had been holding himself back for 28 years, which meant that he had been keeping his virginity for me. He hadn’t fooled around at all. 
And despite the abstinence, he did not force himself on me. Now that was what an ideal love should be. 
I took out my mental note and added a flower to the space next to Colin’s name. Once I gathered a hundred flowers, I would allow him to become my boyfriend for real. 
This was my deepest secret. No one knew about it. 
“Dinner’s ready. Come to the table now,” yelled Dad from outside. 
Colin combed through my messy hair with his fingers and planted another peck when I wasn’t paying attention. “Should you get changed before going 
I shook my head. 
The whole situation was already embarrassing enough. And I was sure my parents heard the ruckus we had made earlier on. They only chose to play dumb. If I came out with a set of changed clothes, that would make 
everything even more obvious. 
There was tension during dinner. Mom and I ate gingerly. 
Dad, for whatever reason, kept filling Colin’s glasses with wine. 
Colin knew this was a test, so he never turned it down. In the end, he was 
sated with wine in lieu of food. 
Amidst the dinner, Dad suddenly felt sentimental and gazed at me with 
+15 BONUS 
teary eyes. “So, my baby girl is going to leave me and go off with another man, after all.” 
What Dad didn’t know was that Colin was still in the probation period. I hadn’t promoted him to be my official boyfriend just yet. 
Surprised by what Dad said, Colin choked on his drink and began coughing. 
Relying on his wits, he quickly turned the situation around and filled Dad’s glass. “Mr. Lawson, think of it as you’ve now gained a handsome, successful son!” 
Hearing for the first time how Colin flattered and oversold himself, I burst out laughing. Mom covered her mouth and nudged me. She reminded me to behave appropriately. 
Dad was a bit tipsy, so he could no longer think straight. With his glass in his hand, he mulled for a while and thought that Colin was right. Cheerfully, he clinked glasses with him. “That’s true, I’ve gained a new son!” 
After the meal, Dad and Colin were completely wasted. 
Mom sent Dad back to his bedroom while Dad continued to mumble how he 
lost a daughter but gained a son. 
Colin was lying on the couch muttering my name. Looking at him, I 
wondered what the right course of action would be. 
Should I let him sleep on the couch? But he lived opposite my parents‘ place. 
It wasn’t right not to send him back to his home. 
After discussing it with Mom, I decided to send him back. 
But Dad was asleep and Mom was busy. I thought about knocking on Mr. 
and Mrs. White’s door, but I didn’t know how to explain the whole situation 
to them. In the end, I decided to walk Colin back myself. 
“Colin, I’ll send you home now. I’m not strong, so can you help me, please? If you hear me, say something.” 
+15 BONUS 
Colin mumbled a response after a while. 
“Okay, let’s stand up now. Follow my lead. One, two, three.” 
Urgh. Men were so heavy when they were drunk. 
I wrapped one of Colin’s arms around my neck and lifted his body by the waist with another. Together, we lumbered toward the opposite door. 
Mom, providently, opened the door for me and knocked on the door 
opposite us.